Dorie Clark is a top strategy consultant who’s worked with high profile clients including Google, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, and many more. She teaches at Duke University Business School and has lectured at Harvard business school, Stanford, MIT, and many more. She is the author of “Reinventing You,” and her latest book “Stand Out: How to Find Your Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It”
On this episode…
As a busy business owner, executive, or entrepreneur you have to push hard to grab the success you’re seeking. But life goes on in the meantime, doesn’t it?
What do you do when things fall apart? When relationships crumble? When your heart aches but business still has to go on?
On this episode Dorie Clark shares what she did when she experienced a devastating relational loss and gives her insights into what was going on inside her as she processed those things. But she also shares some of her proudest moments and the strength they have provided.
And stick around ’till the end to hear about Dorie’s mini-ebook experiment and the results she’s seeing from it.
Dorie’s biggest hardship proudest moments
- The loss of an important relationship.
- No time to go to therapy or get professional help.
- How she worked her way through it by working harder.
- The proudest moments.
- Dorie’s mini-ebook experiment.
- Final tips about standing out in your niche.
Dorie’s resources mentioned on this episode
- (get your FREE assessment tool)
- Dorie’s new book: “Stand Out”
- “Reinventing You” – Dorie’s other book
- “Stand Out Networking” – yet ANOTHER book