Search Interviews:

Jeremy Weisz  18:56 

So I want to talk about offers that work best. And by the way, I just want to point out Tom has amazing MasterClass that you can check out on YouTube, if you’re watching the video right now. You can see this is episode one of three I’ve watched all three. And there’s different quadrants, right and so I want to start just break down the things that people think about the psychology the offer, but I really want to start with the offer. I remember listening to Todd Brown at Brian Kurtz when it Brian Kurtz is small group masterminds and basically his whole talk was about start with the offer first. But first, just what are the four quadrants that people should think about? And we’ll, we’ll put this link this up in the post as well. But what are those four quadrants first?

Tom Breeze  19:50 

Yeah, good question. So like, I love it, how you in the background. You’ve got kind of like two of them displayed and then two of them not yet. Like that’s one of the psychological techniques. We’ll use actually, so we kind of like call it conceal and then reveal. So, for this video, if you’re not, I can’t remember but I can talk about the quadrants I tend to focus on. Well, there’s like a trio really that I tend to focus on mainly, which is like the ads, the offer, and then the targeting, not probably in that order, probably the order would go something around, like targeting ads and offer. But they all come together at the same time. So you kind of want to piece them together really nicely. Those are the three pieces that make a YouTube campaign work. But there is a final point that you could talk about psychology for sure. And I love that topic. It’s kind of like my background really. But the you also look at the mathematics of it and the finance behind it as well, because that’s a sort of key part that no one ever really figures out. That is what drives all of this really like one thing is like to say, right, you want higher conversion rates and a higher click-through rate from your ad to your website. But not many people know that if you get a higher click-through rate from your ads, your cost of advertising, or your CPM can skyrocket. So you don’t want more clicks to your site sometimes, you want more quality and less clicks, which changes the game on YouTube, because like the way that things are moving on YouTube is that like YouTube saying, we don’t want users leaving our platform, basically. And that’s understandable, because that’s how they make all their money. They want to show ads to the users all the time. But if people click away from the YouTube platform, YouTube don’t like it. And so as a result, the way that you were very clever about that there’s a if your click-through rate increases your CPMs increase, which means it cost prohibitive to run direct response ads, basically. So if you provide more content and more value on the platform as an ad, and then ask people to click only if they are fully educated about the offer is then you get less clicks, and much higher conversion rates, which means you get much lower cost per acquisition, but you also get to build your brand along the way as well. So that’s like a big part of it. It’s a finance behind all of this. But the real nature, we create great ads, great offer great targeting, those are the three parts that make it really work seamlessly. But then psychology is another aspect of it as well.

Jeremy Weisz  22:16 

We’ll talk about the offer. But in one of these videos, you do a really good job of kind of breaking down the structure of an ad. Right? And I don’t know if you want to start there, and then we could talk about the offer. But like you were saying 90 seconds or 120 seconds, wherever you decide what’s best practice for how to create the actual ad.

Tom Breeze  22:41 

Yeah, cool. Good question. And I think that like, if you’re going to create the longer form style, which is where you run it as an infeed ad, it’s, I would say up to eight minutes, but you can create a video, it’s eight minutes or even 10 minutes in games are longer than that if you like, if you did an eight-minute video that you promote. So it’s not necessarily like an ad, in most people’s minds, the more like an advertorial style. Then, with that, when you kind of run those campaigns, then you’d be like, yeah, it’s about eight minutes in length of that content, add on two more minutes of call to action. And that’s kind of going to be like the overall framework of your ad. So you’re gonna go content-driven first. But there’s certain aspects of this that are really important that make it work. So the first three seconds, essential, you’ve got to reiterate what your title of your video is, and what the thumbnail is. So you want to make sure that if someone is watching your video, they’ve clicked on the thumbnail to press play on that video. And if they do that, they’re kind of clicking with hope to be like, I hope this is the video that’s actually gonna help me. And if they’re clicks on your videos, because they liked the thumbnail and the title of that video. If they do that, then you want to make sure you reiterate what you’ve promised them in the first three seconds of the video. So sometimes, and I’m guilty of this myself, I’ve got videos on like, hey, it’s Tom Breeze here, founder of this company and then they’ll go off and some random thing had my logo spinning around and then it’ll come into like, okay, cool. So in this video, you’re gonna learn and it’s like 20 seconds in and how you got started. No one’s got time for that. And so the biggest learning I can give people is like just cut out everything cut everything you want until you say, Alright, step number one. It can literally be like just get into the content as quickly as possible. But reiterate.

