Jeremy Weisz 3:22
Dan, the godfathers totally. Yeah,
Rohan Sheth 3:25
I love it. And J and J Now fortunately, has become a very close friend. Over the years of you know, getting to this point, so grateful for that transition.
Jeremy Weisz 3:33
What were you studying? I remember ordering the magnetic marketing audio cassette tapes from Dan Kennedy, what was some of the stuff that that you go to these conferences? Or did you get the materials or
Rohan Sheth 3:47
know? What was the very first thing, it was a J. So the very first thing that got me into marketing was I was doing door to door sales and in home sales, like you’ve already kind of brought up in here, and I just got really bored, right? And I was like, hey, go good at it. And I’m like, what’s next, because I’ve mastered the art of one to one I wanted to understand mark, many understand marketing, and doing research. And then I literally went into a thrift into like a thrift store one day, and I’m just looking at books, I was like, going to the thrift store for books because you find some gems in there that people just get rid of that are worth the box. And I love books. And I found this book with Jay Abraham, and he co authored it with somebody else big blue book, and I still have it. Exactly. That’s essentially where he went through and like gave different ideas for a bunch of different businesses. And he was like over 150 different businesses that I’m reading this book, and I’m like, this is genius. Like this is leading my sales brains going into this and then I started to look up Jay Abraham, and so to look up all this content. And then you know, one thing led to another was like the ultimate sales letter, I think with Dan Kennedy and then all of the no BS books. And what like it just spiraled. And then from there, I was like, This is my industry and this is where I belong, and then that’s kind of how I started and kind of got into it.
Jeremy Weisz 4:57
I love it. As you’ve gotten to know Jay Abraham what are some of the lessons you remember from him?
Rohan Sheth 5:06
is a bit of a thing like Jay is known for like you know relationship capital but like how do you get take that relationship capital and turn it into jayvees and finding unique opportunities to turn you know one stream of income into multiple streams of income that is something that I’ve learned very very close to from Jake is every single time we jump on maybe there’s a catch up call he’s always like, how can I help you and where can I find you more likely that’s kind of essentially USB because they got to explain him a deal he’s like what about this What about that he just thinks so out of the box that is so inspiring to see because you know, we’re so in our day to day so ingrained in kind of just a one directional thinking that he’s always like looking at different places, such as just adding more value to a business. I
Jeremy Weisz 5:45
have heard I don’t know what’s accurate or not that you know, some of his mentors or his that his mentees include like Daymond John and Tony Robbins and some of those people or that look to him and ask him for advice
Rohan Sheth 5:58
yeah didn’t Damon Damon I know Damon and j are really good friends and Jay speaks on Tony stage as well for business mastery. So there’s a lot of a lot of close you know connects in terms of third party connections and relationships there so it’s been a phenomenal it’s been phenomenal.
Jeremy Weisz 6:13
So speaking of Tony Robbins, you’ve done work for Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi What can you talk a little bit about some of the stuff that you work with them on with them obviously
Rohan Sheth 6:23
we have zero interaction directly with Tony just because at the end of the day his brand is so tight knit we work directly through their team so we run all the traffic for which is Dean Grazioso and Tony Robbins, his company so anything that you see from is awesome in terms of Facebook ads, YouTube ads, etc. And some of the opportunities that we’ve had is just you know running a big massive scale events if we came from the event world right and you’re running events for the we went along to the events where you’ve seen like the Shark Tank guys like Kevin O’Leary, Robert herjavec all those guys they have an Attractor Factor but then you put someone like Dean and Tony are to direct response marketers behind an event and they just command a crowd that’s just insane right? That was one that we did this year I think we broke up a million registrations for that one specific five day event we brought it in went out and did some pretty unique marketing sales and brought in influencers to push it we did our typical ads and kind of leverage everything that we can in terms of creating that end user via that they’re looking forward to kind of bring it and scale it up.
