Alan Lobock is one of the cofounders of SkyMall which produces the in flight magazine that keeps us all sane on long flights! Alan is also cofounder of Worthworm which is a web based valuation tool.
Watch this interview to see: [Video & mp3 included on next page]
-What huge partnership was almost “screwed up” because Skymall did not ask for permission?
-What classic mistake did a company make when they approached Alan to invest?
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Alan talks about mistakes and big challenges that got him to the next level:
-What was some of the worst advice he got? (you may get this from loved ones)
-What was difficult about having multiple partners and cofounders?
-What did he do right after he left SkyMall?
-What does Alan consider one of his biggest weaknesses?
Have you ever been on a plane and reached in front of you to page through the magazine with all the cool contraptions on it called SkyMall? Alan helped start the company.
Skymall produces the quarterly in flight magazine with an annual circulation of more than 20 million copies in airplane seat pockets. With annual sales more than $100 million, SkyMall went public through an IPO in the mid-1990s. and It keeps us all sane on long flights!
Alan is cofounder of Worthworm which is a web based valuation tool for young companies because as an angel investor, he reviews more than 100 proposals per year and noticed that entrepreneurs simply couldn’t come up with realistic and defensible valuations.
Alan M. Lobock is a certified Public Accountant, worked at Price Waterhouse from 1982 through 1990. Mr. Lobock departed Price Waterhouse in 1990 to co-found SkyMall, Inc., a direct marketing firm whose merchandise catalog is now featured on most U.S. commercial aircraft. As Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President of Marketing SkyMall, Inc., with annual sales of over $100 million, went public through an initial public offering in the mid-90s. Mr. Lobock has participated in raising over $100 million in angel and venture capital funding during his career, and is a skilled manager and operational, financial, and marketing strategist. He is recognized for his ability to make valuable contributions across a wide range of challenges startup and fast-growing companies face, and reviews approximately 150 business plans annually.
FUN FACT: Alan is difficult to embarrass and is a jokester. Listen to the first story in the interview when he dumps something over his head and why.
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Thank you Alan for sharing the mistakes and lessons learned with Skymall. You have a wealth of knowledge and look forward to following worthworm.