Search Interviews:

Mark Scrimenti  5:08  

Yeah, I think, you know, ideally, like a minimum of 2 million in revenue, maybe 10 people, at least 10 people. I’ve worked with companies smaller than that, and bigger than that. But I think having, first of all, having a sense of who we are a purpose, a mission and a vision, if you don’t have one, I can help you define one. And that is something that I really enjoy doing. Because I think you need to start with purpose. It’s like, starting with why. And you, you build for growth from the inside out. But some kind of commitment to a framework, or at least a willingness to use a framework like EOS or something and do the Entrepreneurial Operating System, we’re going to talk about frameworks, that’s a great one. It’s a management framework. And there’s it’s a whole, you know, full process for managing and growing your business. If you interviewed Gino Wickman, you know, you know all about he literally wrote the book on it. But you know, so you’re starting there with this, you know, the kind of what’s your long term vision, and you’re working backwards from there. If somebody wants to, you use Eos, they need to be committed to it. Because if somebody isn’t really committed, if it’s kind of a toe in the water, it’s not likely to work. So that’s a big part of it. I would also say, you know, ideally, you have a an implementer, to help you implement it, I can, I’ve done self implementations before. But there’s, there’s a reason why there are implementers, that they, they can really set things up the right way and help prepare the team to do it. So that doesn’t fall all on the integrator with limited time. But in any case, I think it’s that level of commitment. And it’s, I think, it has to do with having a team in place, now, you may not have your ideal team in place, most people don’t. And usually at these inflection points, that’s sometimes when people start to outgrow their old team. So that’s, that’s a tricky situation that I have found myself in many times, like, it’s a transitional period. So you know, how are you going to do that? Effectively, and with sensitivity and care? But somebody who is committed to change? So I think a lot of it has to do with the CEO, because it starts with the visionary CEO, and how committed to the are they to the business? Is this just a lifestyle business for them? You know, what are their longer term plans, you know, do they have an exit strategy in mind, and really fit because, and that’s something that you explore early on, but you don’t really know until you get in with it, it, you know, into the work itself is is a real openness, a willingness to be challenged, for example, to think of things differently, like, if somebody doesn’t, if somebody has to be right all the time, or if it’s autocratic, that’s not likely going to work. I mean, because, like, what got you here isn’t going to get you there. So you have to be willing to change and you have to have at least some awareness of that. So these are, you know, key things that I would look for in a client when having that first set of conversations, but having some structure in place is nice, because, you know, rather than starting from scratch from chaos, and I’ve done that as well, you know, there’s no standard operating procedures, the system is a mess, nobody’s using consistently, it was never set up properly. Nobody was ever trained. Nobody knows what their job description is, like, I’ve I’ve worked in those kinds of environments as well, too. And that just takes longer. And it’s probably not the best use of my time. Some of that is better suited to a project manager, for example.

Jeremy Weisz  8:58  

You hit it, I want to touch on a couple of things. You mentioned there, because you mentioned some of the changes needed sometimes you outgrow the old team, you need to hire new people, you also mentioned mistakes people make. So I want to talk about the changes that you see people need to make, right and what got them, you know, where they’re at is not going to get them to the next level. So you come in a company with over $2 million in revenue and they’re 10 people, what are some of those changes are common things that you see, you know, you mentioned one which is outgrowing old team, what are some other changes you have seen that need to be implemented when you come in