Jeremy Weisz 7:25
Do you with the influencers? Do you help put that together for them? Or are you reaching out are they kind of bringing them to you know, we
Rohan Sheth 7:33
reach out to influencers I had a company that was very very focused on the influencer marketing world so I got a lot of close relationships because of that. And you know, one of the things that I had a aha moment last year was during q4 Q into q3 going into q4 when on e-commerce companies like I couldn’t go on YouTube without like just e commerce or e-commerce or e-commerce or just hit ramming me with watching YouTube videos in terms of ads and some of these influencers and then like if these guys are paying money for e-commerce sale majority direct response is usually a free front end and all they need is a list bill and they got us on leveraging it and then we started to roll that out this year with our clients and the numbers have been insane you know it’s a it’s a really hard ask are really hard. What I would say asked what’s a conversation to have with people when they’re used to spending $1 in and getting at least $1 out immediately whereas an influencer you can be paying you know 30 $40,000 upfront for an ad in a video and most will realize like 30 $40,000 and a lot but the one thing they don’t realize is specifically on YouTube not gonna get that influx of that very first video within the 36 to 48 hours of depending how well the influencer does but that video continually gets views week over week month over year over year. Yeah evergreen it’s like once they can make put that correlation and click that in their head together then the 30 $40,000 so then there’s another buying LTV and starting to do that and you know now a lot of people are starting to actually understand why I’m so bullish on influencers
Jeremy Weisz 9:02
but also part of it is you probably make it go even further with running traffic to it right? Not just you know, assuming they just make a post right? No, we
Rohan Sheth 9:14
will take the ad so whatever the ad that we negotiate for the client is one of the things that we put into the contract is you know, whenever you shoot his ad we’re allowed to run on our page targeting your audience as an ad specifically you know, some of them have time limits to them some of them don’t really care because they know they’re still getting views it’s still getting their channel notoriety, but it’s we take what we’re most companies would just use as a ad instead of an influencer video. We’re taking it and running at additional ad traffic on top of it.
Jeremy Weisz 9:41
Are there any types of influences you’re looking for now? Like if someone’s like you know what, you know, just throw it out there someone’s listening like You know what, I may know the perfect influencer for you what types are you looking for now with the type you know, the companies you’re working with?
Rohan Sheth 9:57
One of the ones I like when it comes to type of influencers, I’m not really worried about specific types, like if they’re in the car space, I’m in the fitness space, whatever, what I really look for is demographic on the type of influencer that they have like are they like, if they only focus towards kids probably not the best for me to work with them, or I run the classes of them. But if they’re at least they’ve got an audience, it’s 18. and older, male, female, doesn’t matter. We’ve got clients on both sides. And the number two thing that I’m looking for is watch time on their videos. Because if their watch time is high, that means these guys his subscriber base is very, very loyal. And going down that route is becoming you know, just looking abroad. It’s thinking outside the box, most people are looking just fitness or just cars or just food or whatever. But it’s like, you know, there’s people that there’s there’s markets a coordinate a one on top of another, like run that in the book, review channel that’s got your audience like, Who cares? The same audience at the end of the day? That’s where you kind of going after
Jeremy Weisz 10:51
Matt Farmer, I mentioned him from doing stuff for the Olympics, and big tennis tournaments. And how did you guys come together?
Rohan Sheth 11:02
Yes, Matt ran a lot of the traffic for like the Olympics, Sky Sports, tennis, TV, premier boxing champions, big, big event companies, that’s our sporting events that he ran for him. And I actually very first met, before he was in marketing, and I was ever marketing, he used to live in a house full of door to door sales, guys, and was the only person that did do door to door there. And I did door to door with the rest of the guys. So that’s all I originally met Matt. And then you know, we built a close relationship, he was living in Vancouver at the time, eventually moved back to Toronto, that’s where he’s from originally. And then, you know, we went our separate ways for a few years, and then come back and you saw me put, I think it was like a LinkedIn article or a Facebook post, where somebody put up a case study that I did for a client. And he’s like, messages means like, what are you doing in marketing? And I’m like, why is it because I’m in marketing, and then you just one thing led to another. And we know, we both know our skill sets that aligned very, very well. And one thing that I’ve always learned about partnerships is, you know, you want to partner with someone that’s your weakest attribute at the end of the day, and is, is you know, what, like, he loved buying me this, I liked it, I understand it, I prefer to do sales all day long. So we’re like, let’s just build, build this company together, partner up and bring both of our skill sets,
Jeremy Weisz 12:08
or some key roles that you hired for over the years that you’re like, Okay, he’s amazing at this, I’m amazing at sales, and you surround yourself with a team.
