Today we have Aimy Steadman co-founder of Beatbox Beverages who started the company with Justin Fenchel, Jason Schiek, Dan Singer, and Brad Schultz. They were drawn together by their love for music and the entrepreneurial spirit of Austin, Texas. the founders of Beatbox Beverages set out to make the world’s tastiest portable party punch, and since 2011 have grown into a million dollar company with distribution in Krogers, 7-11, Walmart, HEB, Ralphs and many more all over the country. They were even featured on the hit TV show Sharktank!
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [1:20] Jeremy introduces his guest, Aimy Steadman.
- [3:00] The unique challenges of working in the alcohol industry.
- [4:00] Putting together a compelling video.
- [6:00] The lowest moment in business so far.
- [9:30] Managing stress and keeping a healthy mindset.
- [11:00] Proud moments on the journey.
- [13:00] Aimy talks about getting her product into retail stores.
In this episode…
How do you grapple with stress in the workplace? Have you discovered healthy coping mechanisms and behaviors that help you thrive in some of the most stressful environments? Are you still looking for ways to help you cope? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and innovator, Aimy Steadman. In her conversation with Jeremy, Aimy opens up about the story behind Beatbox Beverages, why they decided to create a video of an older woman going to a music festival, how she copes with stress in the workplace, and much more! Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from Aimy!
One helpful way of dealing with stress in the workplace is by focusing on helpful practices like mindfulness and meditation. For Aimy Steadman, meditation and a book called “Mindsight” have been helpful tools she’s used as she ran into high levels of stress while building up her business, Beatbox Beverages. What can you learn from Aimy’s story? How will you cope with stress in a healthy and productive way? Learn more helpful insights on stress management and more by listening to this informative episode of Inspired Insider, you don’t want to miss it!
Branding has been a big buzzword in the business world lately, and for good reason! Branding is simply how your business tells their story and communicates it to the public. How would you rate your business when it comes to branding? Do you have a compelling brand? Does your brand take risks when it comes to storytelling? On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from Aimy Steadman as she explains why Beatbox Beverages chose to feature the story of a 78-year-old woman going to her first music festival on their website. While it may sound crazy, Aimy and her team decided to feature 78-year-old Sue’s story as a way to showcase their brand’s retro vibe and that it can appeal to all age groups. Learn more about Beatbox Beverages and their unique brand strategy by listening to this exciting episode!
Resources Mentioned on this episode
- Beatbox Beverages on Facebook
- Beatbox Beverages on Twitter
- Shark Tank
- Mindsight
- Headspace
- Intro Music by Kidd Russell
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