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Jeremy Weisz 3:13

Right? It goes down to the right strategy. And we’ve had people we’ve talked to people who’ve even had a podcast, and they had 500,000 a million downloads. Yeah, it hadn’t gotten ROI.

John Corcoran 3:26

Absolutely, yeah, millions of downloads and, you know, good for you. That’s great. But you know, the metric doesn’t mean anything if you’re not getting actually any actual results for it. And we should say as a caveat, we are experts in b2b podcasts in the b2b space, that’s what we help people with. So we’re not talking about your, you know, thriller, murder mystery podcast type of thing, or, you know, a bunch of people talking about relationships or something like that. We’re talking in the b2b space. What about another one we identified was featuring the wrong types of people on your podcast to talk about that, Jeremy?

Jeremy Weisz 4:04

Yeah. I mean, when you’re thinking of the types of people you want to have on, it’s kind of a combination between a cross section between a bunch of different things, which is you want to be great content, you want to be someone who’s in your space, whatever space that is, and that could be a thought leader referral partner, strategic partner, potential client client. So that goes into another thing, which is, we recommend we did another episode, which is the five types of content you need to be creating. But oftentimes, when you’re talking about the the guests you have on the show, we, you get enamored and you go off in different directions, which don’t fit the strategy.

John Corcoran 4:49

That’s right. And, uh, you know, you mentioned the five different types of content that we see people creating, or that people should be creating and oftentimes it’s over reliance on one type. type of content. So it’s very one dimensional, and they lose out on all the many different other types of benefits that you can get simple example, I’ve seen very few podcasts that is long term that are solo episode that are just selling speaking into a microphone. I’ve seen a lot of people who say, I’m going to do this differently than everyone else out there, I’m just going to talk into a microphone, and I’m going to share my wisdom each week. And those types of podcasts tend to last a month, three months, and then eventually get bored with it. Because it’s not interactive. It’s not fun, it’s not interesting. Even if you were able to do it long term, you’re missing out on all the benefits of up leveling your network connecting with interesting people meeting new people getting referrals and introductions to other types of people in your space, you lose out on all those different benefits by just focusing on one type of content.

Jeremy Weisz 5:52

Yeah, so the wrong ratio definitely affects people in you know, we could link up the five episodes you must create, if you’re doing a podcast because we go more in depth on those. The next one is the time and energy that goes into the wrong things. And, you know, we’ve had people where you’ve fresh out for a second there, I was just saying the next one is a time and energy that goes into the wrong things. So we’ve talked to people who throw they say, I’m not sure why it’s not why it’s not working. And we’re like, well, what are you doing? And they’re like, well, I’m too, you know, I basically am sending five tweets a day and six, you know, posting it six times on Instagram. And when we look at their Twitter or Instagram following it’s like 50 people. So it’s really, it’s just focusing the time and energy on the wrong thing.

John Corcoran 6:55

Right. Right. Yeah. And, and, you know, maybe they are, you know, in conjunction with that, they also haven’t thought to the right types of people that they should be featuring that they should be talking to. They haven’t thought through how they’re going to leverage those relationships, either. What about sponsorship, we hear this so frequently? I just need to go out and get some good sponsors.

Jeremy Weisz 7:17

Yeah, um, we have a strong opinion on that. And a lot of times, people come to us, and that’s kind of going into focusing on the different metrics that we’re not focused in on, which is downloads and subscribers, because in order to get really attract sponsorships, most of the time, you need to prove out that you have a listener base in subscribers and downloads. And really, if someone has a real business, you know, I b2b business, then we don’t feel there is a need for sponsorships.

John Corcoran 7:55

Yeah, and I’ll add one caveat, you are particularly creative when it comes to leveraging sponsorships and combining them with a variety of other things. So it could be some kind of services relationship, it could be a sponsorship, and a live event that you want to put on, especially a conference that you might be attending. So there are some real creative solutions. As far as that concerned, that’s concerned, it could be related to an upcoming conference. But that takes some creativity. Take some thought you have a ton of experience in this area, Jeremy. But a lot of people think of sponsorship very one dimensionally. It’s just you write me a check. I’m gonna read a sponsor message just like I’ve heard Joe Rogan do from as you don’t have a Joe Rogan style size audience. What about complexity in the process? This is another common reason podcasts fail too much complexity on the process. Jeremy,

