Search Interviews:

Spencer Hadelman 7:32

where they were just having a healthy debate? Yeah,

Jeremy Weisz 7:37

what they’re talking about?

Spencer Hadelman 7:39

Yeah. Actually, I can tell you every day there’s a healthy debate somewhere. You know, I think in general, it happens often, and I love when it happens. And one that sticks out to me is we had a client who came to us and approached us and, and it was really focus only on the paid digital. And once we dug in and learn to their clients, how was I brought without, unknowingly, the client didn’t know why I was bringing this person to the meeting. But I brought in our CEO who really runs our traditional division, and, you know, she explained how you can cost effectively, really be on television, and different options to for us to buy television. And this quiet. It wasn’t that they were opposed to it, they just didn’t know, it could be that affordable. And they also didn’t know that, you know, we had the capabilities because the person who referred us, their specific company was only digital. And because for the person who referred us, their company, it only makes sense to do digital, because they’re so niche, or they’re so whatever. And so they came as they’re like we wanted to do video ads on Instagram and YouTube and whatever. And I was like, Okay, well, we can definitely do that, we should do that. But we should also carve some of the budget, you know, and this is why, you know, and these are the stats behind it x y, z. And it led to a healthy debate where it’s been a very successful multi year, hybrid multi channel client of television and digital and you know, part of its educating part of its like I talked about not scaring people off where they hear the word agency and they think you have a big price tag. And you know, I think I think that’s that’s part of it. I mean that that sticks out to me though that there was definitely one thing that one example

Jeremy Weisz 9:52

that I love that because you came in you know, a lot of this happens a lot, right? Someone comes in like, I want YouTube ads or I want Facebook they’re calm coming in with a modality and you’re looking at, well, how do we get you the best results in solution? There’s

Spencer Hadelman 10:05

multiple ways to come to that. And they weren’t even thinking well, okay, we think Am I allowed to try allowed to curse on the spot? Sure. Yeah. So I think like one of the things that makes me different, I won’t say, what makes me different is I don’t give a fuck. And I think that at the end of the day, a lot of my clients, once they get to know me and build a relationship, appreciate that I’m in their corner. With that attitude, like, the only thing I care about is the success of their business, from whatever marketing channel it is, like, I don’t care which channel is successful. Because they’re not going to cute advertising unless it is successful. And they’re not, we’re not going to keep making money unless they advertise the market. And so I think when people come with their guns blazing, I needed to do this, I knew that I that people like that don’t end up working with me, because then, like, I come into the attitude where I like, I own the conversation, I own the room 99.9 or something. So I said, Hold on, hold on, I want to take a step back. And so I don’t even know if we still have this slide on our deck. But I created a slide a few years ago, about what makes us different. And so I think a lot of advertising and marketing firms, like they’ll like have two circles, right? They’re like, we need a marketing strategy that then creates the advertising change. And so I think part of it’s because I want to an amazing, probably the one of the greatest universities of all time, University of Wisconsin Madison. And I love Go badgers Exactly. For those that don’t know, Dr. Weisz wanted as well. So I had to give a shout out. And you know, I was an accounting major. I just, I practice accounting,

Jeremy Weisz 12:19

I saw that. I was like, what was he What was he thinking?

Spencer Hadelman 12:25

At the time, I knew I was gonna work in basketball, marketing, sports, marketing, and I wanted a skill set as a degree. So I didn’t I didn’t do the five year CPA. But I tell people this every time I do public speaking, especially to high school, or college kids, I go, I’m not gonna like, push you to be an accounting major. I’m not gonna like, but I’ll tell you this, like, if I wanted to save the world of starvation, or I wanted, like, fresh water and Africa or whatever, like someone is passionate about as a charity, right? Or you want to be an entrepreneur or you want anything, I’d be like, go be an accounting major. And people like, wait, what I don’t get the like, and I go, okay, because this would happen. If you want to run a charity and save the world, you gotta learn accountant. Accounting is the best skill set you have. Because don’t go and study something that you’re even necessarily passionate about, unless you have to be certified in it. Like if you’re an architect, right? I’m not saying if you want to be an architect, don’t study accounting, go study. But, like, all these other things, the reality is that like, your your passion is going to be what creates you to want to intern or work and learn stuff that you’re never going to learn in a college classroom. Like

Jeremy Weisz 13:51

it’s like a force function to learning stuff that you should that you probably won’t later on.

