Andy Hussong
Oh, yeah, yeah, Ron and I have been friends for probably seven, eight years online, just uh, you know, meeting at live events such as, you know, like I did with you and done some JV deals together and so on. And, and so we agreed to partner and we thought we would talk to Anik to find out what it would take and then after some back and forth Anik brought up the idea we had considered it to happen. Why don’t the three of us partner on this? And so we decided, let’s go for it. And we decided to book the dates of March 6 through the eighth of this year, which we’re very fortunate we didn’t vote for after that, because that
Jeremy Weisz
from everything shut down, right? Yeah.
Andy Hussong
Jeremy Weisz
For you just made it. Wow.
Andy Hussong
Yeah, for all I know. We’re pretty sure we were the last live marketing and then i think that i think there was another one night one evening event that went on like that next week, but I think that was about it. So anyway, yeah, that’s, that’s how it got started. And and we’re still partnering together on some other things related to the WebinarCon brand.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, so what that what does that look like now? So it goes from live event, But people can still get online learning and, you know, distance learning, right?
Andy Hussong
You mean with what we’re doing? Yeah. With what you’re doing? Yeah. Well, actually, we are going to be doing something soon. I must say anything. Yet, but right, we will be real since
Jeremy Weisz
this is live. Don’t say anything. Yeah, this is pre recorded for later. I’d be like, Don’t worry, we’ll release it like in a couple of weeks.
Andy Hussong
Yeah. But we’re about to announce something else that that we’re releasing that I think will be a big hit as well. And it will allow a lot more people to take part in that because the original WebinarCon event was held to 100 people and it was a tight fit. And we originally only planned on having I think it was 3035 people. It was 35 people we planned on and then we bumped it to 50 and the demand was there and we had the room and Anik actually sent a video to Ron and myself. It’s funny we have this three way Facebook Messenger chat we’ve had going since like late November or something like that, maybe December. And having this conversation. He sent us a video showing his the Lurn Center where he’s like, hey man. Hey guys, I rearrange the tables. I think we have room for some more. And because the They’re just a lot of people wanted to go. And so we were able to get 100 people in there. And, and like I said, it’s a little bit of a tight fit, but it was I think it was just right. What was
Jeremy Weisz
good Andy that came out of that what was maybe some of the content or some of the things that we were talking about that was powerful for people. What was the feedback?
Andy Hussong
Well, I can tell you one thing we did we put people together to kind of like speed dating. We put them together one on one, and timed it, you know, and had them moving. We had two different rooms that we had that going on with rows of tables and people just move move. And so that was a big hit. We did that on day one. And we would have liked to have gotten that in a couple more times over the weekend. But we had so many speakers set to present that we just had to keep it rolling and but some of the other things content wise I mean, we just had people will Anik for one he shared You know how he won a launch? I think it was a $12 million launch or something. He was number one on that earlier this year. So we talked about everything he did all the sophisticated systems he had in place at a lot of different high level speakers. But I think the biggest benefit to at all it was that after day one, we had so many people and by the way, I know I had no idea we’re gonna be talking about WebinarCon on this and so just for anyone listening, this wasn’t set up a setup for to sell you guys on what we did, but I didn’t know to answer your question. After day one, we were being told that this was a lot of them says the best their favorite event they’ve been to because not because of the content so much, even though a lot of them said they love the content is because of the purpose that we had, which was to bring people together, just like you would at a regular live event where people go to, you know, a lot of them go to make new connections to hopefully do some JV deals and such this To set up for that, to be able to come together with your webinar, not everyone had a webinar, but I’d say 80% of them did. And others were service providers related to webinars. And so what they were excited about was the fact that they already were doing deals the first day just from hanging out, you know, just being in the room being introduced in the speed deal thing that we did, as well as just, you know, during lunch and so on. And we had a contest to see you do the most deals and things like that just made a lot of fun. And people were just excited about that. So that was the, that was a bad thing for me.