Rohan Sheth 12:19
Yeah. Some, obviously, magnifiers. Everything I didn’t say on the side was me everything on the fulfillment side was Matt, eventually the team started like the clients, I think our company started to get bigger client demands aren’t doing crease, and then we really needed an operations person. And that was a big, big part for me, because like, as much as we, you know, entrepreneur, you’re just gonna run around with the chick with the head cut off and still make it figure out. But until you get an operationally driven system, you can’t build a real company. And my brother at the time was managing five different restaurants. And if you’re managing funding for restaurants, you know, operations is the backbone of running fiber for restaurants. And I hadn’t seen him in two years, because he was just working the typical hospitality lifestyle, I literally made him an offer, I said, Listen, you can come work with me, and I’m not, you’re not gonna make a lot of money to start, because I got to teach you everything. But you can bring your operational skill set, and then come in and learn this and get all of your life back. But you know, if you commit to three to four years with me, you’ll make five times the amount of money you’re making right now. And he was one of the biggest key inputs into kind of our company and everything. Now to a point where, you know, when we brought him on board, we made a decision to not him myself, that we would focus on fulfillment more than sales, in terms of systems, because on a sales side, I know what I was capable of doing. And that’s all we did. We figured out client fulfillment. So media buying and account management built those to a point where today we can hire someone with three months to the day, they can be on their own, as long as obviously passed through the tests and everything else. And now we’re finally getting to a point where we’re having to build a sales team and take things to a whole new level.
Jeremy Weisz 13:51
Yeah, the restaurant industry is a brutal, schedule, brutal. So talk about some of the you mentioned the systems and the tools and software that you like to use internally with the team or putting that infrastructure in place.
Rohan Sheth 14:07
Um, well, I think the one thing that I’ve learned over the years to do with running unlisted digital agencies specifically looking at you know, restaurants, or you know, when I ran them, I was a manager, McDonald’s for a long, long time. Yeah. It’s like, you know, how
Jeremy Weisz 14:20
do you I saw that the tactic for like, over five years. I was at McDonald’s for
Rohan Sheth 14:27
seven and I was a manager, I was one of the restaurant managers for five. That’s correct. Yeah. So like, I was very operationally driven from that point. But I was very much my true core being as an entrepreneur, like I just love the creativity just go Metallica. And the one thing that I learned there was, you know, you get the most complicated process in terms of simple but then just make it into a machine. Like at the end of the day, that’s all it was. Right. And that was one of the key things that we did from the systems and tools and everything else that we brought into the company was if I close a deal today or bring on a client and open that relay Because it’s like it’s not closing essentially, it’s opening that relationship. And I hand it over to the operations team, how does it go operations to success case study, you know, within a certain amount of time, and we did everything that we needed to do and found every piece that we needed to get to that point. So like at a point where it is today, our entire sales team can just hand it over once the onboarding calls done. And now we legitimately never really have to, like talk to the client or have any sort of issues with it. Because every way every step of the way there’s someone like holding their hand through the entire process.
Jeremy Weisz 15:33
Rohan, I love to hear a few of the lessons you learned working in McDonald’s as a manager and for some reason, like I saw this when I was doing my research and I like don’t place you in like a corporate setting like it just doesn’t like in my mind it was hard for me to get to that point so why did you even start McDonald’s now you’re about some of the lessons
Rohan Sheth 16:00
well I started McDonald’s because there was like the easiest job for me to get a 14 right like Kennedy I remember the same swing county you can get hired with parents with parental consent at 14 my parents knew as soon as this kid can work he’s going to go work like I did anything and everything just because I wanted to always work I just that was my thing. So it’s like they gave me parental consent I was able to start working and um I just got really good at it really fast and by the age of 17 I was in high school still and I was already shift manager and I remember negotiating with teachers to just let me go work full time and Mark me has to be in school and you know Brian done once a week with with free McDonald’s for their whole family or whatever it was and that’s getting to the true bar system with my school teachers and of work looking back in it and eventually you know, got out and started to scale through the McDonald’s corporate ladder and go into the you know, the McDonald’s University whatever you want to call it did a bunch of data, a lot of a lot of business. You’ve got a lot of business techniques from the way they did that. And what it really taught me was one for me personally, corporate was never going to be something that I would ever be able to do. I got offered multiple times even when I quit they had me come back and like bribe me to answer degree to come back and become working at corporate like just not just the restaurant base, but like the one in Vancouver here. And I was like the reason being I never took that off from a young age like somebody like 1920 was I knew if I did that was the end of my life golden golden handcuffs that’s legitimately what it was going to be. They offered me a car they offered me a credit card system they offer me gas cards after me like everything to a point where a cell phone I’m not gonna show up do the work. No, we’re gonna take every single dollar I make and put in my pocket. And I was like, Yeah, that’s great. It’s great to do that in 2018 you know, everybody we sell stuff, my family and everything else. I’m like, just not me. Not me.