Jeremy Weisz  24:35 

I know talks about clearing your throat, right people clear their throat for the first couple seconds they cut that out and get straight to it.

Tom Breeze  24:43 

Get rid of it. Oh yeah, no one cares about you. They will do later if you earn their trust that we like who is this person I like this person it’s that great. Then you’ve got the earn your rights, introduce yourself, but you’ve got to give value as quickly as possible. You can be clever about it. So in the first three Second, you could hold up a model, let’s say for example, I have like, okay, so I’ve got a box here, right? So I might say something like, is a really bad prop to use in a video, but like, I could go Imagine if like, this here had a five-step process, or in fact, like, my educate framework is seven steps, right, so creating a really good video. And if I’m gonna use educate, I might write it down on a piece of paper or a whiteboard or something and be like, alright, this right here is going to help you and the name, the title of my video is going to help you crush your YouTube videos. So you never have to worry about coming up with ideas yourself ever again, I don’t know, that’d be not a very good title, but you get the idea. Like, you want to showcase something in the video and say this right here is going to help you achieve this, which is the title of your video. By doing that you’ve brought people into the idea of like, you’re gonna have to listen to what’s that seven-step program is on my whiteboard, or how you’re going to teach them something like that. And by doing that, you bought yourself a little bit of time, but you’ve got Ryan’s the content, you’ve just shown people like this is what we’re gonna go through together. So you want to make sure that first three seconds, the title and the thumbnail all kind of coincide and come together quite nicely. That will make your video work really well. We have like a whole training on educates, which is like ADUCATE, happy to go through that. But if you want to pull out some of the key parts of it, ADUCATE is the framework that we’ll use. And A stands for attention. So you want to grab the people’s attention as quickly as possible in the first three seconds, it’s really key, also to talk about their motivations, what they want, and also what they want to move away from as well. So what the fears are, and like, let’s stop that from happening. And let’s get more of this. That’s kind of what you want to mention earlier in the video as well, whilst you’re teaching. The D of ADUCATE is the demonstration. So you want to really unpack something for somebody and actually deliver true value. So tell them why it’s important what they need to do, how it works, what it’ll mean for them, if they do it, what it will mean if they don’t do it. So they’re given like a complete framework of how this thing you’re teaching them is going to be helpful. And then that’ll be like kind of the most of the video the content part of your video that might take you five to 10 minutes of content, basically just give them that value. And then you start moving into call to action. But your call to action follows the rest of the letter, so your AD and then you’ve got UCATE, so quite a lot to go. But it’s like it’s short, sharp things you want to add in. So one thing you want to add in as you’re the you have educate which is unique. So your unique aspect is like saying you as a presenter, what makes you so unique? What’s your unique point of view your what’s your unique perspective? How do you see the world differently. And I’m maybe your background has something to say for that. So I know I came from a psychological background. So me bringing psychology into YouTube Advertising has been kind of one of my key aspects of working this through. But also, I have a good math background. And I’ll use that and a lot of my skills when it comes to being a buyer and being a advertiser. And from that standpoint, all I use those to my advantage. But I might say like, look, my background is this and I saw why people weren’t getting results. Because I have a unique background, no one else could see it because I had the vision for it, I have a unique perspective. And that’s kind of what I saw. And I use that and it’s worked really, really well. And here’s my that’s why this system I’ve just taught you works really well. And so you want to give them the root cause of why you’re able to help them which if you show that it also means that they can pretty much eliminate all the rest of the competition because like, oh, I get you, you provide me value, and I see why you’re unique is important to share with people. Then we go into the C of ADUCATE, and this is about now you’re turning it back on to the customer again. So that C is the customer. And you what you want to share with them is like this is about their status and their identity. So you’re kind of saying like, the sort of people that do business with us, the sort of people that will follow us the sort of people that we tend to attract are these types of people. Now, you would mention who that is and be quite clear with that. And you’re kind of like giving them an identity, you’re saying you’re watching this video because you’re this type of person you are and then you’ve added some traits that are favorable that they would like to be like considered as if you are a really advanced ad buyer or whoever, whatever it might be. You are this type of person. You are the sort of person that really is passionate about their coffee. You are I don’t know whatever it is. People like to own identities and have that level of status to be like yeah, that’s who I am. That’s how I feel like status pretty much drives everything anyway. So what car you buy and what school, you send your kids to everything, it’s all about status in the day, which is a bit crazy and scary and, but it’s how we all behave. We always think like what other people think of this purchase and of my actions and that type of thing. But if you define clearly who it is you work with, and also who it is you don’t work with, not to say it’s a negative thing. It’s just like, we work with these people or not these people.