Jeremy Weisz
So it was like it was kind of a combination of sounds like Andy of bringing what converts in a launch in a webinar to how do you form these joint venture partnerships as well. And that’s your, like, the ultimate superpower comes in? Was there before we go to that your superpower? Was there anything that Anik mentioned, out of the $12 million launch? that sticks out is something Oh, This this piece. Don’t miss this piece in your in your launch. You know I
Andy Hussong
to be honest with you, I can’t remember specific details about it. And as one of the, the cofounders, I was going yeah, I figured make sure things are going well,
Jeremy Weisz
if anyone is watching this and you were there, please put in the chat. What? Yeah, big thing you got out of that Anik talk. That’d be that’d be cool. So when approaching partners, joint venture partners, okay, you have what’s called this partner persuasion path. Right. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Andy Hussong
Sure. Well, you know, I really the first half of that is more about you know, getting prepared and and how to approach them and everything but yes,
Jeremy Weisz
but sharpening the saw. What’s that sharpening the saw?
Andy Hussong
Yeah, well, well, first of all, I’ve seen so many times where somebody has a webinar, not so much a launch. Usually when someone has a launch, they’re pretty prepared with what the details are before they start reaching out to people. But because I’ve been focusing on webinars exclusively for the last five plus years, I think it is. What I found is a lot of guys who have new webinars are solid and everything they want to go go go to try to get partners and they don’t really have their ducks in a row yet and so, so the first thing I always advise people do is prepare and that’s to prepare their, the details of their JV opportunity, getting down certain information he and I, and it doesn’t mean you have to have a real fancy JV page or anything like that, just getting it down in a document. It could be a Google document, I like to use Evernote documents just because they look a little bit better. They look like web page a lot of times and just get the basic details down and then prepare your contact list of people that you really want to reach out to. And we don’t have time for for this during this call obviously but I have a whole process of being able to pinpoint your your low hanging fruit contact. So you may not already be thinking about just one idea there is. A lot of people have been told, hey, when you release your course about no YouTube traffic, or whatever it is, let me know, I’ll endorse it to my people, or I’ll promote it, right? And people like that people you’ve met at live events, people who you’ve promoted in the past as an affiliate yourself, and just brainstorm all these people, you know, make a list of who these people are. And then after that, prepare the approach that that you send to them. And it’s very simple, keeping it short and sweet, making it all about them on the front end, just to get a response to see if there’s any interest in collaborating at all. It’s not even about Hey, will you promote this for me? It’s about hey, you know, I’ve got this idea, but I don’t even know if you’re endorsing anything. And that’s important too. I always use the word endorse, not promote, and that’s something else we can talk about. If you want go ahead. Yeah, but we But I’ll get to that. But um, but that’s pretty much it, you know, you make it all about the other person. And they’re not done, they know that if you’re reaching out to them out of the blue, especially if they haven’t heard from you in a while, you know, if you know, what are you working together, you know that it probably got something there they’re wanting to do for themselves and so you make it something about them totally authentic, authentically, where you’re making it about, you know, are you even looking to endorse things to to your audience, to the people that are trusting you? And if so, so I’ve got an idea that might, you know, might be a fit and I’ll leave it up to you to decide and and and that’s when you have that conversation, and then just see what happens and of course, there’s more to it than all that but yeah, that’s kind of my short
Jeremy Weisz
I mean, people can check out and you have, if you check it out, you can actually download a free PDF, which is partner persuasion. path. So if you want the full details, I mean, we don’t have time right now to go through all of them, you can check that out on his website. And we’ll hit on some different topics. But you mentioned endorse, not promote. How did you come to that verbiage?
Andy Hussong
Yeah, well, I think it probably started, because I really can’t remember when or how I came up with using the term endorsed traffic is really what I started using. And it was back when I was working with Todd Brown, as his JV director, and he and I are still good friends. And one of my big influences in this industry, by the way, and we both talk, I think, okay, so that that does, explain how I came up with it, because he’s a big proponent on coming up with special terminology for the thing that you do and in a way that that is different, but makes a lot of sense to your target market and that and so what I came up with regarding endorsed traffic is that that it’s important to understand that when you’re looking for someone to promote or to endorse your webinar, your product launch or evergreen affiliate offer to their audience, it’s important to understand that those people on the other end trust that partner that you would be working with. And if that partner does does endorse you to them, that’s what what this is it’s an endorsement they’re fully endorsing you to their audience. And so it’s, that’s why you want to make it all about the potential partner you’re reaching out to. Because if you reach out to them from an angle of Hey, what is it your people want? What is it they respond to the most? And I just, you know, would like to find out if what I have is something that might be a fit for them. And and that’s another thing to never go to them and say, hey, I’ve got something it’s a perfect fit for your list, because that’s another topic we can get into. Then they’re like, No, it’s not.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, I do want to talk about two big things on the topic. Would you take me there, right mistake big mistakes people make when reaching out. And also the metrics you say you got to be prepared. Well, so let’s start with a metric for a second. What metrics should people know? I mean, they’re not saying they’re leading with the metrics, right? Because right at a minimum, you just want to know, are you even promoting anything to start having conversation, but when you know, further along line, you need to have be prepared. So what metrics should people know? Like, what do you look for someone? Andy, I have a webinar, you’re like, Okay, boom, I already like you, I trust you. We’re going to endorse this thing, probably maybe, what are the metrics? What do you look for?