Jeremy Weisz 17:47
I totally hear that. You know, I went to visit a friend You know, I’m in Chicago and we went to I went to the works at LinkedIn. We went to LinkedIn headquarters, and I went there and they had a full floor of private chef want breakfast lunch dinner. I would like if I have started here I would never leave I mean it so I totally get what you’re saying. It would be the golden the hangers like Wait, why would I leave here but you have that hunger and it kind of talk about the lessons that you learn from your parents because they were your your dad was an entrepreneur. Yep.
Rohan Sheth 18:25
So I grew up in India when I was 11 before moving to Canada and I grew up in a very interesting background or lifestyle, whatever we want to call it. My family owned a very large travel agency in India to appointment one point they owned an airline It was one of the fastest growing companies at one point in India and I literally grew up in you know, I only traveled first class I only stayed in nice hotels had maids, drivers that you need. That’s kind of a lifestyle that I grew up with somewhere I grew up in what is like flick and didn’t know any other anything else I moved to Canada, and my dad and his brother had a disagreement, they went their own separate ways and then eventually went out went on his own to kind of build his company. And I just kind of saw that, you know what it’s like to build and kind of go from scratch and have everything to having nothing to having everything again kind of situation. And that entire processor journey was something that stuck with me at a very young age. And I was just like, you know, it was cool because it’s like I had this life and then I came to Canada and that nothing like legitimately nothing. And then I’m like, I want that again, and like but I was like everything that I could correlate back to wanting that again was business and that was one of the reasons why I think having an entrepreneur bone kind of just stuck with me it’s like every single time I couldn’t get anything when I lived in Canada at a young age my parents did anything everything they could but you know there was sometimes you’re asking for certain things I was like it just wasn’t feasible at that time. And I’m like, well we never had this issue then whenever this issue then like that’s kind of the story kept telling myself in the head. And like that story was alright, well I’m just gonna go my own route. One day.
Jeremy Weisz 19:54
What was it like moving I mean, I can’t imagine at that age. Going to it. Thoroughly foreign country what was it like going from India to Canada
Rohan Sheth 20:06
It was a culture shock for sure because you know I come from an environment like let’s just talk about school right in India you’re in school you’re it’s you’re literally books more books more books more like you know like all I remember was you know you wake up go to school then go into tutoring for different subjects depending on what you are going do your homework, go to sleep, do it all over again. That was just one aspect of my life then you come to Canada where it’s like academics is there but it’s like they put a lot more emphasis on you know, on PE and you know, street smarts stuff like stuff that didn’t really matter in India, if you’re not like the 90th percentile of your class, you’re essentially considered a dumb kid. Whereas over here though, yeah, whatever. And I just wasn’t seeing that and like, that was kind of what I grew up in is like I understood how to study but then when I came to Canada, I start to realize you know, there’s also street smarts versus book smarts and I was a very resourceful kid even back at when we lived in India. This is more of my lifestyle that took whoa I don’t know what a movie on is grade six to lug green nine to really figure out you know, where my footing was and kind of like how I was going to build this entire life of mine in a new country. And then grade nine grade 10 came along and then a grade 910 I’m working at McDonald’s and that was just an entire one at my life. Things just went a different way.
