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John Corcoran 2:25

you have drilled me well to make sure to not skip over the sponsor message, which we do advocate doing for all of our clients, but three ways to create thought leadership. And it might not be exactly what you think I think you might be a little bit surprised by some of the strategies for building thought leadership that we advocate. So Jeremy, to start with, of course, this is the most obvious one, creating a podcast actually generates thought leadership content, it generates a body of work, and that content can be pushed across multiple different channels. So talk a little bit about the importance of that.

Jeremy Weisz 2:59

Yeah, I’ll get a little granular for a second with thought leadership, because a lot of different types of episodes you can create for thought leadership, when we say thought leadership is your internal thought leadership or your team’s thought leadership, you know, in, you know, the the, the other part of that is actually featuring other people. So what we’re talking about is not featuring other people, but talking about your thought leadership. And there’s a couple different types that we, we recommend. And when you produce this thought leadership, it can go across as you know, with the podcast, it goes across, who knows 1015 great guests. Thanks, Bradley. 20 different channels, because it goes on pi goes on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, go, you can put it on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, wherever you want. So it goes across all these channels. But what do you create? Also, what we see is, it should also help your process of in your company, sales process, even and, you know, you can produce an episode that is talking about, I was talking to a client this morning, and I was saying, Do you find yourself repeating the same thing over and over with clients. And if you do, you should produce an episode on it. So you don’t have to repeat it all the time. You put it across all the channels, people can hear your methodology. And you can then send it to someone who’s thinking about working with you and go, Hey, before we talk, check out this, this is my perspective on x. And they can learn about it and you can then go deeper with that conversation.

John Corcoran 4:31

And that person will be so much more warmed up to your ideas and so much further along in the process when they do get on the phone with you. So that’s a great point. And that relates to we were talking to another client yesterday about this the importance of integrating doing a podcast into what you’re doing already. It shouldn’t be this additional thing that you have to do where you put a ton of work into scripting, topic, all that kind of stuff that’s too much work it needs to make your life easier, not harder, or else Won’t be won’t be long for doing it, you’ll stop after six months, because you’ll have some many other things on your plate that you need to do. And so it’ll just lower in priority. So that was the first point. So the second point is that to build thought leadership is you can repurpose that content. So you can take it and put it into other forms of media, such as interactive audios, which you share on social media, or you can take podcasts. And one thing you’ve done really well, Jeremy is helping people to structure their ideas. And then what you create ultimately is a book, right? Because it becomes a table of contents for your book.

Jeremy Weisz 5:36

Yeah, I mean, so the first point is you can you can use the podcast and put it all these channels, then you could take the content and do other things with that content, like you mentioned. So you could take snippets of it, put it on social media, you can actually if you structure properly, if you structure your thought leadership properly, in an outline, you can end up at the end result being a book. And we’ve we’ve structured that out with clients. So then the Hey, after this number of episodes, you’re gonna have a book. And also you can structure it out into a course that you end up giving away to your clients, or you can end up selling it.

John Corcoran 6:12

Yeah, digital course can serve multiple different purposes, it can be the top of the funnel, it can be something that you can use to reactivate people that you haven’t talked to for a while it can be something that you gift, it can be something that you sell and generate revenue from. It can be something that helps you to net you know, network with new people, there’s so many different purposes for it. Same thing with a book as well. Third point, you can use the podcast to connect to new channels, where you can share your thought leadership further and build that thought leadership further in front of new audiences. So for example, you can use the podcast to connect with the organizers of a conference, either the person who organizes the board members or volunteers who names it, you name it, so that you can get invited to speak at that conference, you can use a podcast to connect with other podcasters so that you can be a guest on other podcasts, which is a great way to build your audience. You can also use a podcast to connect with mainstream media or reporters become known in your field as an expert in your field. I’ve seen that happen so many different times where people get quoted, it’s become much more common. You see people quoted in mainstream media and in their podcasts as mentioned, So Jeremy, your thoughts? Yeah, as you might guess, can