Andy Hussong
Sure. Well, first of all, even before the metrics, that topic and what the topic is about, you know, is it something that in and of itself is going to be interesting to to the audience, like, in my case, you know, I’ve match people up, you know, with offers and so when I see an offer, a lot of times I can tell if it’s going to be a home run, and like the webinar, JV circuit or whatever, right, just by the topic alone, but then it’s Far as metrics go, you know, one myth is that you have to have cold traffic conversions before you take a webinar, for instance, out into the JV space. just not true. It just isn’t. I mean, I’ve seen it happen so many times where people have not spent a dime on on paid ads before doing that. I’m not saying that it’s not ideal to do that. I’m just saying it’s not
Jeremy Weisz
obviously maybe ideal if you can do it, but yeah, yeah, yeah,
Andy Hussong
yep. And so now, with that said, if someone comes to me and says, hey, I’ve been running this on cold traffic for last six months, and it’s just been doing great, you know, whatever those numbers are, you know, in terms of epcs, and so on. I really haven’t personally got into epcs and, you know, and ROI a what is that ROI is return on adspend and for paid ads and all that I really don’t even fully understand all that all I understand is on the webinar side is that if if it’s hot and people are buying it, and you’ve got a hot conversion rate in terms of
Commission’s like per attendee like dollars per attendee dollars per registrant things like that that you can share with potential partners, then that’s kind of what you look at and, and I guess just, you know $100 per attendee in actual earn commissions, not just gross is a pretty cool benchmark that if you’ve hit that people take notice of that. But then of course also if you can let people know you’ve got a low refund rate, things like that. I mean, it’s pretty simple. It really comes down to how hot the topic is, if the fit for the audience, if it’s been converting internally or with other partners, and so on, you know,
Jeremy Weisz
what’s another myth?
Andy Hussong
Another myth is that you have to reset I hate that term, okay. But so many times over the years when I’ve had conversations with people who are Really just starting out getting JV partners, maybe they’ve got a webinar that’s been going well internally, and they’ve just really put it off. I find that a lot of times people put it off because they’re scared. They’re scared of getting asked the question, will you reset for me? Will you do a reciprocal pro? Got it? Will you promote for me? And, and it’s sad because what’s true is that if your opportunity is good enough if it’s hot, and a good fit for other people’s audiences, there are people out there there are JV partners who will promote you without you having to promote them back in return. And really just start starts with getting one partner who believes in you, which goes back to what I said earlier about, you know, your low hanging fruit. If you just get one or two partners who believe in you enough to to endorse you to their audience. Then you just take the results of that webinar, and hopefully a JV testimonial or two from that partner leverage that to reach out to other people to see if they’d be a fit.
Jeremy Weisz
What are some mistakes people make when reaching out?
Andy Hussong
Well, you know, just reaching out and saying, hey, I’ve got this webinar, or I’ve got this offer, will you promote it? Hey, we Is this something that you are this, this would be a perfect fit for your list, like we already said, reaching out, making it all about yourself. Right? And not. I’m not saying that you have to reach out and warm them up for a while before you ever bring something up because everyone’s different. I think if someone you’re reaching out to, you know, just wants to get to the point. There’s nothing wrong with Yeah. Hey, you know, how’s it going? Haven’t chatted in a while. hope everything’s going well. Just want to let you know, I understand you. You’ve been endorsing different webinars lately. I just wondered if you’d be open to checking the one checking out the one that I just released. It’s about X, Y and Z. Not giving a link, don’t give a JV page link yet. Don’t start throwing out a bunch of stats. I mean, I think it’s okay to say it’s converted really well. Or maybe you throw in a number, but keep it very short and sweet. And
Jeremy Weisz
it’s kind of like a first date. Right? It’s like, you know, like, hey, do you want kids? Like how many I mean, maybe you do have a connection, but you don’t want to, like jump the gun too far in advance with with some of those, right?