Jeremy Weisz  30:25 

I mean, you did this in in this interview, right? You’re like, if you’re an e-commerce brand, you know, selling product, you may not have the margin, it may not make be a fit, whereas what’s the one I’m thinking of that did squatty potty? They’re the opposite, right? I can’t I’m blanking on the name now, but I had him on the podcast, too. Who did the Squatty Potty but they do it’s all e-commerce, essentially. Right?

Tom Breeze  30:59 

Yeah, exactly. So you can define who it is your customers are. And you can say, here are traits. And here are who like what we tend to believe in and what our values are, and what’s important to us and how we act and what it is we do. The others don’t, so, we have a quite a good example of this with a guitar tuition client of ours. And they will say, look, you are either a real guitar player, I’m not sure if that’s the best naming we could have chosen, but it works. So like you’re either a real guitar player, or you’re a dabbler. And an either which way is absolutely fine. Because if you’re a real guitar player, you kind of like dedicated to your performance and dedicated to learning and keep on progressing. And that’s kind of who their crowd are. And some people are just like, You know what, I just want to pick up my guitar and just noodle around on the weekend, just have fun with it. And it’s like, great, that’s absolutely fine. So we’re not saying it’s good or bad, because you’re just clearly defining who it is you work with. And but by defining that, and giving them a name, you also get to dictate what good behavior looks like. Because you say people like us, we do things like this. And that’s kind of a Seth Godin principle that I think is so powerful. And the if you’re able to define like, here’s who we are, and you might be, have a sense of belonging, or have a sense of competitiveness, or elitism, like you can be whoever you want it to be, you just get to define it. And that’s the perfect thing. And you say, This is what our dreams and hopes and desires are. And here’s how we act. And it’s your saying, This is what we’re like, and you’ll feel comfortable in this surrounding in this setting, this is what our brand is all about. If you’re able to define that, then that gives you an opportunity to create tension. Because when it’s favorable, and people want it, they want to be part of this part of your brand. And part of who is you tend to be, you say to them, Well, the next logical step is to do this step. And you’re pairing the identity and the status of somebody with we do things like this will click and we join this community, we buy these programs, we buy this product, whatever it might be, you’re kind of subtly implying that you’re if you click you’re part of us, if you don’t click, you’re not part of us. And that’s completely fine either way. But it’s a level of tension. Now, that says a lot about you as an individual on a video, because you’re like you’re watching this video and you’re like, if I don’t click this link, I’m kind of saying to myself, I might not be this other person. And that’s a difficult thing for people to do. So this is one way of like creating that kind of evergreen tension, which is unlike urgency and scarcity, which are really powerful strategies to use when they’re real, but the years difficult to kind of create that. To be evergreen on a YouTube video, like if you call out your identity and say, This is your chance to be who you want to be or on decide not to be that person as well either, which was fine. Then it becomes like, oh my word who am I if I this decision I’d make on this video is far bigger than just clicking a link is saying more about who I am as an individual. And that’s a really, it’s a nuanced but it can make such a big difference to performance of a campaign. So that customer is a really important part. And then we move on to the A which is the adapt so you’ve already taught them a model, or you’ve