Search Interviews:

Owen McGab Enaohwo 4:17

So to get some real context as to how even started SweetProcess like, I know, a couple of years back before SweetProcess, I used to run a simple call it an outsourcing firm where, you know, I would provide enterpreneurs here in the US with, you know, staff who would, you know, do their back office work, you know, and you know, and this was like, in the heyday of after people just read the four hour workweek. So, immediately they’ll just think, you know, they’ll, you know, find somebody abroad just and the person would just get started doing their work and everything just goes like magic and you know, but the reality is, you know, you and I both know is that it doesn’t work like that there is some form of onboarding that needs to be you know, to happen whether the person is being in higher ed in the States or even abroad, you have to have some form of documentation on how work is done. So that, you know, they can hit the ground running. And back then there were not tools supersystem was not even in existence, there were enterprise level tools out there that, you know, I tried to work with my agency to try to, you know, document how work was done. At Sea, we have a new client, before we onboard them as a client, we have to document how they do their work. So my team could take a video work and do it, you know, properly for them, there was a lot of enterprise,

Jeremy Weisz 5:33

every project is unique, I mean, that’s a tough nut to crack, because you have so many staff that are all doing different projects, it’s not like your company, maybe you could streamline you need, like the ultimate streamline. And that’s

Owen McGab Enaohwo 5:46

it, the problem was the tools were, you know, at an enterprise level and hard to use. And so even the person who you’re trying to get to do the work, can’t even figure out how to use the two cars just completed. All I was, you know, hacking to get a bunch of different tools together that were not even built for the purpose. And in my mind, I was like, has to be an easy way to do this stuff. And so lo and behold, you know, while still promoting the business and trying to, you know, getting more customers and all that, I think Andrew Warner of Mixergy, obviously, you know, underwater, invited me to come on there to do a, not an actual interview, but an actual course because he has to master class master class. And

Jeremy Weisz 6:23

I still think on we came up with the term Android, I came up with her master class before now, there’s master class. remotely, we were calling it master cloud. Yeah. Oh, that Yeah, like, whatever it was eight years ago.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 6:36

Yeah. It’s a whole thing. And so I went and basically the master class or the course is basically you come on there. And it’s not necessarily you talking about your history or your journey as an entrepreneur, but you’re committed to teaching a specific topic and going deep into it. And so I was brought on dare to talk about how entrepreneurs can systematize your operations and how to do that by documenting how work is done so that by time you hand over work to somebody, the person knows the way the work should be done. And so that’s what I went on the you know, nervous as heck, you know, you know, going on the interview, like this is Andrew Warner.

Jeremy Weisz 7:10

Were you listening to the podcast at the time?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 7:14

I don’t think I’ve missed any episode of Andrew Warner’s. Wow. Yeah, this is amazing, from the very beginning. But anyways, so I was very nervous as heck. But you know, I did what I had to do. And lo and behold, my co founder now at SweetProcess, Jervis, reached out to me and was like, you know, he has this idea that, you know, he’s, he’s thinking of, you know, working on, and essentially, you know, is in line with, you know, helping happen, and intrapreneurs. And companies find an easy way to document how work is done. And he liked what I was talking about on the show, he heard you on Mixergy. Yeah, he heard me on demo, horse ears tells Andrew

Jeremy Weisz 7:52

know that, that you guys met each other?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 7:53

