Ed O’Keefe is the Co-founder of Consulting For Equity, where he teaches Roland Frasier’s CFE™ method that generated 20,000 new customers through a 5 Day Challenge. Ed is also the Author of the book Time Collapsing! The New Art of Speed, Money, Power, and Meaning. He has used his time collapsing methods to leap to the top of industries. He has started multiple companies from scratch and built them up to seven and even eight figures.
In the dentistry field, Ed sold over $50,000,000 in marketing systems and seminars. He started Marine Essentials and has sold over $60,000,000 in health supplements. On top of having seven kids and running his businesses, Ed is a graduate of Kokoro 40, the 51-hour mini hell week challenge created by Commander Mark Divine.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- How people falsely stop themselves from physical challenges
- Ed O’Keefe talks about how to accomplish what scares you to death
- The importance of remaining positive and present
- Relying on and supporting your teammates during physical challenges
In this episode…
How do you push yourself to do what scares you? Many people stop themselves from doing physical challenges by thinking that others who have achieved these feats do not feel the same pain.
The episode is about pushing yourself mentally and physically and having others help drive you towards your goals. Ed O’Keefe has been through it. He was a graduate of Kokoro 40, a 51-hour mini hell week created by Commander Mark Divine. If you want to successfully take on a physical feat or challenge, this episode is for you!
Listen to this episode of the Inspired Insider Podcast with Dr. Jeremy Weisz featuring the Co-founder of Consulting For Equity, Ed O’Keefe. Ed challenges Jeremy to do a Murph, and they discuss how people stop themselves from taking on physical challenges, the importance of remaining positive and present, and how to do what scares you to death. Stay tuned.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Special Mentions:
- Colin O’Brady on LinkedIn
- Coach Mark Curtis on Instagram
- The Whole Enchilada podcast by Marcus Green
Books Mentioned:
- Time Collapsing! The New Art of Speed, Money, Power, and Meaning by Ed O’Keefe
- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Related Episode(s):
- “Important Numbers for a Successful Customer Acquisition Campaign with Todd Brown”
- “The Intersection Between Comedy and Business with Comedian Elon Gold and CEO of Get Visible, Jason Ciment”
Sponsor for this episode
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Cofounders Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran credit podcasting as being the best thing they have ever done for their businesses. Podcasting connected them with the founders/CEOs of P90x, Atari, Einstein Bagels, Mattel, Rx Bars, YPO, EO, Lending Tree, Freshdesk, and many more.
The relationships you form through podcasting run deep. Jeremy and John became business partners through podcasting. They have even gone on family vacations and attended weddings of guests who have been on the podcast.
Podcast production has a lot of moving parts and is a big commitment on our end; we only want to work with people who are committed to their business and to cultivating amazing relationships.
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Rise25 Cofounders, Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran, have been podcasting and advising about podcasting since 2008.
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Episode Transcript
Jeremy Weisz 0:19
Dr. Jeremy Weisz here, Founder of InspiredInsider.com. I talk with inspirational entrepreneurs and leaders, this interview is a little bit different. I am talking with my friend, colleague, mentor Ed O’Keefe. And we were we just had a chat. And we decided this is, this is really so good and interesting, we are going to record this and he challenges me he challenges me on a number of things. So listen to his interview and listen to what he challenges me to do. But before I’m going to give you a little introduction about Ed O’Keefe, check out other episodes on InspiredInsider, there’s amazing one I consider Ed one of the best direct response marketers. There’s an interview also with Todd Brown, where he talks about offers how important offers are and he breaks them down. So check out that there’s also another interview with one of my favorite comedians Elon Gold and his friend Jason Ciment. He does impressions, he actually spends a lot of time making fun of Jason. So listen to that interview with Elon Gold and Jason. And before I introduce Ed, this episode is brought to you by Rise25 at Rise25 we help businesses give to and connect to their dream 100 relationships. And we do that by helping you run your podcast. And for me, the number one thing in my life is relationships, I’m always looking at ways to give to my relationships actually makes a comment on this on our interview about and he realizes how important that is, to me and how important that is to him as well. So if you’ve thought about starting a podcast, I think you should, especially if you have a business, if you have questions go to Rise25.com To learn more, and you can email us for questions at any time on our about page. So check that out. And just a little bit about Ed O’Keefe, Ed O’Keefe is a father of seven grew up in a household of 13. He’s author of Time Collapsing, and he used Time Collapsing mountains to lead to the top of different industries. And he started multiple companies from scratch to seven even eight figures. He was in the dentistry niche. He sold over $50 million in marketing systems and seminars, he started marine essentials, which sold over $60 million. And one of the most impressive things is he was a graduate of Kokoro. And which is a 51 hour mini Hell Week and by Commander Mark Devine. So he talks about it, he talks about his experience in this conversation. So listen and enjoy. This is the middle of a nice conversation. We decided to record it. So
Ed O’Keefe 3:02
awesome conversation. Jeremy is like one of my favorite people. I thought he was on the treadmill. But he’s he’s walking with his phone. And it turned into a long conversation about what he’s training for. And I’ll let you
Jeremy Weisz 3:15
when you were saying you were you were we’re in the middle conversation you were saying different stages of life and then Cullen came into your life.
Ed O’Keefe 3:22
Right? Okay, so so everyone understands this, right? So so we were talking about, like, he’s asking me, like he say, Hey, you work out a lot. And I said, Well, this last year, you know, I really slacked because I have a daughter that we’re we’re battling Lyme disease, we’re recovering. We’re healing. We’re healing. We’re working on languaging here in our household. And it also my son did really well with golf. So I I never was a golfer. So I never spent so much time on a golf course before. So I went from being like, really physically fit to like, and I was joking with him saying, Hey, I have the golf party going on right now. Which means I’m lean, and I am not I have no muscle like I feel weaker than I’ve been in like six years. Maybe even longer, like me like 10 years. And you know, when I used to drink beer and stuff like that, but um, Jeremy made a comment. And I think this is really important because a lot of people falsely stop themselves from reaching physical and doing challenges because of this comment, which is like, well, you have done this before, so it’s easy for you. And it’s harder for me now. I’m guilty of this. So let me let me share my story because because I because I really want to do this rant about how there’s no shame and like if you modify things to achieve whatever you are your peak potential. That’s just as I always think like see one things I think about CrossFit. That’s funny is like, if we do a workout together, and I finished at seven minutes and you finish it 11 minutes. In some ways, I feel like I’m cheating because I know there’s work capacity and blah, blah, blah, experts talk. I always feel like the people that are working towards the skills which is why they’re taking longer sometimes maybe it’s out of they’re out of shape. That’s okay too. But it’s like they’re working harder than I did. And in some ways I feel like you almost like once you’re finished, you’re wide recover and then your job to keep going or support people. But one of the experiences I wanted to share with Jeremy was Conan O’Brien who counted Brian is pretty well known. He’s, I met him. I think he’s got like four or five world records. Now he pulled us He’s the first person to ever pull an unmanned, no unsupported sled he was unsupported across I think there’s an archive chairman, you know this because I, I had