Andy Hussong
Yeah, absolutely. And I say you should always take a two to three step approach when you do reach out to people, you know, make that first approach. And I my favorite way of reaching out is via Facebook Messenger. These days, it seems like everyone’s on Facebook. And when I do it, I do it from one of those little tabs at the bottom, like everyone uses probably on their laptop, and, and I try to keep it to two short little sentences or maybe three, two little paragraphs or something like that. really short and sweet. That Just gets their interest. lets them know I’m thinking about them and have an idea to run by them if they’re open to it, or if it’s somebody that I, you know, I’ve done a lot of deals with a lot of times I’ll just kind of get right cut right to the chase, but I still do it respectfully. And just to get them engaged in a conversation and see where that leads.
Jeremy Weisz
So one of my favorite people also Andy is Caleb O’Dowd, and you’ve done work with Caleb, talk about how you get how you both connected and then what you ended up doing together.
Andy Hussong
Well, Caleb was introduced to me about four years ago, maybe and started having a conversation with him about a webinar he had at the time. And when I found out that he was one of Gary Halbert, original protegees or original, I think his protege he lived with him for the years, along with his business partner, Sam Markowitz, right?
Jeremy Weisz
Yep. I know. Both of them
Andy Hussong
They’ve done millions over the years in various industries. And so, again, it’s kind of like, back in the day when I started not to name drop or anything, but I was john Reese’s affiliate manager back in the day for anyone watching this, who remembers him, you know, in the internet marketing space. When I first met him and found out what he had accomplished before he was even teaching this stuff that made me realize I needed to pay attention to him and and get to know him better. And that’s the same thing with Caleb, with Caleb and those guys very highly ethical, highly ethical, business owners people in general. And then the offers that they create are our winners. And so yeah, that’s how I met him and we just decided or we I started being his JV director for a webinar and then for another webinar after that, I think I’ve done it.
Jeremy Weisz
done that with him for some people what that means JV director because you also have an agency side Your Business yeah and and maybe just give people a brief background on how that works. Sure now.
Andy Hussong
Okay, so you have I think I need to preface it by saying there’s a lot of confusion in it depends on who you ask there’s, you have JV brokers, and then you have affiliate managers have JV managers, and so on. And it’s important to understand that a JV broker for instance is someone who typically you know, will connect two people together for promo and and then they’ll get a percentage of that by making the connection and you know, hopefully helping them you know, get it on the calendar and help facilitate the whole campaign which is what I do when I broker deals because I also do that but but then you have a an affiliate manager, who is an affiliate manager could be the same as a JV manager, I call it you know, partner, director, JV director, whatever, it’s just a positioning thing really, but, but affiliate managers Or JV director, whatever you want to call it is somebody who isn’t just recruiting affiliates and, and connecting them and then getting a cut for the deals that that he or she puts together. He’s actually managing or directing the entire campaign from front to back. You know, the guy in the middleman who’s or woman who’s facilitating the deal, making sure both sides have what they need. And I’ll tell you this man, JV directors, a lot of people don’t understand all the work that goes on behind the scenes sounds
Jeremy Weisz
like a terrible job. trout, I mean, not in a negative way. It’s me, it’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of work.
Andy Hussong
Yeah, it can be at times.
Jeremy Weisz
Do you want to be the JV broker? I’ll just connect them I’ll step away. I mean, it’s that easy because you spend decades building relationships and building trust. So it’s not like easy, but that in addition to the JV director, sign me up just with a JV broker. Right, right.
Andy Hussong
Yeah, yeah, well, the JV director side to get thing is that a lot of times compensation is better. And there you get basically a cut of everybody, all the deals that come through, because you’re helping manage everything, whether you recruiting or not. Sometimes it just depends on who the client is that you’re working with. So
Jeremy Weisz
this with Caleb, you were directing everything in addition to making introductions, right?
Andy Hussong
Yep. Yep. And I tell you what I was going to say about being a tough gig, sometimes the biggest challenge is, is when you have two personalities in two different ways of doing things, this client, the client, the partner, whatever, and both sides like to do business a certain way, obviously. And sometimes they just mesh and they get along great and they’re very both sides are cooperative. And then other times, they this guy’s bashing this guy, all the way through the campaign really, or vice versa, like behind
Jeremy Weisz
the scenes.