Mark Scrimenti  9:38  

with some will have to do with the owner or the you know, the founder CEO, giving up responsibilities or tasks that they’ve always done, and perhaps that they can do better than anyone. But as long as they’re, you know, working in the business, they’re not gonna be able to work on the business and they need to be working on the business. And that may include say Sales, for example. Now sales is a tough one, because you need somebody selling it, sometimes the top person is by far and away the best salesperson, if so, that’s probably what they should be doing most of the time, as long as they have the infrastructure to support it, which is not always the case. So you know, that’s a balancing act to, like, you could sell way too much. And I’ve seen that too, where, okay, now we have a ton of business, and nobody knows actually, what we’re doing for these clients. You know, how you can churn clients really quickly if you’re not set up to service them. And so like, sometimes it makes sense to, you know, turn down the throttle. And let’s focus a little bit also, like, we don’t even have the right people in place yet. Like, you don’t even have an account manager, for example. Or, you know, if you don’t have SOPs in place, and you write a vague statement of work, people will look at, it’s like, okay, well, what did we promise the client? Like, what are we delivering to the client? And, and then if you have 12 of them, you know, coming through the pipeline, and can be overwhelming, so that stuff happens, you know, like, and mistakes, okay, I’ve started mistakes and changes. What are some other changes, I would say, a lot of clarification, you know, just defining lanes, like, what is your job description, and, you know, and let’s, let’s rationalize it, if you are an executive assistant, for example. Or if you’re kind of the de facto office manager, or virtual office manager, then it makes sense for you to be doing these things, but not some of these other things that you’ve just picked up along the way, because nobody else could do them. And let’s, let’s kind of put everything in boxes, and were, okay, these are the boxes, these are the functions that need to happen. And, and then you got to kind of this overflow box, you know, and some of these things we may not even need to do, these are things that we could stop doing. Or in other cases, we need to hire somebody to replace them. So a lot of right seats and right places, and the right people in right seats. And, you know, sometimes it is changing somebody’s job description, their great employee, it might be narrowing their focus, and allowing it so they’re not so overwhelmed, allowing them to be more efficient, and then giving them some day to day tools to, to become more creates a margin in their day to help actually create some of the structures, they need to do their job more efficiently, or maybe in this training that they need. But you need to create margin. So you know, I’m big on cycles, you know, that’s another big function that I plays, it’s making sure that we have those, those meeting cycles, people call them like pulses or whatever, but you know, an Eos, you’ve got your your l 10. Meeting, you know, just like having a weekly meeting with your your team leaders, one on one for alignment, and then having, you know, a team meeting and then also having a meeting. So meetings at every level to align top down and across the organization. And so having the right meeting cadence, the right meeting, format, structure, and content is really important. And that is actually a huge leverage point, getting people on the same page, you know, people talk about rowing in the same direction, all that, you know, and that it’s easier said than done, especially when you’re working. And I’ll just add this, I know, I’ve been talking for a long time here, especially when you’re working, you’ve got a global team working remotely, you know, and potentially part time and I’m seeing a lot more companies look like that, you know, post pandemic, where you got people all over the world, they’re, they’re overlapping time is minimal. Either enter in, you know, far distant time zones, like how do you even get the team together to build a culture consistently, to challenge

Jeremy Weisz  14:03  

work, I find a lot of what you’re saying resonates for sure. Because what’s gonna get a company there is with a smaller team, as they just have to do whatever it takes, they have to do pretty much anything and pick up, you know, tasks and responsibilities that when you start going throughout the years that add up to basically not in what they’re they should be doing anymore, right as you grow. So I’m talking about the hiring process, because like one of the things is when they’re growing, when a company is growing, you obviously need to bring on more people at some point to help with those tasks. What are some of the mistakes people make when they are I imagine you know, you’re joining some hyper growth companies and mean to put SOPs in place while hiring while doing a million other things as the as the planes flying, you know. So, what are some hiring? Either mistakes you see We’ll make or things you want to make sure the team is aware of when they are going through the hiring process.

