David Nevogt is a Co-founder of Hubstaff.com, a SaaS time tracking, project management, and employee development platform. David co-founded Hubstaff in 2012 out of personal pain and a need to be free. He runs the day-to-day marketing, operations, and support for the company as there are over 34,000 companies that trust Hubstaff, including companies like Groupon. Instacart, Ring Doorbell, ClickFunnels, and many more.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- What is Hubstaff and why David Nevogt considers it as the hardest thing he’s has ever done
- Why companies decide to use Hubstaff
- How to communicate the need for Hubstaff to your team
- Why Hubstaff gives so much attention to customer service
- David shares how he hires great talent for Hubstaff support service
- Why Hubstaff values transparency in their culture and how it benefits businesses as well
- Why David decided not to pay himself for two years
- How Hubstaff pricing works and how it was created
- David talks about being an entrepreneur and why he decided to go down the entrepreneurial path
- Why Hubstaff started a podcast
- The need that pushed David to create Hubstaff
- David shares his proud moment in business
In this episode…
You’d be hard-pressed to find an entrepreneur who wouldn’t wish for more hours in a day just so they can finish everything that they want to do in order to scale their business. But the problem isn’t in how much time they have but on how they spend their time. See, a lot of entrepreneurs don’t really know where their time goes, let alone that of their team members and this gray area is where the opportunity to focus on high-value activities that can help scale any business gets lost.
David Nevogt knows firsthand how difficult it is to keep track of everything that’s going on in a business and it was this need that propelled him to create Hubstaff. And while he is the founder of several multi-million dollar companies, creating this SaaS product proved to be the most challenging one for him. But almost unsurprisingly, it’s also one that’s incredibly rewarding.
In this episode of INspired INsider as Dr. Jeremy Weisz talks with David Nevogt of Hubstaff about his entrepreneurial journey, what pushed him to create Hubstaff, how they help businesses track their productivity and grow their business, why transparency is so important to their company culture, and more. Stay tuned.
Resources Mentioned on this episode
- Hubstaff
- Hubstaff Agency Advantage Podcast
- David Nevogt on LinkedIn
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankl
Sponsor for this episode
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Rise25 was cofounded by Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran.
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Episode Transcript
Jeremy Weisz
Dr. Jeremy Wiesz here Founder of InspiredInsider.com where I talk with inspirational entrepreneurs and leaders like the founders you’ve heard of and some you’ve never heard of the founder of big league to our x bar p90x founder, Tony Horton, you know Einstein Bagels, you know, Dave, I love hearing about the challenge stories. Not just okay, I’ve been successful, been there done that, but I remember no Albert Einstein Bagels said he was selling religious tchotchkes out of the back of his trunk and was not doing so great in business. And then I love hearing those times as well. Obviously, the success on the other end and people sometimes hopefully they realize it’s like a 10 or 20 year journey overnight success, right. And so I love hearing those things. And I’m going to introduce today’s guests in a second, which we use our software. We love it. And so I’m excited to introduce it to you if you haven’t heard of it. But before I do, this episode is brought to you by Rise25, which I co-founded with my business partner John Corcoran, and what we do at Rise25 is we help b2b businesses connect to their dream 100 clients and referral partners and help them run and launch their podcast. Not just that, but so it generates ROI because we find that if someone does a podcast, it doesn’t generate ROI, they quit. And so we I don’t want anyone to quit. I’ve been doing this for over 10 years. And it’s not just business related. It’s allowed me to form amazing relationships and it’s much more personal and the reason I say Started podcasting. The inspiration behind it was my grandfather who was a Holocaust survivor. And him and his brother were in concentration camps in Nazi Germany. And they were the only members of their family to survive. And the reason his words and legacy live on is because theHolocaust foundation did an interview with him. And actually, that interview is on my about page on inspiredinsider.com so people can watch the full interview, but it’s something that inspires me motivates me. I watch it multiple, multiple times a year. And so I consider when I have a guest on helping them leave a legacy, not just, you know, we’re talking about business, but help myself and my guests leave a legacy. And that’s what it did for my grandfather. And so, I personally credit podcasting is the best thing I’ve done for my business and my life outside of meeting my wife, but if you have a business, I believe you should have a podcast period. So you can ask questions if you have them. Even Have you don’t use us [email protected] and check out rise25.com for more information. And I’m excited about introducing today’s guests and also he’s talks about business and his journey. It always it hasn’t always been amazing along the way. But David Nevogt founded Hubstaff in 2012 on a personal pain and the need to be free so we’ll hear more about that. But they have over 34,000 businesses that trust Hubstaff, and they help companies like Groupon. Instacart ring doorbell ClickFunnels, many more. Dave’s founded several multi million dollar businesses and says the software company was the hardest one of the hardest things he’s ever done. Um, Dave, thanks for joining me.
David Nevogt
Thank you. Nice to be here.
Jeremy Weisz
So why is that out of everything, been one of the hardest things?
David Nevogt
Oh, well, there’s a lot of reasons really. But number one is that I just didn’t have any clue how Added how to do it or or what to do, or how hard it was, you know, desktop software is web software is a little easier. It’s a lot easier actually. But desktop software, it’s just so hard to there’s so many different versions of operating systems, and you have to, you know, conform to all those different systems. It makes it very hard. So you have to find very smart people to be able to do that. Build that code.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, talk about that for a second. Because there’s a there’s a unique, really good customer service aspect to your business. And, you know, I wouldn’t say it’s an expensive software. Yeah, we get email from someone who’s like, hey, let’s set up a meeting and very high touch for not expensive software. So maybe just briefly talk about what the software is. So people kind of know what Hubstaff is in general. And then we could talk about how you made sure to implement that customer service aspect.
David Nevogt
Yeah, so I mean, Hubstaff at its core is time tracking with data. So timesheet verification we do, we try to streamline small businesses and so anybody with remote teams especially, which right now we’re in this, you know, pandemic and it’s, it’s really helped a lot of people you know, stay employed and and help a lot of companies stay in business. So I’m proud of that. But, you know, we primarily help remote teams or teams that are not together in a physical office. That’s our number one kind of core competency. And that can be mobile where you know, you’re your team is you get a construction company and you don’t know where your employees are, we track location. We show location on a map, so you can see where your team is, even if you’re all in Chicago, but you don’t know. You know, if you have one foreman, that is On this jobsite, and then you’ve got, you know, another jobs icon over here and you got somebody on the other side of town, you can’t physically get in a truck and drive around, that takes out that would take four hours in Chicago, you know, so you experienced that before, versus a few seconds of logging in and seeing their location, making sure they are where they’re going to be, you know, how much time was spent with the client. So we you know, you can scale that up to large companies that know how much time is being spent with customers, you know, for sales teams, you know, all these different things rolled up into reports and then we you know, for remote teams, ecommerce, you know, agencies are a big one sock involvement. Basically just understanding what what is being done setting priorities, you can see screenshots of your team. We have a lot of people that are that are half our customers are international, outside the US and then most of our customers have employees or contractors outside the US. So, you know, across time zones, we help manage that. You know, like I said, setting priorities, understanding what’s being worked on, you know, how the works being done, who’s the most active? That kind of thing?
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