taught them something that’s gonna be really helpful in your demonstration part of the video. And now you can say the adapt, this is a really good opportunity to say there was a slight drawback with the product when you originally developed it with your program with your framework, whatever it is, you’re been teaching, you can say there was one slight drawback it was no it doesn’t want to be the efficacy of the product. That’s could not be questioned. That should always be like this is brilliant product, but it might be expensive in the past it might have been slows deliver in the past it might have been inaccessible for some people like you had to travel somewhere to get the benefit of the product. Something was standing in the way for some people and as an owner of the product, he’d say, I wasn’t happy with that I needed to make it better, which again to share in one of your values that you might have as part of your crowd as part of your group. You can say this is one of the most important values to us, we want to make sure it was available for everybody, it was the right price for most people, or whatever it is that you did to improve that product. Because then you can say it wasn’t perfect. And now it is now we worked on it. And we developed it. But by saying that adaptation, you get to share your values, but also you get to show people that like, it wasn’t perfect, it was great, it works really well. But it wasn’t the ideal setup, it was difficult to integrate with the current system that some people had. And so that was a slight drawback, but it’s been fixed now. But by doing that, by showing a slight drawback you earn trust from people, because you’re the one who went first you said, look, there is a slight drawback or there was a slight drawback. And it builds that trust with people. And then the T of ADUCATE is the trust. So then you can say, now we’ve fixed this thing is now got all these accolades. It’s been in the press, it’s been people rave about it, it’s got great reviews, it’s got great testimonials, whatever it is, you can kind of like mention those quickly to say like we’re showcasing how great this model is this thing this product is. And the exit, which is the E of ADUCATE, is the call to action. It’s like go do this now. But the key thing about the call to action is you really want to mention exactly what the customer journey is going to be after that point of the click. And if you’re selling a product, I would say even mentioned the price point in the video. Because what you want to do is make sure you disqualify people from clicking, you want to say, if you’re going to click this link and not know what the next step is, the conversion rate might be quite low. So you inform them completely of exactly what they’re gonna go and buy. And then when they click, and they get through to the site they know what the price point is. They’ve been future-paced through that customer journey. And the conversion rates a lot higher, but anyone who wasn’t interested wouldn’t have clicked previously. So you get that look at the CTR down that click-through rate down, which reduces your CPMs. And that’s a real key part of the financial aspects of this is to say, have more qualified clickers, less of them, so that the CPM can drop as well. And that’s kind of a key part of making your YouTube ads work.

Jeremy Weisz  37:15 

Tom, thanks. That was a MasterClass right there. You sharing that, so many key points. I want to just hit on the click-through rate for a second. And let’s say it’s a higher ticket item, right? So I’ve seen people send to a page that captures email, I’ve seen people go to a calendar link. For a high-ticket item, I’m not sure. What you’ve seen are the advantages and disadvantages of sending them. Okay, book a call let’s talk more or talking about a cheat sheet and having them opt in, or what are the different, I guess, call to actions that you have seen work in different scenarios?