Mark Scrimenti  15:07  

Yeah, I mean, so I’ve seen different kinds of mistakes. One, one would be hiring somebody who has a very impressive background, let’s say they’ve worked for a big company, fortune 500 company, with tons of experience a great resume, but to work in a small entrepreneurial company, and I’ve seen that just fail miserably, because, you know, you think you think that you’re, you’re buying, you know, kind of the premature of this larger company, and, you know, it’s just gonna magically, you know, bring all the organization and, and capacity of this company, but in fact, as somebody who’s, this is not always the case, but somebody who’s been, like, been in that environment for a long time is used to everything being in its place. And there’s a person who does that, you know, there’s, there’s a defined procedure for that, you know, that’s somebody else’s job, that’s not my job. And in these entrepreneurial environments, it’s more like, no, it’s your jet, you see a problem, it’s your job to figure it out, or at least bring, bring, bring awareness to, to the team, and we’ll figure it out together. And so sometimes, you know, that that’s a, I’ve seen that happen where, like, you know, especially for higher level roles, you know, we’re looking for somebody experienced and in to lead a department or, you know, to be a director, and they just can’t make that adjustment. You know, like, Why is everything so vague and crazy here, it’s like, well, it’s going to be that way for a long time, as part of the culture, but, you know, yeah, we’re working on it, you know, and it’s up, but you know, like, kind of embracing ambiguity for as long as necessary until, you know, until you can’t, you can’t take that anymore, and you need, you need to have greater definition. So that’s one mistake. And I think the other one would be, you know, either I can’t afford this person, or this person is so promising, you’re great, you’re like this, this, like young talent, young, fresh out of high demand, they’re not going to stay with me long term, you know, because they’re just, you know, they’re going to, they’re going to use me for two years, I’ve heard this kind of, you know, thinking, and then they’re going to take off and go somewhere else. Now, that may happen. But I think if you, if you set expectations, clearly if you, if you manage them thoughtfully, and if you really try and CO develop a career path for them, that aligns with your growth needs as a company, you can find that some of these highly talented, motivated employees, who might align with your vision or purpose, for example, will stay with you from you know, not just two years, but four years, and then five years, six, seven years, because you’re they’re growing with you, and you know, so it’s a combination of, you know, enabling and empowering them to take risks to learn to grow. But, you know, as long as the company is growing, they will have greater opportunities to grow professionally. Because I’ve seen people like not even hire those people, it’s like, Nah, you know, they’re not going to, they’re not going to stay, or they’re too much. And like, being too cheap is another thing, too, I think you got to pay for talent and, and also realize that, you know, if you have a strong culture, a really good culture, and a real meaningful purpose, that you you can stand by, and you put your money where your mouth is, and it’s, it’s a real conviction that you will get talent that you couldn’t otherwise afford. Because, you know, there’s a survey says people give up and knowledge workers up to 25% of their income, that’s their lifetime income for work that is always meaningful. And those employees not surprisingly, tend to be the best employees the most productive, they work the hardest, they work the longest, because they they care about what they do. And so that speaks to having a strong culture, which is another part of what I do.

Jeremy Weisz  18:51  

I know one of the companies that you worked with was an agency so I’d love to hear about how that worked.

Mark Scrimenti  18:57  

Yeah. You know, that was one of these early stage companies. And so there was no really infrastructure and some some of the wrong people in the wrong seats. So brought in new people really worked out the details of standard operating procedures. embedded them in the right tool had to switch them tools moved from clickup to Asana. Think they’re one of the key issues is just aligning the, the CEOs long term vision with the company and I’ve seen it know in in a setting if somebody wants to make a transition to a different type of role. It needs to be in line With with what they’re currently doing, you know, like, like, if, if, if you’re looking to make, like a kind of a career change, and this happens to with, with entrepreneurs, they, they’re they they outgrow their their first business or they you know, they, they have a change in their life an awakening of some sort or, and they want to do something different. But they also want to maintain this this first business. And they’re kind of half and half out, like, you know, it’s, it’s the trick there is kind of easing, easing the transition, and, you know, helping to train people or hire and or train people to pick up the slack to do the things that they’re currently doing even things that they’re good at. But, you know, as long as they’re doing those things, they’re never going to get out of the role. And so this was this is this, that company was an example of that. And, and I’d say it’s still a work in progress. So I feel

