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Today we have Joel Gold representing Eye4Fraud. Eye4Fraud screens, verifies and guarantees your online orders so you can sell and ship with confidence. By offloading your orders to Eye4Fraud, you are tapping into the most complete consumer shopping data pool in the world.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • [0:45] Joel Gold joins the podcast to talk about Eye4Fraud.
  • [2:00] Joel shares some customer success stories.
  • [3:30] What led Joel to start the company? What are common causes of fraud?
  • [4:50] Proud moments in business.
  • [5:50] Why ecommerce leaders need fraud prevention services.

In this episode…

How can business leaders like you make sure that your company is up to date when it comes to fraud prevention? Did you know that by investing in fraud prevention you can end up saving a significant amount of money down the line? It’s true! On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from Joel Gold as he shares how Eye4Fraud can help service organizations like yours. In his conversation with Jeremy, Joel goes over some customer success stories, how Eye4Fraud got started, proud moments in business so far, and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this engaging episode!

Fraud prevention sounds like a passive service, can it really help businesses in a proactive way? Is it really worth the investment? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from Joel Gold as he explains how Eye4Fraud can help ecommerce businesses safeguard their and their customer’s data. According to Joel, companies can save time and resources by using Eye4Fraud to deal with issues like chargebacks. Citing one example, Joel shares how Eye4Fraud helped a client by freeing up their personnel to focus on what they were trained to do while Joel and his team and go to work tracking down fraudulent charges and other breaches of security. To hear more about Joel and his work with Eye4Fraud, make sure to listen to this episode!

What is it that keeps you motivated to do the work you do each and every day? Is your product or service really helping people or is it providing your with resources to do good in your community and live your life to the fullest? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from Joel Gold as he shares why he loves the work he does at Eye4Fraud. Joel explains the work as stopping the bleeding for startups and ecommerce businesses who jumped into business without a solid fraud prevention plan in place. To hear more about Joel and why he is so passionate about the work he does with Eye4Fraud, make sure to listen to this informative and educational episode!

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