Tom Breeze  38:06 

Yeah, okay. Cool. And it is different, obviously, for every business like so if you’re someone like me, who runs an agency, for example, my call to action can’t be go and join this webinar, for example, in my work, but most of the time, if it’s like a big, high-level agency prospect, I just want to talk to somebody. So it’s like, great, instead of a call here. So I think if you’re interested, and you might put some vetting in places like application first and then book a call afterwards, it’s something that’s a wise thing to do. But yeah, I would say, like, the way that I look at YouTube, is gone are the days where opting in for more video content is the most advisable thing to do. I don’t think that is any longer because the customers Savea the customer, like we live in a world where like, if it doesn’t feel right to you, then it’s probably not right. You know, like, we’re getting away with it, because we’re this is how we’ve always been taught, you know, like, everyone’s like, well, you must get the click, that then gets the opt in, and then from the opt in, you nudge that leading them from the lead then applies, then you book a call and then say, oh, my God, like there’s so many steps in that journey that are redundant or not needed, and it’s costing you money, and all the drop off rate is ridiculously low, like so you could have an ad running, and you might have like a click-through rate of 1%, which is not unusual. That’s can work really, really efficiently sometimes. And he said, I got my 1% click-through rate that seems to work really well. But it’s also 99% of people said, no, I don’t want to click and you probably set up a bad brand feeling that you can’t unpick very quickly. If you got there with hype and claims and craziness, then people gonna remember you for that and it’s difficult to unpick that especially with your personal brand while that it becomes difficult to unpick and so there’s a whole like a really good. I think like Mike Rhodes says, it’s really well, like, you got to mark it as if your grandma’s watching you. I think that’s a really good way of viewing it. But like doesn’t like what my grandma approve of this. The way that advertising right now? And if it’s like oh no, I don’t think they would. Then not like grandma’s love everything. But it’s almost like if they were to watch you, whether we’re looking down from heaven, or if they’re gonna just be watching you right now in person, would they be impressed? Would there be kind of like thinking, oh, my grandson’s doing something really, really good here. And I’m talking about myself now. Like, that’s the point at which you have to say, okay, cool, am I really doing what my customers really want them to do. And so I try and remove all barriers or all weirdness. And it can be at the detriment of some things, but it’s always at the positive of the brand. And that’s how my shift is focusing on how I’m focusing my shift, which is almost to say, if it’s more content, if it’s more value, just give it away, just give it to people, just put it in a video, make it 10 minutes, make it 20 minutes, just provide all the value can, under the point of purchase can be the next step, it can be like right click this link and go and buy this thing. And we’ve seen different price points work at different rates, like some people just are happy to make a purchase and want to be treated like a real decent customer, not like, I want this, but I’m probably going to sit through an hour and a half webinar to get through it, and then I’ll see this big drop down cost and, and all these different bonuses, it’s like, oh, my, well, we’ve been a no one wants this any longer. And so the best campaigns we see is where people were just treated like they want to be treated. And that’s not easy to do at scale. But it’s figuring that piece out. It’s important, and people want to be listened to and want to be accepted. And I know this is a much bigger answer to what you probably asked me here. But if you start with that lens, and you think like critical, these are the people that are watching my content, I target them really efficiently. I put great content in front of them. The natural next step is this. So we’re working with one brand I can’t talk about too much. But it’s a golfing brand. And they were like always selling a course that tell and it’s more video content. I’m like, okay, cool. You could probably sell that and make it work. Not like you could have done two years ago, that is still probably work, we can make it work. But what about this, what about if we were to provide people with the video training, but it comes with a handbook, a handbook they can put in their back pocket. So as they’re playing golf, they can get out any points. And then they can reread sections of the train that are already familiar with it just as a reminder. So now it becomes like there’s a reason to sell them something because it’s like, I get this handbook, it’s in my back pocket, when I’m playing golf, and I’m going on the course, or I’m in my training, I can just get it out quickly just make a few notes. Or I can see what the expert would say in this scenario. And it feels like cool, there’s something physical there. And that can’t be delivered through a video. And so all of a sudden differentiates itself and something like that smallest that can be the big thing that changes the complexity of the offer immediately.

Jeremy Weisz  43:13 

Speaking and Tom, I know we’re a little bit over I don’t know if you have to get to something, but I didn’t want to get to your x-ray piece. But I had a quick nuanced question with the like you want to talk to someone, right for your business in some b2b, higher ticket, maybe want to talk to someone. And I could see sending an application. I mean, I could see two things when you do an application. And that just directly goes into the calendar, or the calendar, right? If someone sets up calendar, whatever is kind of an application, I don’t know, if you have a preference on one or the other, I guess, making people do more things or jump through more hoops, I guess is not a bad thing from what you’re saying. But is there a preference on where the application falls in that process of booking a call, like before or after?