Jeremy Weisz 8:53

we were all about simplicity. Right. And, you know, it’s funny, because we did a course on how to build a profitable podcast. And we show we came on and we showed this amazing soundboard of wires going every which way. And we start off by saying, This is what you need to podcasts. And then we just had just kidding, you don’t need any of this. Like you really just need a zoom or an easy way to record and a microphone, a USB mic. I mean, that’s really what you need. And people get all types of equipment, they get all types they have like app synching to each other for the best sound and for whatever you want quality, but at the expense of quitting, you know, start off simple and when you get that process down if you want to add things to that, but we see so many people say well, I’m only all the people are doing zoom I’m only going to do in person. Well once you know anyone has done anything person I’ve done in person, many times, once you did in person, you have just a lot of complexity. And I, when I do do in person I’ve done in person, I have a full video crew, because I don’t want to have to deal with the tech and anything like that. So, you know, it’s a whole different complexity of, but now I got to get the recording from, and, you know, get it processed, the way I get a process, so really just to reduce complexity, keep it simple. And the people quit, like, or fail, they just have way too many things going on. Alright, so just think about how do you reduce the complexity and part of the complexity could be in the guest booking process. So, you know, back and forth with the guests and be like, well, it’s really hard to to coordinate Well, you know, a simple booking, you know, scheduling link, you know, there’s lots of them out there, um, calendly, you can book me acuity scheduling, getting something like that to reduce the complexity on the guest. And also, if you know, asking way too many questions, and asking way too much of your guest is also creating complexity for them. So reducing it down, the next part is going cheap, and hiring a discounted freelancer. And the reason is, it’s like, you want everything your time is valuable as a business owner, so you want to minimize your time. And you know, I forgot who said this. But if you don’t have someone project managing it, you are the project manager for it, which means you are not valuing your time to coordinate all the freelancer and what’s going on. So you just want a team to just do it. So you could show up, you could talk. And if you have a b2b business, usually, if you get one client for the year, you can get ROI. Um, and, you know, it’s funny, because when we talk to different companies, it could be an SEO company, a website company, when they are talking to a client, they’re advising them, Listen, hire the experts, were the SEO experts. Absolutely. If you are a dentist or a law, firm, or chiropractor, then this thing, you know, hire us and they’re advising their client to not try and do it yourself as a lot of complexity. You know, there’s a lot of, you know, expertise. But when it comes to ourselves, sometimes we’re like, well just hire a quick Freelancer to do this, well. Hire the proper team, because they’re gonna give you the strategy and then take care of all the rest of the stuff. So don’t go cheap.

With this, you don’t want to go like ultra ultra expensive, but you want to make sure it get delivers you ROI. Alright, the next one is not asking for introductions, like when you’re talking to people, and you have great guests that you have on whether it’s referral partners, strategic partners, just people you want to give to in your universe, not asking for introductions, ask for people for suggestions of gas, don’t, you know, you don’t have to, we don’t have to live in a vacuum, we can ask people for their help and suggestions. The next one is not having this is a big one actually not having a clear path for people to engage with you in your work. So if you don’t have a well documented product ladder, and what I mean by that is, there’s let’s say your service is 20 3050 $100,000. And you have a high level service. Well, how can people work with you. And as you know, Jason Swenk, and Ian Garlic, talk about having making sure you have a foot in the door or a blueprint that people can experience your work, and engage with you and pay you for your expertise. And they learn how you work together and get value from you at a smaller level, and then build up to a larger project. So if you have a clear documented product ladder, it really makes it easy for people to work with you and get ROI, which leads back to why a lot of podcasts fail, because you’re not getting ROI. And another one, John, that we’ve talked about is thinking all you need to do is create great content. What do you say to people when it comes to that, basically, when people think all you need to do is create great content? Well, it’s kind of like the Field of Dreams, like build it and they will come you know that most of the time doesn’t happen. Okay, just having great content is not enough anymore. There’s so much great content out there, you can look at, I don’t know how many videos are produced per day on YouTube and on podcast channels. So it’s just not enough. As far as that’s what’s gonna make you stand out. The other part, another one is focusing on the wrong metrics, and focusing on the wrong metrics, which kind of goes back to the strategy piece. But we would do a podcast, even if no one was listening, just because of the relationships that we’ve built. And also because you have the top industry experts on that you can learn from it. So it’s really professional development, and learning. And so those are the main ones overall, that you should think about, which kind of get categorized into not getting ROI, not having the right strategy, or spending too much time and energy on things that we should not be spending the time and energy on. So overall, those are the some of the specific examples under those two categories that are really reasons why we have seen podcasts fail. So if you have questions, you know, ask us, we’re happy to help them and, you know, we try and keep things as simple as humanly possible for people. You can go to you can email us at [email protected]. To learn more, and we’re always here.