I think he knows. But I mean, I don’t usually make it a fan out of me. But that’s how we met. And so he reached out to me, and then I, you know, had a conversation with him. And I was like, dude, instead of just asking me for advice on how to build this stuff, this is something that I know, you know, based on what I’m doing, you know, it’s a necessary thing. Why don’t we just build it together? And so lo and behold, you know, we just went ahead to build SweetProcess together this was the fourth quarter of 2013. And so before we went ahead to start, you know, he, I mean, he’s the CTO, before I started writing any code or anything, I said, Let us go ahead, and, you know, talk to customers, potential customers to see, you know, what exactly are the problems they have, when it comes to employees not having information handy in front of them of how work is done? What tools are they used before, and what challenges they run into with tools, because we didn’t want to just go and start writing code, even though I had this, you know, deep experience seeing the problem myself firsthand, but I felt like you know, it’s better to, you know, get other people interview, just to see what people are saying, then we can come together with all the different problems we see around this topic, and figure out, Okay, well, we’re going to focus and build the software so that we can make it easy and intuitive to use, because that’s one of the issues we had, I had was all these other enterprise tools were crazy and hard to use. And so we did that for like, what maybe a month to about 45 days, just making calls, I remember how it was on calls, with different people say I’m not trying to sell you anything. I’m just you know, based on your, your type of company, I feel like you know, this will be something that you have a need for but, you know, tell me what kind of problems you have with regards to, you know, employees not knowing what they need to do, and how you solving that and that kind of conversation, you know, trying to understand the pain and I got all the information back recording some of the conversations shared the summaries of all the calls with Jervis, and then we decided, Okay, this is what our software needs to do. This is how we make it easy, how we can make it intuitive and from there We launched and the rest is history. And I mean, you’re on our website, right? This is awesome. I can see the screenshot of. So you can click on the happy customers, we have tons of videos on there showing different customers from different industries using our software. And, you know, you actually don’t want the handles the case studies. So you know about this. We have a lot of case studies, interviews with entrepreneurs, we’ve

Jeremy Weisz 10:23

got some amazing stories here

Owen McGab Enaohwo 10:25

to lawyers to. I mean, I mean, it runs the gamut, because the problem of making employees know how work is done. It’s it’s industry agnostic, meaning that every industry, I mean, we will have churches, using our software, because, you know, they want to make sure that volunteers do work, you know, serve their congregation, the way they should be served. So when you need to, you know, outline how the experience of the work should be done, SweetProcess is your answer. So that’s a quick history of how we go.

Jeremy Weisz 10:58

It’s amazing, right? And so I pulled up the mixer, vhere it is, here’s your outsourcing effectively,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 11:04

oh, wow, look at that. Look at that. As history right there, look at my old school picture.

Jeremy Weisz 11:13

You haven’t changed. You just have glasses. Now,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 11:17

I’ve been using glasses. And when back then I just took off my glasses and took a picture of what it

Jeremy Weisz 11:22

gives me an idea for you actually, every time I talk to you, I feel you get a new idea, by the way before you, which is like there should be a course on your page. There should be an actual course on your page, like from this, we’re going to produce a course for you. And then outsourcing effectively, course. Right? Why not? That would be great. People can sign up, they can get, you know, get that founders and CEOs and all of them will like that. And obviously they could check out Mixergy as well.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 11:52

I have a you know, something to say like, even when based on my own. And this is the importance of actually interviewing potential customers based on my own experience, I thought that people that will need the software, were people who were trying to outsource stuff, because I was the industry I was in. But to be honest, we don’t even have that many people who are using our software to outsource anything. It’s more of an internal thing. There are companies with more than 20 employees all the way to 1000 employees using the software internally, we’re gonna

Jeremy Weisz 12:20

we’re gonna change it up. It’s called insource. effectively. That’s the name of the course. Okay, it’s because everyone talks about outsourcing. Let’s talk about insourcing. Right. I don’t know. That’s my idea is you’ll see if you’re listening to this episode, maybe one day you’ll get a course maybe we’ll give you a discount code. Who knows love sourcing, effectively? I don’t know You should coined that term. We just coined it right here as anyone Did anyone talk about in sourcing?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 12:49

I think insourcing is actually a word.