Tom Breeze  44:07 

I prefer application on typical, and the reason is twofold. One is because you can segment your audience and push them onto different versions of the same thing. So you say if you answer your questions in this way, you may not be the perfect fit. So it may be that you go through this thank you page or if you answer if you just don’t fill in any of the answers and like you might say you didn’t really fill in your answers properly. Go back and start again and type thing and you can have a different thank you page for those people. But if it’s like really high-quality answers, you can be like call that or then get pushed through really quickly to the right person who can vet them and then book a call directly with that person. Perhaps it could be like white-gloved, so to speak. It comes through to the concierge or they say oh, you’ve answered them that way. Let me have a quick check call. We have a call later this afternoon that can book you in and we Tom at this time, if you want to even you can treat people differently, which is a key aspect of this. So that’s one thing. But the other way to do it as well as to say, if you do that, as you’re running ads, you based on people’s answer, you can do like lead scoring. And you can say, if they answered this way, go through to this thank you page. And there were three out of three, if it goes to this page, it’s two out of three, if it goes to this way is one out of three. And you put different tracking pixels on each one of those in your ad account, when you look back, you can be like, cool, we sent traffic from this targeting in this campaign, and it drove 27 booked calls, for example, or 27 applications, five of which were high quality five which were okay. And the rest were terrible, cool do we want to carry on with that or not? Because it’s driving loads of terrible applications, potentially? And then do we try and improve that? Or do we just look at other campaigns are driving better-quality audiences for us? So you can start to make decisions based on the quality of the applications that come through? Because most people run their ad accounts? Like we got a book call. And you’re like, that’s like, lead quality issue, again, is actually a good lead or not? We don’t know, because it’s just fired off one pixel that said, the action happened. I want more data than that, hopefully. So yeah, you can quantify that and make quick decisions, then as well. Because if you’re qualifying your booked calls your applications, you can make faster decisions, because you said that will probably happen today, or at least the next day or two, from time I’m running the ad. And that’s a quick in a feedback loop. So I can make a decision on that.

Jeremy Weisz  46:40 

Tom, do we have time to go through the X-ray? Let’s do it. Okay, bring it up. And I just want to point out, you’re gonna pull it up, and we’re going to talk about it, so people will be able to check it out on If they want to check it out. Also, if you’re interested in working with Tom or getting more information, you can go to And as you just walk through, there is an Apply button. See, it’s still an application for that. So you can check that out. And I’ll put some of the some of those YouTube videos in the post. So if you’re looking at the actual post, we’ll put some of his MasterClass videos in there as you’ll get more information because he does a great job, kind of doing a deep dive on from zero 30 seconds from five seconds to next 15 seconds. The next, and so want more information, you can go there. So I’ll let you kind of share your screen and we can talk about the X-ray.

Tom Breeze  47:35 

Yeah, cool. Okay, perfect. So this tool is like, you can go through and use like up, like, you load up your YouTube channel, we just go through the process and you connect it up, and then we can gather the data, and then we can report it to you, basically. But there’s no hiding. There’s any good analytic tools out there for YouTube, hence why we started building our own. But when we started building that, we were like, we just want to know what content works really well, and how to improve that content as all we wanted to do it for. And then we noticed that that’s a really good way of advertising as well. So we kind of start to realize, okay, cool. This is a it’s turned into a little Skunk Works Project. And now it’s a much bigger beast.

Jeremy Weisz  48:16 

People use, Tom, both the videos, what you’re talking about, some people use them for the ads, and also for just regular good content on their channel. Is that right?

Tom Breeze  48:29 

Oh, totally. Yeah, like so the focus for us is to say, take your organic content and use it as an ad. Like it, it sounds like an odd thing to do, because no one’s really done it that way. But we’re saying that’s one, like the most effective way we know to advertise is to say, just put great content, the content you’ve already got in front of your customers just pay to be there, as opposed to hope and the algorithms gonna pick you up and give you the exposure you want these paid to be there. And if it’s good content, they’re going to go back to your website and buy your stuff. And that’s kind of as simple as it gets. We just literally put like, boost your best stuff as kind of like your best idea.

