Briana Borten has built three spas into an eight figure business encompassing a variety of wellness products, including nutritional supplements and the life planner called the Dream Book. She is also the cofounder of DragonTree.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [1:10] Jeremy’s introduction to this episode.
- [2:00] Briana joins the podcast.
- [3:20] What is Briana’s favorite story from her book?
- [5:20] Briana talks about their hiring process.
- [8:20] Why did Briana write her book?
- [11:50] Briana talks about some of her 8 steps to quality of life.
- [14:40] How does Briana structure her day?
- [19:10] Briana talks about managing five business.
- [22:50] Best-selling and popular products.
- [28:10] Briana talks about two stories that involved her breaking her bones.
- [34:10] Starting the first spa.
- [38:40] What worked and didn’t work building the business?
- [42:00] Briana talks about opening her spa in the Portland airport.
- [46:40] How to connect with Briana.
- [48:00] Parting advice from Briana.
In this episode…
Don’t you hate it when you can’t solve a problem or finish a puzzle? That incomplete feeling can be very frustrating. Now, imagine if you felt that about your physical health. What would it look like to have someone help you discover holistic health? Briana Borten has built a business around helping people find physical, emotional, and lifestyle health. She has devoted her creative pursuits to treating the whole person. This passion led her to open her spa and apothecary, write her book, and publish a journal. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you will hear Brian tell her story of success, personal struggles, and much more!
One of the hardest aspects of starting a small business can be finding the right people to bring on your team. Do you know what qualities to look for in a new candidate? How do you set them up for success from day one? Briana Borten has honed a great hiring process over her years in business. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you will hear some helpful tips from Briana that you can put into place today in your business. Briana’s concepts aren’t just theoretical, she gives real life examples of mistakes she has learned from and how it’s helped her discover the best practices to hiring employees. You don’t want to miss this great episode!
Do you struggle to fit into the traditional mold of an entrepreneur or business leader? Do you find it difficult to adopt the habits and best practices of some of the most successful business icons? You aren’t alone! Successful business leader Briana Borten has found the key to less stress and personal freedom, just be yourself! Sure getting tips and insights on what the most successful leaders do is helpful but just as helpful is finding the right rhythms that allow YOU to thrive. If getting up at 5 am is constantly draining and sucking your productivity, don’t do just because “Successful people” do it. Find out what you can learn from Briana’s personal journey on this episode of Inspired Insider.
Can you imagine what it would be like to work in an industry that changes people’s lives? Briana Borten has the great fortune to see that life-changing impact on her clients on a regular basis. Briana’s products through her apothecary and the healing benefits of her spa’s sessions bring a huge increase in quality of life for many people. She takes great pride in the fact that she is helping people discover holistic health. Not only focusing on the physical, Briana helps people understand other aspects that impact their health. To hear more about Briana’s work and the passion behind her success, make sure to check out this episode of Inspired Insider!
What’s your worst case scenario? What determines your perspective on life? Are you always shooting for the impossible without considering the reality of your dreams? Maybe you need to take a page from Briana Borten’s book. She encourages people to get a healthy perspective on life. Pause, take a look at the good things you have going for you in your life. Would it be the worst thing if you never accomplished more than what you already have? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear helpful insights from Briana on how she gained a healthy perspective. Don’t miss it!
Resources Mentioned on this episode
- Briana’s Twitter Page:
- Website: The Dragontree
- Website: Briana Borten
- Website: The Well Life
- BOOK: The Well Life
- BOOK: Dream Book
Rise25 is where entrepreneurs of 6,7, and 8 figure businesses come together live and in person every few months to solve their biggest business challenges through this high-level Mastermind group. Each member leaves each week with lifelong friendships and actionable steps to take their business to the next level. Check out – a group run by myself and co-founder John Corcoran. Rise 25 is application only.Sponsor for this episode