Jeremy Weisz 12:51

I’m sure. It’s like entrepreneur, an intrapreneur. Right. I thought we just created something new on the fly. But um, you know, that’s really cool. I love it. And so you know, one of the things that the feedback when I talk to your, your customers or people who use you, the what sticks out besides the the easiness is the responsiveness, people who want new features, or they want something to do something like I just messaged them. And it doesn’t happen all the time. But they were very responsive, they actually incorporated my changes in the future updates. I’m wondering what’s your process look like? For how do you decide what features you’re going to work on? Because there’s a lot of things you have to work on? And how do you get that done?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 13:37

I have to thank Jervis because I’ve learned a lot of things from you know, how to build software from my Co-founder Jervis. And his whole thing is all about version 1.0. How simple can we be that, you know, we have this vision of what we are trying to be we’re like miles ahead of what’s we purchased where we want to be with SweetProcess, the vision is way over there, but like we’re gonna get there eventually. But for this feature, was the simplest version that we can release, that gets a customer solving the problem, the root problem that they’re actually trying to solve. And so from there is where we, you know, determine what that you know, minimum viable version of the feature will be. And then we begin to iterate and improve based on feedback we get from them. And that’s why we’re so eager to get our customers talking to us. Because when you do it this way, you don’t just rush into building this bloated feature software and this feature that nobody can even use, you can You’re the one who run the company can’t even explain it because it’s so difficult to use. But when you go to this route, where you go with the most skeleton, easy version, intuitive starting point, then you allow your customers based on their feedback to help you improve it. And it gets to a point where you just keep that simplicity but with constant improvement, it gets better and better and better. You know, um, so

Jeremy Weisz 15:01

I want to talk about the evolution of SweetProcess because, you know, you talk to customers, I think there’s no better way better thing to do in business actually, is to talk to customers and find out and get feedback, what they like, what they don’t like, what are some talk about some of the major features you implemented in SweetProcess because of the feedback.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 15:21

So, features we implemented because of I mean, we keep, I mean, it’s like, we keep creating features every day and improving. And so it’s like, it keeps pumping out. But you know, feedback, let’s see, I’m putting on the spot here. Like, I wouldn’t say this is more of a feature that feedback. But like, for instance, single sign on is something where a lot of these other companies, they tried to make it look like, Oh, just you use single sign on to log into the software, you get appeal just at a special price. And they make it look like this enterprise, something that just to happen in their website. But we take the belief that well, what a single sign on just to have an easier way for people to log into the software that you control, and you can provision access and all that for, you know, using that same Single Sign On vendor for different software, why should you pay extra, just to use our software is like saying pay extra for a key to get into this software, whereas the real, what’s the value of what you’re trying to do in the software is different. So. But that came from the fact that, you know, this larger companies were asking us for, you know, single sign on and all that, but we say, okay, we can go ahead and do what everybody in the industry is doing, and try to have different tiered pricing and say, putting this on the higher price. But we said Nah, that’s not the core, you know, what the feature of what problem we’re solving? And so, you know, we decided that, you know, how pricing, should it be such that everybody has access to the software, all the features for the same price, and we want to charge you based on who’s actually using the software. So obviously, there’s a base price where for up to 20 employees, you know, does that base price, if one employee is using the software, you paid I base pricing 20 employees are using software, you still pay that base price, right, which is which is amazing,

Jeremy Weisz 17:11

I just have to point out because we just I’m not gonna name the software, we were like, this has nothing to do with with premises software. And it says your free trial, when it’s up, you will be charged $250 per month per user. Yeah, and I was like, we go, I only invited we will dock 750 a month, like with people using it. So there’s not many people, software companies are doing this where it’s like, Cool 99, it’s for up to 20 members.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 17:46

So um, once you get more than 20 employees, now with the competition, they say, okay, per user, there’s a fee that you charge you whether they use the software or not, we say no, we always try to do things differently, we say, we’re going to literally look at the usage of each person you added to the software besides the initial 20, that comes to the package. And if they use the software, that’s when we charge you the additional fee. And our customers love that because it’s like, you know, imagine you’re the Operations Director of a large firm, and you’re trying to, you know, onboard everybody, and then now you say, Oh, I’m going to be stuck with a huge bill, and they’ve not even started using the software, you know, with every new software that you’re incorporating into a company, you know, there’s that period of, you know, learning software, onboarding, and getting people to change their ways internally. But now with this kind of pricing, you don’t have to worry about that you can have you can add all the people in the software. And know that, you know, you’re only gonna get charged based on people use. So we always look at