Jeremy Weisz  49:08 

Listen to the ADUCATE, to make sure they’re producing great content to so.

Tom Breeze  49:14 

Precisely Yeah, so we want to analyze and be like, what is it that makes great content. And so we have this tool here, and I’ll try and bring up another one in a second. In fact, as well, because I think there’s another version of this that’s kind of just been released. But this will break down every single video. So this is my channel. So like I’m not the best ad YouTube in the world compared to some of the clients we work with. But I’ve got like 37 videos, that’s enough to showcase what happens here. But what we can do is we can open up these different sections and it will break down every single video by how people are engaging with the video. So how much watch time how much of the video that consumes but then break it down by minute by minute or even the first minutes broken down into finer detail than that and really what we’re looking at For us to say right at the eighth minute, how many people are watching as we rank that? How many people are still watching up to eight minutes? And so this video here, which is I think one of the ones you talked about was like one of our MasterClass videos. After nine minutes, we still have 44% of the audience there. Which is a great number. For me, that’s really good because I talk about something quite unique. YouTube advertising is not the most engaging, exciting topic to talk about compared to like, Mr. Beast, that sort of stuff that he can do. But to still have 44% of my audience still watching after, so 42% of my audience still watching off the 10 minutes. That says to me, like, okay, cool, I might pay to get someone to watch my video and might cost me like, let’s say 20 cents, and say to watch my video, and I know that they’re going to watch past 10 minutes 42%. So that’s gonna work out as a roundabout, like, what’s that about six cents, or something like that, to get someone to watch 10 minutes of my video, I’m happy with that all day long. Six cents, was the right answer about 12 cents, something to get someone to watch 10 minutes my video, I’m like, I’m happy that all day long. Like, I’ll pay as many of them as possible. Because if you think like, right, someone’s gonna get to watch your content, by eight minutes, they’re gonna get to know you, like you trust you. Remember you will consider buying from you. And that’s why like, eight minutes is that sweet spot, we want to try and get people past eight minutes. And if I know that, like for this video, 41% of people are still watching. After eight minutes, 44% go up. So more people start watching at nine minutes. What we’re finding is that like, that is a really good mark of a great video that I should pay to get in front of people. And it just so happens to have a call to action in the video as well. So I’m gonna say go to the site and continue that journey on. So as soon as we see those sorts of numbers in the channel, we’re like, cool, that’s, that’s a good reason to promote that. But we’re looking for retention is one thing, relevancy for the business. So if I was talking about the next video down, I talked about channel optimization, which isn’t really my thing any longer, but it’s still got great view counts and great exposure, and great retention of like, cool, well, it’s not that relevant any longer. So I wouldn’t want to promote that video. But yeah, the video above about YouTube advertising, like, it’s a great retention, great relevancy for the business. And then another angle that we look for, as well as reach, like, cool, we get a lot of audience to watch that. And YouTube ads, yeah, you could get some people to which are probably going to go a little bit broader than just YouTube advertising. But yeah, I could get in front of more people who are just genuinely interested in promoting their business. And then I just have to get them on to the idea of like, YouTube ads can be a great thing for their business. So it kind of gives you an idea of what works really well and what doesn’t work quite so well. And he’s got like, you can break down your subscriber rates, your engagement rates, it’ll like make sure your call to actions are in the right place, or not in the right place, and can help you fix those things. And then we also have things like, it’ll break down. For each video, we’ll give it like all the top videos, it’ll give you a complete focus of like how to improve the video. So like, do another video, keep the same lens, but focus on your intro that wasn’t very strong compared to other videos. And just kind of tell you how to improve every single video. And then also break down each video based by its retention and look for these, what we call magic moments. So occasionally, we can rank your videos and be like, right, there’s something in the videos where the retention line increases, which typically means you’ve done something or said something that is really attracted your audience. So demonstration screen shares, quotes is another one, we did this with Alex for Mozi. And some of his videos gets a really high peak of retention, when he says quotes from like, different experts from the past or leaders and that sort of thing. If you reference the quotes of like, legends of the past, so to speak, people will kind of watch back and like listen to what you said, and listen to what the quote was again and again and again. So those sorts of things work really well as well?