Andy Hussong
Yeah, and you gotta be the one to kind of juggle that man. Be
Jeremy Weisz
the example. Have a bashing. You have to name names, of course, but like, what did people conflict about? What was the?
Andy Hussong
Well, I think okay, so yeah, you were We were talking before we started recording about stories, names, but I remember it’s probably it was probably back in 2012 or 13. Yeah, it was quite a while ago, when I put together a deal. And both sides, you know, like, and we can talk about what I do to rectify this now just through experience, but right here in just a few minutes, but I remember making the introduction and being the one to facilitate the whole thing all the way through and this guy I’m getting his email swipes sending in to this guy and this guy to his and making sure everyone’s got their links and so on. And, but neither one of them they hadn’t met and had a conversation at all, everything was through me, and I just had a feeling something’s gonna go haywire. Well, what ended up happening was, they promoted each other because The other one agreed to promote for them that reset thing. You know, all they care about is that they had someone on the calendar that would also reset for them reciprocate and and so when they got them on the calendar, one guy promoted one week one guy promoted the other this guy who was being promoted this week. The other guy didn’t push very hard. He’s pushing just enough to get people on the webinar. You know, I don’t I don’t know the good credit, I get credit for doing yeah, just to say that you did it right. Well, this guy’s upset, because this guy’s hardly sending any traffic. Right? And, and so the next week, same thing happens. That dude didn’t send much traffic to him. And then this guy’s complaining. And they were like, upset with one another. And I tried to tell both parties early on that, hey, um, you guys really get on a call together? You know? Let me get on their own. I don’t have time for that. You know, you handle it and and so I remember that fizzled out big time. I think I may $200 on that out of all that time, which is a is a strikeout really Oh, yeah.
Jeremy Weisz
What would you do today to rectify it?
Andy Hussong
Today, what I always encourage my clients to do, especially my JV management, JV director clients is to do what I call a 15 minute brainstorm call. And, and the way that works, it’s like magic, really, if you think about it, because right after the webinar, the old gets booked, and whether it’s a single deal or a cross promotion. Once it gets on the calendar, next thing I say is, Hey, you know, now why don’t we go ahead and schedule a time for you guys to jump on a quick 15 minute call to just discuss the positioning of the offer, make sure we’re all on the same page and answer any questions. And I’ve never, I mean, you get some pushback sometimes, you know, because people are very busy, but for the most part, you know, they’re willing to, yeah, 15 minutes, knowing that it’s probably going to be 35 minutes or so, right? Sometimes it’s gone as far as an hour. And here’s the magic. The reason I really get them on there is because when they get on there a lot of times, all they do is they find out they got a commonality, like you and I are big cub fans, they find out, they start building rapport. You know, they find out what commonality they have. And then they’re like, Okay, tell me more about what this webinar is about, you know, what can I do to really, you know, push across a lot of sales, and it starts creating buzz during that call to a point A lot of times where by the time they get off the call, it’s like I’m 100% all in I’m pushing for this promotion. And so that’s when they really go really well and if you don’t mind me adding to this you when we’re talking about stories before we got on here, there was a time I mentioned Tom Browns name already. I introduced him to two different people. One was Ryan avec, who you know, the founder of ask Brian, right and then also Got Todd and Ryan Lee on a on a call together which I think they already knew each other. But in both instances when they got on the call as the middleman I just muted myself and let them talk until they had a question for me or whatever, or if I needed to jump in, and all it was is both sides just giving each other love about loving what the other person is doing online, and then they jumped into the JV conversation and those promos went off without a hitch. They were awesome. And so that’s, you know, just an example of what can happen when you take the time to do that versus just letting the JV guy or JV gal handle all the details and try to get by with do doing it without talking gain body so
Jeremy Weisz
So Andy the thanks for sharing that it’s huge in your years experience now back to the kilo doubt I know I interrupted you just to clarify the JV director thing but so your your JV directing, Caleb, what are some of the components you make sure they’re talk about the launch But, yeah, so
Andy Hussong
with him right now, he’s about to release another webinar to actually and, and when like he’s
Jeremy Weisz
always releasing something,
Andy Hussong
right. Yeah, exactly. Well, when, when that’s the case, the idea is again, like I was saying before, my, it’s my job to get really clear and prepared on what the details are of that JV opportunity. And like I said, I typically will put it on an Evernote document. And, and I put as much ammo on that document as as I can to limit the questions. You know, what if I put it in front of someone, they’ve got everything they need right there. And a lot of times people say yeah, then you know, I can do it next week or two weeks from now or something. And so when when that happens, I get on the calendar. I’m making make introductions. I’m just kind of going through. Am I going through everything I do, but the basics are, you know, get on the calendar, get them to agree to that 15 minute brainstorm call. Yep. So that’s on the counter once that’s on the counter. I let them know you know give me a few days we’ll work up a document that we will present to you that gives you everything you need and we’ll have some questions for you
Jeremy Weisz
regarding Kayla give you swipe you’ve ever studied that swipe like it’s your job because yeah one of the best copywriters
Andy Hussong
yeah that absolutely yeah, he’s just the email copy alone that that he uses in his promotions or you know, crazy masterclass.
