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Mark C. Winters coauthored with Gino Wickman the business best seller Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What you want from your Business.

He has been a leader and entrepreneur for over 25 years and has worked with  companies ranging from multi-billion dollar enterprises like Procter & Gamble and British Petroleum, to raw startups originally drawn up on a napkin.




Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • [0:35] Jeremy’s introduction of Mark C. Winters.
  • [1:05] The hardest business moment Mark has experienced.
  • [4:02] One of Mark’s proudest business moments.
  • [8:16] The mentors who have invested in Mark’s life.
  • [11:30] How to connect with Mark.
  • [13:10] The influence Mark’s father had on him.
  • [16:44] Mark’s plans for the future.

In this episode…

Hardships in business are not uncommon, but some hit a founder harder than others. Mark C. Winters had a very promising, profitable, popular business idea rolling but it got shut down because of an investor who had the prerogative to say “no” to any initiative through a naive agreement Mark had made at the outset. The investor didn’t want to seek an additional round of funding from investors and Mark and the other team members couldn’t convince him differently.

The result was disastrous and Mark had to come up with a clever way to liquidate all the assets and get out of the company that was his brainchild to begin with.

Mark also shares his proudest moment, a time when he was able to sell one of his companies for a great profit. He was working out the sale of the company while he was at Disney with his family. The celebration he was able to have after the consummation of the sale was two-fold: once with his family while on vacation, then again with his team once he returned. It was an exciting time that came about through the crazy hard work his team put in toward the end of the company’s run.

Resources Mentioned on this episode

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