Jeremy Weisz 18:41

it’s pretty amazing. I’m curious on how do you choose 20, as opposed to 10 as opposed to 21? I mean, I could see, even with 10, I could see it being so

Owen McGab Enaohwo 18:54

bad, because I actually know the reason why we chose this wasn’t the price that we started initially. So over the years, we’ve been increasing prices to a certain point, but what we came across was that there’s a certain threshold in which a company in terms of the size of the company that they stay our customer for 24 months or more, and they like use the software gangbusters and keep sending us feedback like crazy on things to change. And it turns out that once we have 20 people using the software, right, so we say okay, if that’s the case, why don’t just price the software so that if you come to us and you are 20 employees or more you see that’s what we’re going after you go ahead and you know, sign up. So that’s why we price it that like that it’s based on actual data. Yeah, but also we also get people who have less than 20 employees a chance to reach out and see you know, because we have a special pricing for them. They reach out to see if, if it’s a good fit. You can go on with pricing for the smaller teams but our focus is at 20 more 20 employees or more. And also like I’ve talked to customers with lesser number of employees like say 10 employees or less And when you cancel for whatever reason, it’s not because of the software itself, because software is always going to be easy to use. But it’s more about the stage in which a company really is. And because at that stage where they have, like, you know, I have employees or less, they’re wearing multiple hats and get real issue at that point is trying to drive more business, get more customers. And so to drive more business, did I really think but

Jeremy Weisz 20:22

my argument, Owen and argue for SweetProcess for a second, but my argument is like, well, then they need a process for selling. I mean, they needed a process for, you know, getting more customers as well,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 20:33

yeah, so there’s an argument for that. But you know, when you’re trying to figure out how to keep the lights on, you’re not thinking about, you know, do the process for something else that has nothing to do with your core focus at that point, which is, I’ve got to keep the lights on as a small company, I got to get more business in. So the whole focus at that point is no driving more business. Now, on the other hand, by the time you’ve hired 20, people, I can wager to say that you have already figured out that engine for driving business, right? You know, driving new customers and stuff like that, at this point. Now, your whole issue is, well, we want to make sure that we are delivering the results or whatever we promise to our customers, whether it be services, or products, we want to make sure we’re delivering it at a level that we determined where we want it to be. And because our employees are doing it all the time. And so at that point, scale and operations is a an issue for you, right? And so, because at this level, where you have 20 or more employees, as operations, and scale is an issue for you, as software like SweetProcess, which this is our focus becomes, you know, a thing where it makes sense for them. So we said, you know, what price for the people you’re trying to target price for people that you know, over the years stay longer with you. And if anybody else want to come in no into price? Well, we can have them in? Yeah,

Jeremy Weisz 21:54

I mean, I can see even for 10 people or five people that still really an amazing price point, right. So that’s what I was curious. In my eye, I could see him for up to 10 and plus $5 a month for additional users. And that’s still totally reasonable with what we see out there and how software companies charge. The other thing I want to talk about is, how do people use this with like an Asana or Clickup? How do they use SweetProcess along with their project management?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 22:26