Jeremy Weisz  21:11  

like the same things, mark that, you know, everyone was doing, I mean, I can speak for myself, I’ve been doing something for a long time, you have these waves of excitement, and you’ve been doing it for a long time. So sometimes it gets boring, right. And so you have to either reinvigorate the excitement, or put the pieces in place so that you can work on other things. And I also think it’s the same things. And correct me if I’m wrong to put in place for that is if you’re going to exit a company, you want to exit the company, you’d want hyper growth, and you want to work in the business, but you want to exit it at some point in the future. Right. Right. Right. So

Mark Scrimenti  21:52  

Yeah. Were you asking questions about that? Or no, I

Jeremy Weisz  21:55  

was just commenting K, it feels like it’s almost very similar whether someone wants to, you know, just get it up and running. So it’s efficient, and the owner doesn’t have to do all of the work is, you know, if they’re setting up for hyper growth and want to exit someday, it’s kind of the same process and kind of takes in the frameworks, which is like, you mentioned EOS framework. I mentioned the very beginning about and you mentioned, why people stay is purpose, right, they have a greater purpose. And so I know you’ve been you learned a lot about the B Corp. framework. And I’d love for you to talk about that.

Mark Scrimenti  22:36  

Sure, sure. Yeah, and one thought I had just before I switched to B Corp is simply that if somebody is leaving, and I’ve seen this again, and again, you have to have a really clear plan for what you’re going to do after you exit your business. Because too often, in a lot of deals fall apart. Because at the last minute, the owner gets cold feet, you know, when they’re about to sell economies, like I don’t, I don’t know, if playing golf and and just playing with my grandchildren, as wonderful as that sounds is going to be satisfying enough for me. So like, really know what you want to do next. So yeah, B Corp is is, you know, it’s a standards framework. So it’s a global standard for, you know, social and environmental, mental impact. And it’s based on the the UN sustainability goals and initiatives. And it’s, I’ve been driven, you know, to purpose. I’ve been, I’ve been interested in purpose driven businesses for a while. And I think this whole starting with purpose, starting with why because I think I used to feel like a business, the purpose of business is to make profit for the shareholders, and that, you know, that most people feel that way. You know, that’s kind of your standard shareholder business model. That’s Milton Friedman, you know, and that’s kind of the predominant model for at least last 50 years or so. But that alone is not really enough to motivate me anyway. You know, and turns out, I’m not alone. Like, you know, I think most people, they want their work to be meaningful. And so what it means to be purpose driven, can look different, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re explicitly have a social mission. But but, you know, it’s just, it’s your perspective, you know, how is is what I’m doing, making the world a better place. And so what I love about B Corp is that they’ve really a lot of people have intentions, you know, I want to make a social impact or environmental impact. And they’ll do what they think is making an impact. But of course, if you’re not measuring it, you actually don’t really know. And what B Corp has done is really come up with measures for social impact. And it’s a high standard, it’s not easy. But if that’s baked into your mission, And you know that you want to make a social impact,

you know, this will give you the proof. And this will also hold you accountable because it’s a public, you know, if you get B Corp certified, you have to publish your performance on their website each year. So it’s nothing like public accountability to, you know, hold you, you know, again, putting your money where your mouth is, or really having the courage of your convictions. So, I love the framework. And in you, it’s it, like I said, it’s a complex, whatever, it’s a complex process to get certified. And, but you don’t need to be certified to actually use take advantage of the framework for operating purposes, they have a free assessment you can take, and you can see where you stand, you can see the kinds of things that they measure and the value of those things in terms of their scoring model, you know, you have to score a certain number of points to get certified. And, and so I see that just as another tool for people who, I mean, it’s great if you want to get certified, but you don’t necessarily have to get certified to take advantage of it. Or that could be, you know, further down the road goal.

Jeremy Weisz  26:13  

You when we’re talking before you hit record, one of the things that you think deeply about whether you become B Corp certified or not, is thinking about a sustainability statement. So I’d love for you to expand on that. Sure. Yeah.