Jeremy Weisz 21:19
You know, we talked a little bit before we hit record on during COVID and your clients trusted you to go Okay, things are shutting down. Um, you know, should we just put the brakes on or not? So talk about what you advise and what you did with them
Rohan Sheth 21:41
um, yeah, so I was in a very interesting situation when COVID happened because within six weeks of the beginning so I had my first daughter like February of last year and then copan and you know, Cole was building up and then my dad passes the same day Yeah, so I came back appreciate that I came back from that entire situation to accompany Justin like, like people don’t know what the heck’s going on because I didn’t take some time off and do family and all that good stuff. And I was like, Okay, well what’s going on with this client that I’ve left great we can’t do anything about but everybody freaked out no one really knew what was going on. There was a handful of clients that I know were waiting for me to come back with when they really made a proper decision on whether to shut down whether to not I know they cut their ad spend down everything else but I jumped on a call with every single one of them and I said listen, whatever your offer is like now we’re going to put one at every single thing and we’re going to go now we’re going to the point where we got to get your attention out there you’re still going to spend money on ads I’m going to hook you up with a discount we’re not going to charge you something we haven’t kind of reverse engineering but majority of them that actually the listing on one specific story I’ll tell you in a second year, he fought me tooth and nail to literally just go like no I’m shutting my office down I’m just going to call the bangs and put a pause on my leaves like Looney he was gonna go all out in the shadow because he knew what was gonna happen he was in the business and in basketball, is it Who is it who is going to invest in real estate during when no one’s even working mobile? Like it’s not who’s going to invest now but who’s going to invest when everything opened back up because they’re going to go through this phase and no one really knew it but it’s like human psychology one on one you know, when someone gets taken away from something they want to do 10 times harder on the other side when they get given it again, like that’s all I could keep telling myself was like, just figure out what the opposite is every single thing that I look at, and I’m like, how about this? I’m gonna charge you to do this. But you’re also going to tell me that if I double your income before the end of the year, you’re gonna pay me double what you would pay and I’m like that’s a bet that I’m willing to take
Jeremy Weisz 23:33
like you’re in good sales Yeah, Rohan legitimately take the risk out of the class Yeah, yeah, took
Rohan Sheth 23:41
all the risk out put all the risk in my in my hands, but it’s like I knew in my head I’m like if this guy just listens and let us do what we need to do, we’ll come out on the other side of the wind. And literally he was selling a $50,000 Real Estate Investment offer where’s the E teach people how to invest in real estate that I mentioned, put them in a home and kind of build a portfolio and kind of scale that entire process up. So that entire $15,000 offer that you charge people for you’re going to give it away for free for the next 90 days. That’s all you’re going to do in your entire USP is I’m not taking clients on I’m doing this to give you guys an education I charge people for every single video you do is you’re going to close it up I hope you got a ton of value I want you guys to all understand that we’re not taking clients on right now this is just educated. He said he had a bigger list of buyers that wanted the rest of his offers within that 90 days when he ever had prior to COVID going into that route because he just kept giving away so much value and telling people that he was not going to become take on clients that people were just emailing them and offering them more to be able to put them under their wing and teach them real estate investing at the end of the day you know that was a story that came out and today this guy will like anything I tell him to do now just listen doesn’t even question it just straight up listens. And I was like that was not what felt good because you know he waited till I got back from my craziness, my life and then still I’ve been go even more crazier with And you know the challenge of on the other end and he’s still one and majority of our clients that you know anyone that we’ve pivoted ever since actually every single one that we’ve pivoted one and did better in 2020 than they did even in 2019 because it was just going from you know, charging up front of value first.
Jeremy Weisz 25:17
You know, in that moment there’s a lot I think that’s taken for granted with your training of doing door to door sales you know, in that conversation talk about what you learned you know, crafting or removing objections or you know, crafting a sales pitch because in that moment, you your natural ability not even natural but your learned practiced ability took over and you were able to turn that around and create that situation where you had the opportunity to provide value for this person where most people would maybe not have handled it like that, you know what I mean? So talk about some of the lessons of crafting a pitch or removing objection just sales of what you’ve learned in sales.