Yeah. And he does it personally right, all of that stuff anymore. But he’s trained these copywriters and he’s, he’s written his own copy for years. Now, some of his copies still writes, but you know, the ones that he has, you know, outsourced or whatever, or outsource to people he’s personally trained and known.
Jeremy Weisz
Yep. So what happened on the other side? I don’t want to talk about the kale one Caleb launcher webinar that was successful. What happened?
Andy Hussong
Well, I mean, I’ll just bring up the initial one that he did with a partner and I probably shouldn’t say names because you don’t have to. Yeah. But there’s a good friend of mine that I’ve done a lot of deals with over the years who was the initial partner for Caleb’s high profit Facebook groups web, which is actually being retired now, just so you know, it’s it’s no longer a thing in on the JV circuit right now. Nothing bad, just that it was two, three years in the making, and decided to do some other promos. But this a partner of ours, good friend of mine, endorsed it and, and just it was really cool because I just reached out to him in a way that I was just like, this is something that I think could be the next big webinar on the circuit. I’ve said that before and really meant that with different webinars that I really think are going to blow up and they usually do Right, and this one definitely didn’t disappoint. And I remember this as partner did over 200,000 in sales on that first webinar. And here’s the magic to that. And the reason I bring that example up, is that when that happens, and I tell people this too, that when you get that first webinar done, especially in the internet marketing slash, you know, make money online space, once you get that out there, more partners are out there watching, you know, they’re registered, or maybe they have just heard about it and, and they see it being promoted by somebody. And, and then they start reaching out asking, Hey, how did that webinar do, they might reach out to me they might reach out to you if you have a webinar, doing that, whatever. And that’s where you can kind of snowball it. So it’s not just about, you know, going out and recruit, recruit, recruit, recruit, you still do that you still go out there and approach these potential partners, but you also have people coming Do you, you know asking about it as well.
Jeremy Weisz
So you know any, there’s two last questions you’ll let me know if you don’t have time for them. One is I want to free to share a few things of motivating people to promote, like you said, even if you have them on the calendar, even if they agree to do it actually motivate them to continue to promote more. And the second is I wanted to just tell your backstory of a really interesting backstory of where you started. Okay, and how you when you first got into kind of this online marketing world, I think you were what was your job at the time? a
Andy Hussong
post office clerk?
