Wim Hof a.k.a. “The Iceman” is known for his ability to withstand extreme cold and control his autonomic nervous system. Wim holds 21 world records, including one for staying immersed in ice up to his neck for 1 hour and 52 minutes. He reached the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in his shorts within two days […]
Mark C. Winters coauthored with Gino Wickman the business best seller Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What you want from your Business. He has been a leader and entrepreneur for over 25 years and has worked with companies ranging from multi-billion dollar enterprises like Procter & Gamble and […]
Click to Watch - The Essential Combination
Sol Orwell cofounder of Examine.com they have over 41,000 scientific research references on nutrition and supplemantation. The first two years generated no revenue and he bootstrapped Examine.com from 0 to over $1 million. Examine.com is his 6th entrepreneurial venture. He also founded audienceowl.com.
Click to Watch - Massive Online Success
Dr. Craig A. Dionne is cofounder of Genspera where they develop cutting edge cancer treatments. They use a powerful plant derived molecule (cytotoxin) that works directly on tumors. He has 25+ years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and was responsible for oncology and neurobiology drug discovery programs. His research has led to six issued patents […]
Killing Camels to Curing Cancer?
Commander Mark Divine is an expert in human performance,mental toughness, and leadership. His journey went from MBA to CPA to elite Navy Seal Officer to founding successful Coronado Brewing COmpany, NavySeals.com, to Founder of SealFIt He is a New York Times selling author of Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness to Succeed at an […]
Click to Watch - Kokoro and Life Changing Experiences
Lafe Larson is founder of Lafes Natural BodyCare. He started the company over 23 years ago with a 15K loan from his family and now has some of the top natural healthcare products online.
How Lafe grew 15K Loan into Top Health Company