Rohan Sheth 26:05
Yeah, so it’s funny because I came from a world where you know, I did door to door sales you take you out for a week and like learn the script on the script and then go to the script. Then I went to in home selling and it was a 24 page booklet, I still have this book when you went online to go sell on a new every word word for word, if you made a mistake, you could go and do the test all over again, right from the beginning. And then I get to a point where it’s at today. And you know, even my sales guys, like Do we have a script and I go, No, you don’t have a script, I just do them like literally baseline, figure out what the problem is figure out what they need, how can we solve that problem, create an offer and that’s really what it comes down to. And you know, and then I give them a lot of my recordings I just say go study the records and like that’s kind of my way of doing it. So for me it really is coming down to understanding really what the person’s dealing with in that moment. Because every single person and so this is one to one now if we’re having a conversation of selling one to many off the stage, very different very different process now but it’s like you know, it’s like in that moment What are they struggling and objections only come when you have an answer what they’re really good at. And one of the things that you’ve been one of the guys in sales I mean now like and you and I built built the last company we work together the majority of sales is like I’ve noticed that people don’t have objections at the end of the call with you. And if they do it’s just like minor ones where it’s like, you know, how do you get started? Why do you guys take so why is there a 14 day onboarding process like those little ones or just an operationally driven thing but what you’ve really done is you’ve just gotten to the point of understanding the root cause and then just giving them a fix to the root cause and that sort of you know, dim the day how do you create more money in your life is find a problem fix it charge for it that’s legitimately what it comes down to. So in a situation like this was the emotional intelligence that really comes from understanding what humans are going through and putting that to play with doing door to door sales and in home sales help for sure but I will never look at someone in turn in terms of you know, teaching them how to do it from a script probably the worst person to give that advice because if any other salesperson be like no focus on the script, but the way I do it very different and there’s a reason why I don’t teach salespeople you know, it’s because I do it based on the human to human interaction not just because I want an end outcome I know when to get that outcome it’s how I’m going to do it’s very different than most importantly
Jeremy Weisz 28:17
what were some I want to go back to the root cause in a minute but are some ways you got in the door with door to door sales I’m sure you learn you know just through practice different techniques because if you could get in with door to door sales I imagine you transition that to a webinar or transition that to direct response and whatever it is so or some of the things you used to get in the door literally shorted are
Rohan Sheth 28:44
really good at it and to be fair, I got really good and I went three and a half weeks without a sale almost got fired like when I got when I transitioned into sales then I got a couple sales and eventually became a top producer the company but eventually was there long enough that it’s like you know just like now it’s just kind of subconscious and I learned it was an NLP book and I can’t remember what NLP book it was an audio tape that I was reading once and it was like the fastest way to gain someone’s attention and authority and respect is insulting right like and but when it comes down to the delivery on how you insult and that was the big part so it’s like
Jeremy Weisz 29:20
you’re going to someone’s door that your house is terrible. Yeah.
Rohan Sheth 29:25
Like legitimately it’s like holy shit I’ve seen cleaner like I literally like holy shit I’ve seen cleaner for us before and like sorry like a Steinway point man I probably need to get a cleaner and then they’re like now that they’ve offended you but then you can joke about it after and like as long as you can turn it around quick enough you have their attention or you control the conversation. There are some wicked one liners that probably not appropriate for this podcast to be honest that I would use all the time and gotta go down that route but it’s like that’s legitimately what I would do and it was like it’s very different than most salespeople but you know, it comes down to understanding you know, body language tonality, that typical basic things. In sales and then adding you know subtle things like don’t not even today’s like I will like when I’m on a sales call sometimes it makes my business partner laugh because it’s like I will just call a spade a spade and we’ll be on a sales funnel like we’ll be auditing a sales funnel I’ll be legitimately like the first thing that like if it if it’s true not going to bullshit and not yeah it’s true be like this is the ugliest bloody thing I’ve ever seen. How does this convert but like I’ve legitimately say that to them because now there’s a bit now there’s an authority factor that’s already involved right? And now they’re willing to listen and kind of go down that road so it just really comes down to understanding how you can do that opening that door and controlling the conversation as fast as you can.
