Cory Warfield is the co-founder of ShedWool. ShedWool is an employee scheduling and workforce management software company. What that means is they help staff at companies fill a shift or take on an additional shift. So if someone works at a restaurant they don’t have to call all their buddies to see who can cover for them. They can put it in the ShedWool schedule and someone can pick up the shift easily. Early on they were able to work with companies like IBM, American Airlines, BP, Four Seasons and several other high-profile companies. Cory worked in the hospitality industry for years where he saw the need for a scheduling app. He is also the co-founder of Mentor You Global which is a pro bono consulting platform.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [3:20] Jeremy introduces his guest, Cory Warfield.
- [6:30] A low moment in business for Cory.
- [10:20] Why Cory turned down a buy out offer.
- [12:30] Closing thoughts from Cory.
In this episode…
Are fame, fortune, and the life of an entrepreneur as good as the media portrays it or is there another side entirely? It can’t be all glitz and glamour, can it? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and innovator, Cory Warfield. In his conversation with Jeremy, Cory opens up about some of the lowest moments on his entrepreneurial journey, some of the more exciting aspects along the way, and much more. If you want to get the real scoop, not just the polished, social media post ready version, of the life of an entrepreneur, then you’ve got to listen to this episode!
When was the last time you had a really good idea? Were you able to monetize that idea or did it lead to some type of success in your life? Let’s face it; most people will never have a million dollar idea in their life, even if they have one, most people won’t act on it. Cory Warfield is clearly cut from a different cloth than most people. Even when he had sizeable offers coming his way for his business, Cory held firm, convinced that his idea was worth more. While it didn’t look like it at the time, Cory’s commitment to his idea paid off. ShedWool is making significant strides in the marketplace and is in a great position for sustained success. Make sure to check out the link to their site located in the resources section at the end of this post.
Can you imagine having just turned down an offer that would make you a millionaire only to get a repossession notice for your car a few days later? That can’t be reality, can it? Doesn’t that sort of thing only happen in the movies? It was a real-life moment for Cory Warfield, and he was in almost as much disbelief as you are reading this! What was he going to do? Should he have taken the deal? To this day, Cory is convinced that he made the right decision. Even looking back, he says that at that moment he still didn’t regret saying no to the offer. What can you learn from Cory’s rollercoaster story? How would you have reacted?
Resources Mentioned on this episode
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