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How to Beat your Competition with Online Advertising – Max Teitelbaum []

How to Beat your Competition with Online Advertising – Max Teitelbaum []

Max Teitelbaum is cofounder of WhatRunsWhere which gives companies competitive advantages with media buying. They help you keep track of your competition and spy on top performing campaigns. He teaches at Baylor University’s Center for Entrepreneurship and mentors other startups through Growlabs. Max talked about important factors in media buying & much more.

Click to Watch..Beat your Competition with Media Buying...

MastermindTalks: Growth at the End of Your Comfort Zone -with Jayson Gaignard  [Life Lessons]

MastermindTalks: Growth at the End of Your Comfort Zone -with Jayson Gaignard [Life Lessons]

Jayson Gaignard is founder of MastermindTalks & Host of the business podcast and often uses very unconventional methods to approach being a successful entrepreneur. In his beginnings, he used credit cards to build his business at which grew into 6 million dollars. After creating that business, he ended up with over a quarter million dollars in debt within 18 months.

Click to Watch...How to Reach the End of Your Comfort Zone