Jeremy Weisz 30:41
That’s amazing so what would be one Rohan that’s not vulgar that you would use as again like this comes from a place of the way I sense it it’s it’s still genuine you’re not making something up it’s there it’s not like you’re doing it for insult purpose it’s actually legitimate especially if you’re looking at someone’s business and you want to give them candidate advice it’s helpful to think of great so I shouldn’t be afraid to maybe offend them and tell him the way it is. What What did you remember is one maybe it’s not so vulgar that you open with that was the one
Rohan Sheth 31:20
yeah so the ones when I did I did door to door salesman I transition to in home sell right so when I did in home so it was an interesting one so this one is actually probably the most appropriate for I would say your audience in terms of the way I would turn it around so we would have a door to door sales team going out collecting leads then we have a call center that would call those leads to book an appointment to send one of us into this three step process by time so now you got to think that the end consumer the families that we’re talking to her so pissed off that these guys have literally been calling them for three sometimes six months to get us in the door so when you get there families are just saying yes to have a show up and then they just want at the door they’re going to try and turn you around and get you to leave like that was their motto at the end of the day because they just want them to the call center to stop and then be like you know I get parents abusing me at the door like legitimately like words you’ve never heard of like like this stuff you never let it sit there and like let that blend and blend it up. Like just let them let it out in this like okay want me to leave like yes I want you to leave Alright, I want you to realize one thing I’m leaving but this meeting was not for you it was for the kids so if your kids need help in school, maybe don’t call us in the future and then turn around and walk away and then like the parents would instantly like stop and like I’d catch them as I’m walking away like what do you mean come back and as soon as I got inside the door it was game over because I knew I had that authority from
Jeremy Weisz 32:37
I love that one of my friends does their company does something similar in the in the home improvement space when I I actually tried to convince him I want to put a GoPro on one of his salespeople that goes in the house and I want to publish it as a podcast episode so I’m gonna I’m gonna make him listen to this and convince him that you know we will hide identities or whatever but I want that like authentic or real conversation of selling
Rohan Sheth 33:10
it out sometimes sometimes I play these like cuz like always talking to dark like the guy that I saw that we built. He worked with me door to door and the home sales company we’re talking about this recently I was coming to help me build a sales team here. And I was like imagine back when we were selling in wholesales and we had a GoPro or some sort just being able to watch and record the interactions that we would get into like that would be a YouTube channel and a podcast on its own like legitimately it was wild like the stories of like what we would go through was insane and he’s like it was like back then you wouldn’t even have that like this pre duty when we were doing this it was pretty crazy
Jeremy Weisz 33:45
well now you could do it but what do you remember the craziest like you mentioned that almost reversal the sales like totally irate to sale and I don’t know why like my mind goes to I don’t know if you’re you know a fan by probably quote Tommy Boy maybe once a day if you ever saw the movie where he like reverses the lady the restaurant for the chicken wings one of my favorite scenes but what was one of those reversals that I mean one example was the person who you reverse who’s like gonna shut everything down Of course. Any other is that stick out in your mind that even a crazier situation they’re put in especially you’re in someone’s home so it’s it’s pretty intimate.