Mark Scrimenti  26:28  

Well, so I worked on a course with somebody who, who does work with certifications. And she does, she’s, she’s fantastic. And she, you know, teaches people how to use their business certification. So minority owned business, women on business, LGBTQ owned business, these are all certifications you can get. But if you and again, there’s a process involved, and it takes work, you know, time and effort. But just getting a certification alone isn’t necessarily going to do anything for your your business, you have to learn how to put it to use. And lots of you know, big corporations, as well as the government will have initiatives where they’re looking to work with more diverse suppliers, vendors, contractors. And so she, she teaches them how to put those certifications to use likewise, system with sustainability. So you know, if you want to work with a big corporation, or the government, because there is a sustainability imperative, they’re going to be looking for a statement of some sort. And that is something that through this course that we’re developed, we’re looking to help people do you know, that’s, that’s one, potential byproduct of the training is like, Hey, if you, if you’re looking to work with these businesses, you’re going to need the sustainability statement. Let’s help you prepare one. Here’s how you do one. And there’s lots of resources you can draw on for that.

Jeremy Weisz  27:59  

Yeah. So it sounds like you know, it’s, there’s certain certifications, maybe people don’t even realize they can go get and then there’s then there’s matching that with programs or companies are looking to work with companies with that specific certification. Is there a website we should point people towards for that? What you’re referring to? Or? I don’t know, for the

Mark Scrimenti  28:19  

for the course you mean? Yeah. For the course. Yeah. Well, right now, it’s an Eventbrite invitation. So I, what you could one is Diversity Masterminds? That’s, that’s Liz Cullen Whiteheads. Website. She’s my partner. Great, great. Great Business, great site. Great people to work with. So that’s diversity, diversity masterminds, I don’t know exactly what the URL is, but

Jeremy Weisz  28:48  

where they can message you know, if you want to give your your email they could share, you can go to, you know, vivid path And just, you know, contact you.

Mark Scrimenti  28:59  

Yeah. My, it’s my it’s as simple as first name dot last as [email protected].

Jeremy Weisz  29:09  

So, we talked to a B Corp as a, you know, valuable framework to look at you talked about EOS. And another one that you utilize when you bring in working with companies of Scrum.

Mark Scrimenti  29:19  

Right, right. So I worked for 12 years at an online retail company, and we sold musical instruments and we grew a lot during that time. And so that’s really where I learned a lot about growing an organization. And one of the first things it was funny because before I started I don’t think I really that the word operations didn’t didn’t Ignite, you know, great passion in me. I was working in a more on the creative side in marketing and directing the team and so forth. And then it was a process of discovery. I realized that I really love building things and and that’s what it’s all about, as well as the human Add Component, which is, you know, at least half the job. But I first thing I did was introduced Agile Scrum i because to me, you know, so this is this is it’s a, it’s at, you know, lean to lean way of doing things that comes from, you know, manufacturing Toyota, Kaizen all these concepts but you know, iterative process. Agile Scrum is great. You you have, do you want me to explain it? Or do you think it’s Yeah, go

Jeremy Weisz  30:28  

ahead. For sure. It’s, it’s a, one of my two favorite to favorite on my top books is the goal. Which kind of runs through like a, you know, kind of a fable. And then yeah, the scrum, I’m forgetting the book. It’s like, do twice the work and half the time or something. And Sutherland, I think, wrote it on about Scrum, essentially.