Okay, so basically, the whole first part of the problem was solving and saying, Okay, how is work done, I want to make sure that, you know, you can document procedures, processes, policies for how work is done in your company, you can collaborate together to build those documents. But now on the other end of this whole thing is okay, let’s get work done, right. So you can document a procedure for how to take orders over the phone. But now let’s say customer John calls and is, you know, you’re taking an order for john. So that’s a task. So with SweetProcess we combine that whole thing with the documentation of procedures and processes with you being able to work on tasks and assign tasks to your employees, you know, to your teams, or your roles in within your company, and people can get work done. But now the thing is, they can never say I don’t know how the work is done, because in order for you to assign a task to anybody in SweetProcess, it needs to be based on a underlying procedure or underlying process that you have documented, because it’s right there in front of them. Step one, you do this as you’re doing the thing, and you’re actually carrying out a task. You’ve seen instructions for it right there, you’re checking it off. Now, obviously, there are people that would want to be able to use a different task management tool to get work done. Well. So be it we have a means for them to integrate with whatever tools they want to integrate with via our API. Or if they want to, if they’re technical, they’re using our API with API or JIRA Software. Or if they’re not technical, they could use a third party tool like Zapier and Zapier is like a tool that has a bunch of different different software’s connecting together and you can use that connection, right. And so if you don’t want to use a tool like SweetProcess to manage both the documentation and it and the tasks getting work done, then you can integrate us without have to wait Yes, the thing where always make the argument for keeping everything in the same place, because, okay, you spent all that time doing that continuous improvement and document how work is done. But it’s also this other part where insight is gained is when the work is being done, you find, oh, we documented they should be done like this. But you know, this doesn’t make sense. No, there’s some, you know, something wrong with our process right now. And I need to, we need to change that. Now. If using a different software for the actual kind of work or getting work done. Now you are dependent on this employee being so proactive and all that to remember, I mean, they’re busy employees in order to leave that place where they’re doing the work and come back into this other tool where you will document how work is done, to let the manager know and whatever. Obviously there will be a certain percentage of people that We’ll do that. But you know, to be honest, the bulk of them would not. And so you lose all the insight, right? Because they are separate tools. So by having them both together, well how the work is being done, if there’s any issue that needs to be solved or whatever, what anything that needs to be improved, gameplay is proactive, they can go ahead and even improve the underlying procedure or process that was documented. And in real time, that task they’re working on, guess, you know, those additional steps that was improved and stuff like that. So that’s why I always encourage people to, you know, do everything in one software so that the information flow back and forth, is much easier. But if you have to use a separate task management tool, for instance, then you know, make sure that you have that integration between SweetProcess and the tool.

Jeremy Weisz 25:48

Yeah, I’ve heard there is, as I’ve heard people use SweetProcess a lot with maybe they like assigning certain like, they just maybe use Asana or Trello or something. And then they use it as a way to go, Hey, here’s when you check this off. But he actually here’s how to do that. And they just have like a literally a SweetProcess in that task for them to check off. But if someone doesn’t know how to do that, they can just open up the, you know, the process right there. What are some of the common integrations you see are popular integrations with SweetProcess.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 26:19

So we have the API, you can integrate it with most software if you’re technical. But if you’re not, you can use Zapier, like I mentioned, and Zapier has, like tons of

Jeremy Weisz 26:29

what do people use it with, like,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 26:30

give me an example of one that people have told me they’ve done, which is actually interesting. It’s like a sales call. No, no sales call, but like, someone fills out a form on their website. And so I guess that triggers some lead in your CRM. And in this case, I use an example like Salesforce CRM. And now that form is only used for a specific purpose. So maybe it’s like a new lead, or what a new sales lead or whatever, for whatever product, right. And now that because there’s integration between the CRM and three process, that triggers a task based on an underlying sales process of what the salesperson has to do, every time a new lead comes in, and so the salesperson is entry process, going through the steps, doing all that stuff. And because they’ve ties SweetProcess to the process with the CRM, all the steps and all the information they you know, doing, entering into the SweetProcess is also at the same time been entered into the CRM. So on the sales side, all the information for what are the tasks they have been carrying out for executing sales is right there. So like, that’s just an example of, you know, how you can do stuff with tasks. Like, it’s

Jeremy Weisz 27:39

interesting, I love hearing how people do this stuff, because they have figured out sophisticated ways to actually run their business efficiently.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 27:49