Rohan Sheth 34:30
Um Yeah, so when I was the one that comes to mind right off the bat in terms of a reversal was we used to do road trips all the time so like we’d go like interior bc like 567 our road trips like other towns and cities to kind of go down there because I just love selling outside of Vancouver’s like if you can certainly one of the things like selling maker was great, but there’s enough people and like I want to go where no one gets bigger. It’s like like that. That’s just kind of what my my mentality was. And I went to this town once it was about a 12 hour drive up north in northern BC and we got It was like freezing cold freezing cold and I’m like this is ridiculous I don’t know why I’m up here I’m like this like if I don’t make enough money to justify this and the five days that I’m up here never come into this town or city again. Again there’s one family’s house and you could tell the family really didn’t care to want to buy the product Yeah, like the high school kids etc and kind of going down that road but I’m still going through the entire process they were open to wanting it and halfway through the presentation I was like, Okay, I’m like I don’t want to waste my time I’d rather just go back to the hotel and just hang out with my friends you guys are really not going to be interested in five minutes. And then just as I’m like taking it away from doing the takeaway on them, the wife sister walks into the room and she just come and she just come in and she’s like, overhearing what we’re talking about and she sits down beside the mom that I was already talking to dude like what is this about and I’m thinking to myself and I just my simple question was do you have kids Yeah, I’m the kid goes to me it was a perfect This is my opportunity, no sale and turn to sales. And if I’m going to do this, I’m not selling the system not selling the original mom, son sister, and I transitioned the entire conversation took it away and just ignored the other family that I was there for in their house and I’m now talking to the sister and like literally selling the goal to the entire sales spiel with her and by the time I got three quarters away through the presentation with the sister the mom and the dad from the family’s house that I was originally in they’re like well she’s gonna buy it we’re gonna buy it too and I was like this couldn’t have worked out any better in my favor and there’s like this understanding that comes down to once again like emotional intelligence like reading your surroundings like I would have never known that was a sister and play athlete or on and all that stuff I just like opened up as like she’s questioning me as I’m like, I’m just gonna question backwards Whoa, like why are you asking me these questions and eventually literally ended up leaving and like literally Dirk and I tell the story all the time to our sales guys it’s like a little you went into a town and literally almost didn’t get a sale and then eventually leaving with two sales and I would have been more 13 and a half $1,000 times two in one line amazing um
Jeremy Weisz 37:03
So last question, Rohan I just want to point people towards and what you’re working on there there any other places online we should point people towards
Rohan Sheth 37:12
the company wise why right now is the most prevalent if you really want to follow me and kind of what my journey story is I do a lot of like personal behind the scenes stuff on my Instagram Rohan underscore chef and then my youtube channel right now we’re resetting that back up with a lot of different like you know, like Kylie you asking like cartoony questions and kind of stuff that I’ve learned over the last 17 years of doing sales and marketing and just open door so if you just want to come and listen and learn YouTube and Instagram if you want to work with us, calm
Jeremy Weisz 37:41
So last question is around GrowRev tell people what you’re working on there who’s ideal for you. As far as you know, clients and people reaching out
Rohan Sheth 37:52
clientele when it comes to, so we specialize in paid advertising, anything from Facebook, anything on a Google platform, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tiktok, native advertising, anything you’re looking for, you can spend $1, and get $1 out essentially on the other end or two, depending on what your offers. Now, we’re not, we’re not the type of we’re not the best agency, if you’re never spent any money online, our goal is someone that spent you know, 10 to $25,000 a month consistently for three to six months, and just stuck and can’t get a positive return on adspend. or figure out how to actually scale it to go from that 10,000 to $100,000 a month to eventually start spending a million dollars a month. That’s our sweet spot for our clients. So we’re known as a scale up guys, not as a startup guys, and that in that world, we do work with startup companies that are heavily backed. But if you’re you know, if you’re a small mom and pop shop, if you want me to refer you to people that I trust in the industry, absolutely, please reach out. But I would not be I would not feel comfortable from an authentic standpoint to work directly with you because I know they would do a better job at helping you get started and then hand it back to us to scale
Jeremy Weisz 38:53
up certain industries that are better than others. Um,
Rohan Sheth 38:56
we’re doing a lot. So obviously, like I said earlier, we can, we’re doing a lot in the event space, direct response, anything in the information coaching world that’s kind of you know, we’ve been doing that forever. That’s something that we’ve built the backbones of our company in. Moving heavily back into sporting right now, obviously, with the Reno’s opening backup and stuff, it’s become a massive demand with Matt’s background, it’s worked really, really well in our favor. And you know, with typical brick and mortar, we’ve got insurance companies, mortgage companies, big ones are looking to scale. And what’s really done well, since you know, pre, just before the pandemic, to now has been SAS companies. We’ve had SAS and software companies, you know, everything from apps to digital tech, tech widgets, etc. And I’ve had three companies in the last two years that we’ve worked with now that have exited, and we were behind the traffic on all of that. So kind of or broad spectrum where as much as we’re nice, we’re not really nice because it really comes down to what you want, we build it and have a team that can facilitate based on that offer.
Jeremy Weisz 39:55
Rohan, I wanted to the first one to thank you everyone, check out and thanks a lot Everyone.
Rohan Sheth 40:01
Thank you.