Jeremy Weisz 7:26

you mentioned? Yeah, I mean, you can use it for so many, because once you once you’re out there and sharing your methodology, sharing your thought leadership, you’ll people pick up on it. And it can you know, like you said, you could be asked to present webinars to different companies, right. You’ve you’ve been featured on different webinars we’ve done webinars for for various companies, Tony Robbins group and sales division of Salesforce, Contactually, I think you do one for AWeber. I can’t remember. did one for AWeber. And also speakers, I don’t know if there’s a fun story behind them. Malcolm Gladwell, Shaquille O’Neal. I can’t remember I can’t remember that story. Yes,

John Corcoran 8:06

just that I was invited a guy and I’m a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell. So you know, it was it was an honor to be invited. I ultimately didn’t didn’t take them up on that on it. But for kids, I

Jeremy Weisz 8:17

don’t know how you do anything, and you don’t have time to go to the bathroom.

John Corcoran 8:22

Exactly, exactly. So then the and then just to let wrap up. One more bonus point. And this is a slightly different point. So the previous point was using the podcast, connect with new channels, so that you can share your thought leadership through those channels, whether it’s speaking on stage, speaking out podcasts, getting quoted in books, that’s another one I’ve, you know, interviewed people on my podcast, who are authors, and then they, they’re writing their next book, and they reached back out to me, and then they featured me in their book, which has happened with you as well. So it’s really cool strategy as well. And then the fourth piece is networking with other thought leaders, who then will develop their respect for you, and what you do. And when you think about it, thought leadership often is developed in this sense, other experts in the field begin mentioning you as a fact as a peer as a a fellow respected thought leadership in the field. And it’s very difficult to become a respected thought leader in your field without having that respect. And so you can very much go about earning it assuming you have something important to say significant to say in your field, but you go about earning it by developing nurturing these relationships with the others who already respected thought leaders in your particular field. Any thoughts on that? Jeremy?

Jeremy Weisz 9:37

No, I think I think you’re exactly right. I mean, think, you know, it’s all about relationships in the end, you know, forming relationships with and giving to for us it’s about relationships and giving to those relationships. How do we were always thinking how do we give first how do we give to those relationships? How do we help those people with in serve them with whatever they’re working on, you know, in their life or business? You know, I have people all the time as they say, Say, oh I this, you know, that’s an aside comment I this health issue I’m dealing with or whatever, and I happen to have expertise in that. And people say, Oh, I have this, you know, this legal thing, and you happen to have expertise in that. So it may not even be serving that person in what we do as a business, but just as a human being a human being.

John Corcoran 10:19

Yeah, you know, it’s, it’s funny, because there are those who think that in order to develop thought leadership, you need to go retreat to your writing cabin, or your office and spend months years, generating content, writing, maybe books, writing articles turning out that kind of stuff. And that might work in certain fields that might work maybe in academia still. But the approach that we advocate is more of a people based approach, which is to build those relationships and through the building of those relationships, and at the same time, concurrently generating the content, you will become that respected thought leader, and you will have such a stronger network through that process.

Jeremy Weisz 11:04

Yeah, I think, to that point,John, when we think of it, it’s, you know, you know, we called Rise25 because we believe in rising tide lifts all boats, and so there’s other people who really have thought leadership around relationships that we are huge advocates for, and we’re talking about them and their work and promoting their work, and not just us. So the thought leadership is also sharing were some of our ideas and some of the people we respect, you know, like, you know, we respect you know, John Ruhlin and what he does with with his you know, Giftology and his company respect Ian Garlic and what he does with helping people get their, you know, case stories out there, and his podcast, there’s so many people we learn from and we go, perpetuate what they’re working on.

John Corcoran 11:54

Absolutely. Well, just to wrap things up, Jeremy, where can people go to learn more about yourself? and Rise25?

Jeremy Weisz 12:01

Yeah, they go to or you can go to the about page there and it kind of has, we have a video that we created and you kept in some of the outtakes in that video. So it’s pretty funny. I didn’t realize that you put those in there so you can go to check out more as the video was talking about. How do you get ROI with a podcast?

John Corcoran 12:24

Alright, thanks everyone. Have a great day.