And the thing is, what you will find is that in a company’s day to day, more than 80% of the work is repetitive and is the same. And that is where SweetProcess comes in. Because when you have a repetitive structure of what not each of the different tasks is how they are done, then you need a tool XP process to document stuff. So you have it, you know, and employees can always have it handy. And then there will be that you know, small percent where it’s like new stuff, new ideas that you don’t even know how it’s going to be done. So it’s that’s kind of more I think that’s more of a project where you can use a project management tool and go and figure it out there. But once there’s a process behind it, and it’s a repetitive structure around it, you need a tool XP process, which is a business process management tool to go and you know, have your business processes in their

Jeremy Weisz 28:34

Owen what are some of your favorite software, outside of SweetProcess what

Owen McGab Enaohwo 28:39

I love Calendly?

Jeremy Weisz 28:41

I know you do. I mean seriously, I’ve been avoiding setting up the calendar system for years. And then Owen is basically the one that forced me to do it, which is the best thing I ever did. Anyways, I love Calendly too.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 28:57

Yeah. The back and forth, solves that problem. And actually, one of my favorite CRM, to be honest, is actually HubSpot. HubSpot CRM, I mean, no offense to the Salesforce lovers out there, but I cannot wrap my mind around that software. is I mean, people will love it. They will, you know, go crazy about it. But I love simplicity. You know, so HubSpot is one of them for me. You know, and you keep wondering like how I’m always on top of stuff with the things we do together? Well, I’m using you know, stuff like CRM, HubSpot to manage all that stuff. You know, and which are the tools? Yeah, yeah, I mean, Stripe. I mean, it’s not you wouldn’t really talk Stripe is a tool, but it’s more about, you know, making sure that the bills get paid.

Jeremy Weisz 29:48

What about a sass company? Do you recommend any? You know, there’s a lot out there that integrate with Stripe to have recurring billing for a sass company. Are there any ones you’ve seen? You’ve you’ve liked out there we

Owen McGab Enaohwo 30:01

use Stripe for the entire thing you do. Yes. I mean Stripe. I mean,

Jeremy Weisz 30:06

you also have developers. Yeah.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 30:10

That’s what I was about to say you read my mind is like Stripe, they’re doing a good job of everyday and everyday trying to make it simple and simple. By but you know, the beauty well, Stripe is that they have, you know, a great API that is easy, and for these developers to do really creative things with. But now if you’re not so savvy, and you wanted some easy way to create, like a subscription, whatever, there’s always like, Recurly is a good one. You know that you can use your subscription, and you don’t even have to be, you know,

Jeremy Weisz 30:40

you probably have coded a recurly on your back end. I mean, you probably have code fully coated these things, because that’s what you use. And you know,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 30:49

We used Recurly for years and then eventually we we liked it. But you know, Stripe just made better sense for us from the standpoint. Yeah,

Jeremy Weisz 31:01

any other software favorite software’s? Because you’re very productive, efficient guy. So I’m sure I wanted to hear your your, your favorites, productive, efficient?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 31:09

That’s a stretch. Is it possible that we created this software? Because I’m not so productive? Yeah, so I’m trying to figure out things I use every day. I mean, this is free software, but I’m on LinkedIn every day. LinkedIn is like my Facebook, LinkedIn every day, you know, for, you know, making connection to would be customers and partners and all that stuff. So yeah, I’m just looking at what do I do every day? And these are things that come to mind.

