David Kekich founded the Maximum Life Foundation in 1999 and is dedicated to curing aging related diseases. He is a recognized authority on longevity science and has been featured in several prominent life extension documentaries and media.
He is the author of Smart, Strong and Sexy at 100?: New skin. New hair. New YOU… 7 simple Steps to thrive at 100… and beyond.
Before Maximum Life Foundation, David founded a life insurance company and co-founded a major financial services company.
Business Mentors, Tools, Books mentioned:
Smart, Strong and Sexy at 100
Ending Aging
The Blue Zones
Joe Polish
Michael Rose
Arnold Palmer
Dr. Andrew Galambos
Aubrey De Grey
Wallace Ward
Gary Halbert
David A. Kekich is a recognized expert on longevity science. In 1999, he founded “Maximum Life Foundation”, not-for-profit corporation dedicated to reversing human aging and aging related diseases.
David realized the inevitability that science will someday control the human aging process. He understood human beings will someday be able to enjoy very long health spans by studying aging, the root cause of most deadly diseases. His solution was to further aging research and move it forward by establishing the Maximum Life Foundation.
The Foundation along with many of the world’s leading researchers have developed a scientific roadmap to transform the elderly to biological youth.David has starred in two life extension documentaries and was featured in two others.
David first became intrigued with extreme life extension in 1977 after founding the country’s largest life insurance master general agency, which raised $3.1 billion of premium income for First Executive Corp. This was where he was widely exposed to the realities of death from aging. He also arranged venture capital funding for private companies for eleven years. This was where he acquired the fundraising experience that he now directs toward biotech and other life-extending technologies.
Check out:
Age Reversal inc.
Watch Extended Version of Interview Here:
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