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Developing an Effective Customer Experience Strategy with Robin Smith Co-Founder of Virtual Logistics

Developing an Effective Customer Experience Strategy with Robin Smith Co-Founder of Virtual Logistics

Robin Smith is the co-founder of Virtual Logistics with Scott Beaver. The company was founded in 1994 and helps businesses take the software they use and allows them to communicate with one another so the company never has to move data manually which prevents errors and ultimately saves money. Virtual Logistics allows  Ecommerce business owners […]

more Click to Watch - Putting together a Customer Experience Strategy

Developing an Effective Customer Experience Strategy with Robin Smith Co-Founder of Virtual Logistics

[One Question] Market Disruption and Innovation with Robin Smith Co-Founder of Virtual Logistics

Robin Smith is the co-founder of Virtual Logistics with Scott Beaver. The company was founded in 1994 and helps businesses take the software they use and allows them to communicate with one another so the company never has to move data manually which prevents errors and ultimately saves money. Virtual Logistics allows Ecommerce business owners […]

more Click to Watch - Market Disruption & Innovation!