Jeremy Weisz 31:44

Last question. Oh,

Owen McGab Enaohwo 31:46

one I forgot. Zoom. I forgot Zoom. Yeah, so makes it easy. I remember the days when I used to just go to a meeting. And just to get some, I mean, I’m not trying to knock on any software. But the reality was that we moved over to

Jeremy Weisz 32:01

Zoom. So easy.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 32:03

Yeah, simplicity. You know. Yeah. I mean, I used to rock Slack. We forgot Slack. My team we can be on doing anything without Slack. So we always have Slack slacking it up. Yeah. So these are the things I use every day to come to my Yeah, I

Jeremy Weisz 32:19

appreciate that. I have one last question. Before I ask it. I do want to point people towards SweetProcess, you could check it out. Like I said, SweetProcess calm if you really want to document get things off your plate, get things off your you know, staffs plate, and actually just document and so that the onboarding, and everything gets done, right? Check it out. There’s there’s many 10s of 1000s of companies using SweetProcess, and it will make your life better and easier. We’re saying during the pre interview, you’re gonna ask me the history of like that

Owen McGab Enaohwo 32:58


Jeremy Weisz 32:59

My last question is, you know, coming to the US and life, what, you know, what was life like because you grew up in Nigeria.

Owen McGab Enaohwo 33:10

So I used to, I grew up in a village with lions chasing me accepting the zoo.

Jeremy Weisz 33:31

You know, before we hit record, I was like, what was life like in Nigeria? Because we’ll have this stereotype in there. of what life was like in Nigeria. And you were talking about what some people have asked you about, which is

Owen McGab Enaohwo 33:48

no water. We can you know, he does a craziness. Nah. Different topic, but I just thought it was funny when you asked me that question. So, yeah. Boy.

Jeremy Weisz 34:07

So what was life like? In Nigeria? Yeah, so

Owen McGab Enaohwo 34:11

I mean, life was

Jeremy Weisz 34:16

your family there?

Owen McGab Enaohwo 34:17

Oh, yeah. I mean, I mean, most Nigerians, you you you have family and you know, you have that strong connection that even though you’re not even in Nigeria, you’re still in Nigeria, because he doesn’t leave you because that’s how strong the connection is. And the beauty about the whole thing is it takes the family structure of you know, raising you, I mean, like I am where I am today, because of all the different inputs in no matter how little it is, of all the different people you know, family members and even non family members have, you know, put in my life to get where I am right now. So, we have that no structure that strong family bond in Nigeria, you know, you know, even your your neighbors you sketch you do Something wrong, go snitch on you and tell your friends, you know, so that’s how that’s how we live, you know, you know, the way but growing up my dad was an entrepreneur himself, right. And so my mom, to an extent, was an intrapreneur. And also she had, you know, working as a teacher as well. But a lot of the work ethic that I have today was from learning from, you know, both of them, you know, impacting on me on how, you know, you don’t get to anywhere you want to get to life, without, you know, putting the effort into achieving it, and my dad will tell me how lucky I was growing up, because he came, you know, some of the stories a little bit embellished, but, you know, he came from, you know, a much poorer background than me, and he will say, Okay, I, when I was growing up, I would have to walk miles to go fetch water, and stuff, you know, but although I’ve, like I’ve seen, some of the stories might be embellished, but the whole goal is to let you understand that you don’t take for granted where you are right now know where you came from. So that, you know, you keep that journey to get to the next level. And, you know, the whole thing is to carry as many of people as with you, so that the next level you go, we’re going with you and you know, stay grounded, it’s basically, you know, my dad was an entrepreneur and my mom as well. And, you know, that whole love and caring and a strong bond, you know, that is for my mom, you know, the strong foundation of you know, it’s all about the family. So, yeah, I mean, that’s the way life was and eventually graduated high school, college, and decided, you know, I had to, I had to make the decision. My mom was like, you know, you’re coming to the US to study and came here, this was 2002. And, you know, eventually came here started studying computer science. And after, you know, I met my wife in college. So at that point, you know, I got stuck

Jeremy Weisz 37:10


Owen McGab Enaohwo 37:11

here, which is a good thing. So like I said, you know, it will do I’m not back home. Home is always connected with me and to me, so

Jeremy Weisz 37:21

yeah, yeah. Owen I want to be the first one to thank you. I love that you tell this story and everyone should check out Thanks so much, everyone.