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Ben Glass is the Founder and CEO of BenGlassLaw, a personal injury, medical malpractice, and disability law firm. He has been a personal injury lawyer for over three decades. Ben is also the Founder of Great Legal Marketing, LLC, a marketing and consulting firm teaching “effective, ethical, and outside the box marketing” to attorneys.

He’s the author of several books including The Truth About Lawyer Advertising, Five Deadly Sins That Can Wreck Your Injury Claim, and more. When Ben isn’t working, he’s a full-time father of nine children, four adopted from China.

He’s also a small business advocate, nonprofit charity supporter, and soccer referee. Before becoming a referee, he was so good at playing soccer that he won a scholarship for all his troubles on the soccer pitch.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Ben Glass talks about making the tough decision to expand his family through adoption
  • What Ben learned through the experience of adopting
  • How to create lasting partnerships in business
  • The type of law partnerships that work
  • Hiring is crucial — here’s what doing it right looks like
  • Tips to foster a strong culture
  • Ben talks about ERISA and brief writing

In this episode…

If you’ve built a business for any number of years, you know exactly how hard it is to keep the wheels spinning. Imagine building a law firm for over three decades while spending half your time teaching other lawyers how to grow theirs.

If that is not complex enough, think about building those businesses, adopting four children from abroad to increase the family size to nine kids, and writing and publishing books. Such is the wealth of learning, insight, and experience Ben Glass brings to this podcast episode. If you want to hear all about what it takes to grow your business despite challenges…

Listen to this Inspired Insider Podcast episode with Dr. Jeremy Weisz featuring Ben Glass, the Founder and CEO of BenGlassLaw and Great Legal Marketing. They discuss creating lasting partnerships in business, strategies for hiring and retaining staff, fostering a strong culture, and more.

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Cofounders Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran credit podcasting as being the best thing they have ever done for their businesses. Podcasting connected them with the founders/CEOs of P90xAtariEinstein BagelsMattelRx BarsYPOEOLending TreeFreshdesk, and many more.

The relationships you form through podcasting run deep. Jeremy and John became business partners through podcasting. They have even gone on family vacations and attended weddings of guests who have been on the podcast.

Podcast production has a lot of moving parts and is a big commitment on our end; we only want to work with people who are committed to their business and to cultivating amazing relationships.

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Rise25 Cofounders, Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran, have been podcasting and advising about podcasting since 2008.


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Episode Transcript

Jeremy Weisz  0:19  

Dr. Jeremy Weisz here, Founder of I talk with inspiration entrepreneurs and leaders today is no different. I’ve Ben Glass. He’s at Great Legal Marketing and BenGlassLaw. I will formally introduce Ben in a second. Ben, I always like to talk about other episodes, people should check out on the podcast, you know, and a mutual friend Brian Kurtz. I think he’s the most guested on my show out of any guests. I think may have had them three or four times amazing guest and direct response genius and I love and Ben does to geek out on direct response marketing. I had Ron Popeil on if anyone’s heard of Ron Popeil. He’s like the infomercial King. Unfortunately, he passed away this year. But he you know if you’ve heard But wait, there’s more. That’s Ron Popeil. So check him out Perry Marshall. And, and there’s many, many more. Ben, who are your favorites? Direct response? I know, you’re gonna say Dan Kennedy, but who are your favorite people of all time in direct response that you’ve learned from?

Ben Glass  1:19  

So I think so. I think Kennedy for sure. Jay Abraham is is another great guy that I’ve learned from, you know, and I think the so the youngins Jeremy, they miss going back and reading the Al Reese’s. And these these, his the books about advertising and direct response, when we didn’t have the internet when TV was limited, when you had coupons, people had to mail checks back to like going and understanding that history because the principles of direct response marketing don’t change. Why? Because we’re dealing with human beings, right? Interestingly, I’m a lawyer, it’s the same principles that apply when I’m speaking to a jury. It’s the same thing of dealing with human beings on the other side, we’re going to make an emotional decision. And that tried to back it up with logic. Right. So a lot of parallels there. And again, anyone who’s in this world who doesn’t have a library, I see your part a part of your library behind you of of the history of advertising and marketing and great advertising, really is missing an opportunity to excel and highly in whatever field is highly crowded, right? Uber competitive today.