Jeremy Weisz  54:14 

What other magic moments will be an example. I had a guest Tom, Rick Cesari, who did infomercials. He worked with George Foreman grill Sonicare toothbrush and some others. They found every time George Foreman took a bite of the food increased sales, so that obviously kept him eating throughout the whole thing, but he’s gonna wait. Yeah, that’s what if you found any other magic moments for yours or others that are interesting.

Tom Breeze  54:50 

Yeah, we find loads of them. So there’s little things that people will do. So one of the ones that we found that works really well, is by doing something like changing scene works really well. So you might say, well, I was at my desk and now I’m driving a car or something like taking people on a journey works really well in your video, but also even doing something like so. We did this with Kasim Aslan, we looked at his videos, and he had these big, big peaks from time to time.

Jeremy Weisz  55:19 

Great video, by the way, you’re doing great.

Tom Breeze  55:22 

Yeah. And he these things where he claps really loudly and goes, alright, this is where things get interesting. And just by mentioning that people kind of go back to that point, is that, okay? He must have said something really important here, say listening and pay attention. And he does, he normally does say something very, very interesting and insightful. And by creating those moments, where it’s like, he’s, like, clap really loudly. And so this is where things get interesting, you’re kind of setting yourself up for the next mini-chapter of what you’re talking about. And yeah, those sorts of things like wake the viewer up and get them listening in and getting responding or rewinding and watching that video, that video section again. So yeah, we find loads of things that come up. But we try and get people to understand what they’re doing in their videos to heighten retention, you make a list of those things. And then you can say cool in the future, add more of this stuff, do more of that stuff in future because your highest net retention constantly. And see, so we go through this with clients, and there’s so many insights and just gives people such value of like, what they can discover with our YouTube channel. But stats that just aren’t available or easily available when you’re going to like analyzing all your videos together. Because as you can see, it’s like colored by reds and greens. And that’s because it’s like you’re benchmarking your own content against your own content. And you’re saying this is for you. Not a great intro. But this is for you a great intro. So it kind of allows you to see what your best stuff is and what you’re not so good at. And then you can start to pick and choose and say, I need to do more of this I need to do at these magic moments is this content that works really well. And then your future video creation becomes a lot easier to nail down.

Jeremy Weisz  57:05 

Tom, this is fantastic. I want to just thank you for your time, your expertise. And people can check out view or I don’t know when they go there. Will they be able to get an X-ray report? Or how does it work as far or that happens once you get the software?

Tom Breeze  57:29 

Yeah, right now we do it for free. So we are going to be adding a paid version of it because we have like not to be the person that always infuses AI with everything. No, because it seems to be like everything in AI that get it in there somehow. But we’ve done it in a way where we can say we can take sections of videos now and analyze the section of the video. And we say this five-minute section here was really strong. Oh, there’s a minute section was really strong here. This is what you said these the bullet points and go create more video like that again. And so we have that already developed. We’re just getting it built in to the existing X-rays at the moment we do for people. So there’ll be like in future that we paid versions because we’re starting to rack up quite a bill with like our API calls and that type of thing. But right now everything’s completely free. So if you go to or either which one you’ll be able to navigate your way there and grab yourself a x-ray? And then when you go through it, you’ll be there’s a kind of it comes with like a complete tutorial, video walkthrough as well. So every single aspect of the X-ray tool we are about to kind of like click on it and then view a video that will discuss what that section means and how to gain the insights from it as well. Or completely free. So yeah, just on or as you say .io.

Jeremy Weisz  58:53 

Everyone check it out. Tom I’m gonna be the first one. Thank you. Thanks, everyone.

Tom Breeze  58:58 

Thanks Jeremy.