Mark Scrimenti  30:54  

Yeah, yeah, I have not read that that particular book. But I’m a huge fan of Scrum. And I got my scrum master training. And, you know, basically, you’re running these these short, iterative cycles called sprints that we did two weeks sprints, you can do one week sprints, you do one month sprints, two weeks is common. And you’ve got a backlog, you’ve got a product backlog, like all the ideas that you could ever possibly do. And theoretically, at least it’s prioritized and and you do this annual planning. And by the way, that you know, this, this, you know, Agile Scrum is not incompatible. For example, with EOS like, I think there’s, you can, you can plug it in, you know, and that’s one of the things that I like to do is take a great management framework like Eos, and shore it up, you know, live on the culture side, for example, there are other things you can do. But, you know, if you’re doing any kind of product development, or even operational development, like what I call like, ops, Dev, like you’re building infrastructure, put it into sprint. And we did this actually, at the online retailer, we did it not only for you know, it product development, which was good because we we built all of our software in house, not not just the website, but even the back end tools. But even for, you know, production processes, like the, the content team, the the digital marketing team, they had their own sprints, and scrums, just as a way of, you know, moving and keeping, keeping the work prioritized properly and building momentum. So you know, you meet and you have these daily stand up meetings for 15 minutes. It’s like, you know, what I do yesterday? What am I going to work on to today? And what are my obstacles? And that’s it, you know, and everybody answers that question, and the scrum master helps to relieve the obstacles. And the thing, you know, it goes along with that, you know, like, there’s a, you’ve probably read The Lean Startup, right. Eric Ries, yeah, like the whole thing about like, minimum viable product, you know, so going to market quickly. Now, I think the other side of this is doing, you know, another framework I’ve used is jobs to be done. Theory. And that’s, that’s where you actually try and figure out well, what is the problem that I’m solving in, like in the world? And that’s another framework at so it’s much more qualitative research, where you’re talking to customers, and you’re trying to figure out like, what, what job are we doing for you, and it’s taped, but it’s not just the functional aspects of the job. So for example, we sold musical instruments, and I talked to all and I talked to a lot of different customers. And we would do with these hour long interviews, and in them, you know, like, under what circumstances did you buy this guitar from us for the first time, and just have them talk about it, and it brings, it takes into account these emotional factors, circumstantial, economic, and a lot of wise and just a lot of listening. But you’re looking to dry out draw out, you know, actually, why did they buy from you, and it turns out, you know, we had, we had some financing programs that really help people, gain accessibility help them to afford the instruments that they otherwise couldn’t afford. And there was a virtuous cycle of musical development as a result of that, it would also made them feel responsible, you know, like, financially responsible, because I have a spouse or, you know, significant other. And, you know, if, if he, she, they, you know, knew that I was spending $1,200 on a guitar, they would freak, but if I, you know, but $100 a month, that’s within our budget, and we can still go on a date, you know, once a week, and they’ll be fine with that it’s responsible, I feel responsible, and there’s no interest by the way ever, so you know, I’ll get yours. But once you figure that out, then then you can kind of learn Okay, well, what else can we do for this customer like under with that understanding of why they’re buying from us? What else can we do in the way of innovation that would help us you know, sell more, you know, upsell, cross sell and really retain this customer increases customers lifetime value, and we were able to, by doing this research, you know, increase You know, average order sizes and repeat buying rates. And you know, as a result, you’re also decreasing customer acquisition costs, because they’re coming back to you and sure enough to require them. So that combined with Agile Scrum works really well, because you know, you could, you could be very efficient at building the wrong thing. You know, and, and, and that, that’s another problem. People don’t take the time to do the research, they think they know him, that’s a whole kind of other conversation about, you know, product management, product development, people assuming that, and I’ve worked with people like that before to relate, like I’ve been in this business, I am going to design this broad array, this product, and I’m going to spend, you know, over a million dollars of my own money to build it, because I know, this is what that market needs, like, you know what you didn’t, that’s not the right way to build it. And then turns out goes to markets like, Oh, this is great. But you know, it’s not configurable. And everybody wants it to be configurable. So you’re gonna have to take it apart, modularize it and put it back together again, you know, if you had the research upfront, you could have avoided that. So, anyway, huge fan. Sorry, is a tangent there. But

Jeremy Weisz  36:06  

no, I love that. Because Mark, I’ve heard you talk about really talking to the customers being so critical and so important. I love when you talk about it. And I’ve heard you tell stories about you know, some of those emotional reasons that there’s no way you would know, unless you ask the customer, right, right.

