Travis Rosser is the co-founder of Kajabi and has sold his stake in the company. Travis worked in the software space in corporate America for over ten years. After he realized he wasn’t cut out for the cubical world, he looked for another opportunity and discovered the education tech space. He started developing at night (while working a full-time job). They launched the beta in early 2010. To date over 10,000 customers have used the Kajabi software. They went from bootstrapped to making multiple millions each year. Travis is also the author of the book, “You INC. : The step by step guide for finding a business within you.”
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [1:10] Jeremy introduces his guest, Travis Rosser.
- [4:20] Travis talks about his decision to jump in and start Kajabi.
- [8:15] What was the first version of Kajabi like?
- [12:00] Early hiccups with Kajabi.
- [15:30] How did they create a pricing platform?
- [18:20] Travis’ favourite story from his book, “You, Inc.”
- [21:00] Why did users stick with Kajabi?
- [25:00] What are the four categories of knowledge?
- [30:45] Is Kajabi disrupting the education space?
- [34:15] Overcoming significant challenges.
- [36:40] Books that have impacted Travis.
- [39:00] Proud moments for Travis.
In this episode…
How can leaders like you leverage your expertise and use it to fuel your rise to the top? If you don’t think your expertise is valuable, think again! On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and innovator Travis Rosser. In his conversation with Jeremy, Travis opens up about how he co-founded Kajabi, what the first version of the platform was like, lessons they learned along the way, the four categories of knowledge, and so much more. You don’t want to miss a minute of this fascinating conversation with Travis!
Did you know that one of the best ways to get a startup off of the ground is to connect with influencers in that industry? Think about it like this, if you want to build a startup focusing on backpacking gear, why not give your gear to influential hikers featured on YouTube and Instagram? This is the approach that Travis Rosser and his partner Kenny Rueter took when they started Kajabi. They worked hard to get influential leaders like Andy Jenkins to try their platform for no cost just so that they’d get the exposure. Their gambit worked, and the popularity of Kajabi took off from that point. What can you learn from Travis’ experience launching Kajabi?
You have an ability and a skill set that could be shared with a larger community. Whatever you are good at, there is a niche group of people who would pay money to get your expertise, seriously! Travis Rosser came up with four categories of knowledge that helps to explain how leaders like you can identify your expertise and share it with a larger community.
- Profession – You have expertise in a job or professional setting that people will pay to learn about. What workplace skill set do you take for granted that people would like to learn?
- Passion – Things that you do for fun that you are good at. Examples include rock climbing, coaching kids sports, weight lifting, etc. What are you good at that you love?
- Problems – You have some problem in your life that you’ve overcome that people can learn and benefit from.
- Pain – Is there something devastating in your life that you’ve endured and had expertise in that would benefit others? Examples include divorce, the death of a child, etc.
Travis’ who message is that you are an expert in being you. Why not take your expertise and leverage it to help others and build a business? Make sure to check out the link to Travis’ book, “You, Inc.” located in the resources section at the end of this post.
Where is the future of your industry headed? Are you on the cutting edge helping to lead the way and plot a new path forward? Don’t be satisfied with following the trendsetters! Consider what it would take to anticipate the next big leap for your industry. Travis Rosser and his business partner were able to see where online education movement was headed when they build Kajabi. It wasn’t smooth sailing from the beginning, innovating never is! They were convinced that people would see the value of developing and featuring their expertise on a platform, so they went to work building it. What can you learn from the amazing success story of Kajabi?
Resources Mentioned on this episode
- Travis’ website
- You, Inc.
- Travis on Facebook
- Travis on Twitter
- Limitless Cinema
- Kajabi
- Steve Jobs
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad
- The 4-Hour Workweek
- Think and Grow Rich
- Crush It!
- Intro Music by Kidd Russell
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