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah. So how that what was the transition? So I don’t know if which one you want to do
Andy Hussong
attack for you to talk about whatever you want me to talk about man
Jeremy Weisz
no joke about motivating people to promote first and then I want you to tell just a brief backstory because I know you have to hop on another call, but talk about motoring. to people to promote, because there’s so many steps up to that point, there’s so many steps that happen like, okay, we’re going to say yes, but now they need to actually start sending and actually because everyone’s busy even though they have the best of intentions, and the right they still need that push people are busy. So
Andy Hussong
first of all, this is why I got out of the product launch game like I stopped being an affiliate manager for product launches. Because I’d come in Come on as a as a, I’ll know a product launch JV manager, whatever, for different launches. And, and even though it was enjoyable to certain extent, because of the people I was working with the hours and the time spent chasing people down, getting people committed to promote a product launch and then having to follow up making sure they’re going to promote and keeping them motivated, just was just exhausting. Now with webinars, it’s a little bit different when you’re working with one partner at a time, and you’ve got a week set aside For a specific partner, then it’s just about communication at that point, it’s obviously getting them what they need and plenty of time of time. You know, just being that voice in between or just watching the conversation that’s going on whether it’s in Skype or Facebook Messenger, reaching out asking if they have everything they need, making sure all the links are working stuff like that, which you don’t have to do yourself you can have someone else on your team do that the technical stuff, but but but then as you’re getting closer to the promo, reminding them, you know, what their webinar panelists link is, or the GoToWebinar panel this link is, and then once they start promoting updating them as soon as possible as sales come in, you know how those sales look, hopefully, they’ve gone really well. And when they have you let them know right away. Hey, great job, you’re off to a great start. We still have tonight’s encore to go before we even get to the replays tomorrow. As an example, right, excuse me, and then the next morning, what I like to do is see where we’re at sales wise and, you know, update them on the sales numbers, make sure they have the replay link. I know in Caleb’s case the link that was used to promote the actual webinars the exact same link to use for the replay. So there’s no excuse to be waiting on a replay link to be waiting to be created for you. And so I will just remind them, Hey, you know, you have 23 sales so far off to a great start. By the way he as a reminder, it’s the same link used here it is again, when send that out, let us know if you have any questions. Here’s your swipes again. Or I usually don’t send in the swipes again, because they’re all in one document. I just remind them, you know, to just pull from the swipes and to edit, edit them in their voice and so on. And so I’ll do that on a daily basis, update them on sales, how that’s going, just asking everything’s okay, reminding them a certain things The payment plan is is starting on Saturday or Sunday morning. The the deals closing Sunday night. So be sure on Sunday really, you know, check out those emails are quite a few emails to send on that day, things like that just staying in communications like
Jeremy Weisz
communication and reinforcement are the two keys to just continuing to make sure people are doing what they need to be doing even though they’re super busy. Andy he talked about the where you started, like you said the post office clerk and how you got into this.
Andy Hussong
Yeah, well, um, and it’s not that I like talking about myself because I do not like talking about myself. I do love telling the story because it’s, I think it can inspire some people who maybe are struggling or whatever. So, for me, what I was doing, I got I was working as a post office clerk. I was at college dropout got out of school to help raise a little boy who I ended up adopting when he’s five. Anyway. So the short short version is that fast forward. I was was that why
Jeremy Weisz
and Is that why you dropped out at the time? Or is that just happened later?
Andy Hussong
Yeah, I dropped out because of the fact I was staying home a lot to help take care of him and and my GPA was dropping. So I had a full ride our ROTC scholarship, that would have paid for all my bachelor’s and graduate school. And because my GPA was dropping, I decided to go ahead and drop out school that semester, intending to go back that next semester, and I never did. So but that’s cool. And I just
Jeremy Weisz
want to breeze over that’s, I mean, think of it the time someone’s in college had been helping take care of a child ends up adopting and that’s not like a normal story, right? Like it doesn’t happen to most people. So I’m really curious of maybe sharing a couple bits from that.
Andy Hussong
It was just tough man. It was tough because you know, and I tell you what, I’m good friends with with his mom to this day we never did make it. We had another son together we were when we were engaged, and she’s a great mom and and has always been there for the kids. We were better off not being together. We were so young. And but it was tough because I was, you know, on a track like this. I thought going through college I played one year baseball quit because I just knew I wasn’t going anywhere with that and just got that ROTC scholarship. I joined the Army National Guard and and all that and then when I dropped out, you know, it was a punch in the gut then I struggled for for a few years before I got that that post office job but during that post office job is when I still just kept listening to audios while I worked while everyone was making fun of me for it. And because the culture there too. Yeah, yeah, they were listening to I talk radio and of course music and what were you listening to at the time I was listening to audios about mindset, even real estate investing, say personal development. And I remember it was wrong the grants information marketing bootcamp tapes, cassette tapes, and there was an audio in there about internet marketing. And I think it was Ken McCarthy. Yeah. And and that led me to attending his first system seminar. mm 2002 I think it was. And
Jeremy Weisz
there was some amazing people there, right. Like, it wasn’t Perry Marshall. They’re like, Who else was that?