Mark Scrimenti  36:24  

Right, you can guess but you’re just guessing. And that’s the same thing when it comes to testing to like, like in doing real testing, like what the control group, like if you don’t, if, you know, if you don’t set up a control group set up a test the right way, you don’t know cause and effect, and you don’t know what’s making an impact, you’re just guessing. And still too many, because even with even though we’re swimming in data, you know, we’re, you know, and that monitor data has grown like doubling every year. People don’t, you know, the vast majority of it goes on, analyzed or unused.

Jeremy Weisz  36:58  

Mark, I have one last question. Before I ask it, I just want to thank you for sharing your stories. And I love when you talk about the customer experience and talking to the customers and some of the frameworks and I just want to you know, point people to check out your website Vivid Path Consulting, to learn more, and you know, just to listen and look at the B Corp framework EOS. You talked about Scrum jobs to be done. And you know, this is this been great. My last question is in you correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you played D-1 rugby.

Mark Scrimenti  37:34  

I did. I did so only my freshman year.

Jeremy Weisz  37:38  

it’s pretty hardcore when I when I saw that. And so I wanted to ask what you learn from you know, playing rugby, because that’s a pretty intense, intense is probably an understatement sport to play in where someone’s like, you can break your leg pretty easily. So right what I learned from from rugby, playing it at the collegiate level.

Mark Scrimenti  38:01  

That’s that’s funny that you asked that question. wasn’t prepared to answer but it’s a great question. It’s a good question to answer on the spot. So I will tell you this, I was probably one of the smaller guys on the team. And, but that, you know, that that didn’t stop me from being aggressive. And and, but as I said, I only played for one year. So I played my freshman year, and I never played rugby before. Oh, Rohan I, yeah, well, I played football in in in high school. But I didn’t even play. Varsity. I played. I played Davey, and then anyway, but I’d like I needed I wanted to do a sport. I wanted to do something. And rugby just seemed cool. And I tried to play lacrosse and I hadn’t, I didn’t go to prep school. So I didn’t know how to play lacrosse and it was really hard to catch something in that ball. So I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna try rugby. You know, it’s kind of a brute force thing. And like, I can get out my energy that way. And I played for a year and and I was we had a good team. It was like, at the time were like, top 10 in the nation booster club sports. If you think about rugby players, too, they’re, they’re crazy. Like, everybody ended the night. But end of the night, everybody’s like, you know, drunk naked and singing songs. That’s kind of like, how it goes. And and but for me, you know, like, okay, it’s like, you’re up against this guy beat you know, big guy, like six, three, you know? 225 It’s like, you got to tackle that guy. Bring him down. It’s like, and I did it. I did. But you know, after about a year of that, I’m like, You know what, I’m gonna probably get killed if I keep doing this. Like I value my my body my head a little too much to continue with this long term, but it was it was fun while I did I’m glad I did it. I do remember chasing one guy down. Who was about to score and somebody’s like, where did that come from? Like, where did that energy goes? I don’t know. But I saw him bucks a score and I wasn’t gonna let that happen. And so I think I think it just kind of, I love playing football as a kid and I think there’s something About that energy, it’s hard to reproduce anywhere else. It’s, it’s like very physical very I probably testosterone driven and and, you know, I did it then I you know, I couldn’t I break you know, I heard my back playing bocce ball these days so, like that’s that’s kind of what it’s come to

Jeremy Weisz  40:24  

that I figured there was a good good story good reason behind it and I want everyone could check out your website you know check out Mark Scrimenti, you said on LinkedIn, and check out, and Mark, gonna be the first one to thank you. Thanks so much for sharing.

Mark Scrimenti  40:42  

Thank you Jeremy. It’s great to be on here. I really appreciate being on your show.