Andy Hussong
Listen to this. And it’s been a long time. So I’m a little foggy on this but the way I remember this Yeah, is that Perry was sitting right next to me. We haven’t remained like we, we were friendly with each other, but we never did end up staying in touch. And that was one thing. I wish we had
Jeremy Weisz
all go to the cubs. I’m gonna like ping Perry. Like, we’re all gonna go to the Wrigley Field at some point. So yeah,
Andy Hussong
yeah, you should. Yeah, I know. He’s out there too. But he was sitting right next to him. I believe it was when I think john keel was on stage announced that something about Google AdWords is being released. I don’t know if that was like April to your right. Yeah, he doesn’t. And I remember hearing Perry and his in like, oh, man, I get his eyes lit up or whatever. And I was just like, huh, yeah, it’s pretty cool. This guy is really excited about like the, you know, the king of Google AdWords or whatever. Yep. And so that’s, that’s the cool stuff that happens. You know, when you go to these events and stuff and and a lot of memories. So yeah, there were people like Perry, Yannick silver, john keel, who a lot of people don’t know but I was mentor of mine. He actually helped me quit the post office. Anyway, a lot of different people. And so, but to kind of finish the story about where I began, because I was listening to those audios and I was sick of my job. I wanted something better for myself. I decided to call in sick to go to that first system seminar. weekend. Where was it? Cincinnati, Ohio. Got it. And because you get this I, I live at the time, 40 minutes northeast of Indianapolis. And I was about 30 miles away headed to Cincinnati and I could only go because I didn’t have the money for a plane ticket. If it had been somewhere further away. It was driving distance, and I got about 20 or 30 minutes away, pulled into a parking lot. And because I felt overwhelmed, I thought, Man, I’m in over my head. I’m going back home, but a voice hit me said Dude, you just need to keep on going. So I did and and then because of that I eventually just got really sucked into the whole internet marketing game met john Reese at the next event and the rest is history.
Jeremy Weisz
You know, I love that and hopefully, Andy someone listens to this and gives them the motivation to keep going like is there a place You know, I just I’m not ready for this. You know, I was talking to Cameron Harold’s earlier today and his COO Alliance and he was saying they’re in a room full of CEO to beat his group. The company has been doing $5 million or more most of them are doing $20 million okay. The the CEO in their NGO said I feel like a fraud and then at a break you know he’s told the camera like I don’t know if this is right for me I feel like a fraud like all these people are impressive. I shouldn’t be here. Any any said. Do you mind if I share that story with people when they went back from lunch and he goes to the group he goes before I tell you the story, who in here feels like a fraud? Every single person raise their hand? Yeah, every single person raise their hand, which is like no matter where you’re at,
Andy Hussong
dude, they’re, you know, right now it’s like, you know, over the years, I’ve done these calls I’ve gotten. I got to a point where I just kind of say what comes to mind and I just go with it. Right, but there’s always that thought before someone asks a question I’m like man, I hope I know the answer to this I hope I hope they don’t figure out that I don’t have all my stuff together all the time you know?
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah. Which is the truth for everyone that’s that’s my point. So I totally appreciate you sharing that wherever someone’s at either. Just that’s what people are thinking right so um, let’s point people towards your site check it out. Where else should we point people towards online and first of all, I just thank you. Thank you for agreeing to do this. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Where else should we point people towards
Andy Hussong
Sure. I appreciate that. Well, first of all, is my main web website. And to be quite honest with you, I’ve hardly used the site at all. The last couple years, it’s there as a placeholder, pretty much for anyone who might, you know, stumble upon me, right. But you can go to I’ve got a Facebook group that I am revamping thing called Connecting the DotComs go, because that’s what I do. Right? And If you just go to that URL, it’ll take you there. And, and so that’s something I’m wrapping up. And then the guys, like I said, my partners with webinar con onyx and gall and Ron Douglas and I are releasing some stuff. So if you ever go to webinar, there’s usually some sort of an opt in form that lets you get on a waiting list or an announcement list for a new events or offers that we might might have, who should contact you, and if they’re listening this or like, I want to work with Andy, who’s like a perfect fit for you. Sure, well, if you’re doing webinars, you need guidance on the JV side of things. Just you know, anyone that’s in this space, you know, it’s got a course that you’re looking to get endorsed by other by other influencers and so on. Your Looking, let’s say you’ve got a list. You’re an affiliate or JV partner, you’re looking for webinars that you’d like to promote your audience for. There’s that word again, endorsed your audience. People like that, you know, just reach out to me. You can also reach me on Facebook. Just Andy it’s slash Andy Hussong. That’s it,
Jeremy Weisz
Andy. Thank you again. Absolute pleasure. Really appreciate you.
Andy Hussong
Thanks Jeremy. I love having the hit part of this. Love it yeah beyond here that we got to do that cubs game if we can ever get back aim normalcy right?