Spencer Hadelman 13:56

Yeah, but it’s like, the best thing I ever did was being an accounting major. I mean, I really like I’ve won the chief marketer award. Last agency, I don’t know, like three or four years or I don’t know, I’ve asked someone in my company, but the trophies are for my mom, I don’t get like a check for it. So, but that’s like, alright, like, I’ve done this in my career. And I’ve taken to marketing college courses. Like, it’s just like, I learned it from internships and working and a passion and whatever. But the accounting part is like, when I’m analyzing data, for digital campaigns, or I’m trying to understand and grow a business, or whatever, like that skill set has helped me more than anything.

Jeremy Weisz 14:47

Unlike you, I wouldn’t recommend people with my major, which is biochemistry. So not recommended.

Spencer Hadelman 14:53

But tell people you’re a doctor on your resume.

Jeremy Weisz 14:57

Well, that’s from chiropractic school. Yeah. Oh, I’m

Spencer Hadelman 15:00

so I don’t even know where what was I went on such a tangent.

Jeremy Weisz 15:04

No, I was asking you we were talking about the candor, right, your candor and just tell Oh, yeah, yeah. You just tone what you think II You know, whether whatever you’re looking at the results, not necessarily kind of what their initial thought was. But looking at the results. Yeah. And

Spencer Hadelman 15:25

again, I think your I’m gonna lose clients and relationships, by my personality and demeanor. And I’ve made peace with that, because you can’t be everyone, everything everyone, right. But I also think long term, I will be more successful and have a better business and a better career if you’re honest and forthright and you deliver the message, in a way where like, again, like I always give a caveat. Like there’s no magic bullet in marketing. And I don’t know, I have hypotheses. But like, I if I, if I say if I’ve answered everything, if I knew everything I was doing, I knew was 100% gonna work. I would not be in this meeting. I would be on a beach with like a pina colada or Margarita, like, somewhere, because I made so much money, like, I wouldn’t be here. Like, I always thought that I’m like, That’s the truth. Like, if I knew everything, I mean, like, that’s the truth, I wouldn’t be here.

Jeremy Weisz 16:30

Let me ask you, Spencer. So you cut your teeth in working agency for years before you start your own? What’s a learning that you took from working at that other agency that you took into yours?

Spencer Hadelman 16:46

Well, I mean, there was a lot I learned, I mean, I learned obviously, the media buying business, I saw up close the the evolution of changing technologies, and targeting and reporting and everything like that. And I mean, the biggest thing I learned is, is clients and people want to be want to be treated like humans, and care. And it’s not just about what’s their budget? Or what can they span. And I look like, I think I learned a lot of like, skills and knowledge and positive experiences from from where I previously had worked. But I think when you come in, and it’s like, the sole focus is like, Okay, what’s our budget? What are we trying to reach? What are we trying to do, like, you aren’t going to have long term relationships and success without the human side of it. And I do give a shit about, like, my clients personally, like, as people, like, whether it’s their personal business, or whether they work for a huge company or whatever, like, if they’re putting their faith in me, and, and, you know, like, they’re a portion of their job is is in performance is dictated by by the success. So you have to have a human side of it, you have to have care and conversations that are not so transactional.

Jeremy Weisz 18:22

And what was the decision like to then go out on your own?

Spencer Hadelman 18:29

I mean, it was, it was one of those moments where it there was, it wasn’t even a decision. Like, it’s like, I’m right. And I mean, the, the final straw was, I had a client reach out to me, say they got it. I won’t, like say the name of my old agency, but like, they got an invoice from the agency, and the letters or whatever, and they’re like, oh, like, that seems like the stuff you’re doing for us. And I’m like, Yeah, that’s the name of our games they work on. Like, it was like, they just associated with me. Or, like, my team, it wasn’t like, the agency didn’t matter. And I was like, Okay, well, like that. And I think also like, you know, like growing up like playing sports. I mean, I was I was always like, pretty good athletically and you know, Excel, but I also was never the star of any team I’ve ever played on. And I but I was always the captain. I was always the leader. So I think the neatly like in my DNA, like it’s like leadership, and, you know, I think like my agency like, we started in 2015. We’ve only had I want to say like less than five people you ever leave the company? You know, and, you know, we’ve built a culture here. And it’s even like the people that have laughed like they’ve like, they’ll still reach out. And like, you know, like, it’s like, you build a culture of like, team and and I always tell people, like, I just want to push people to be great. Like, you know, like, you know, I think it’s like,

Jeremy Weisz 20:21

what are some of the things you do Spencer that if someone’s listening, they can maybe incorporate from building a culture that feels and acts like a team? What do you do? What are some of the things that you do

Spencer Hadelman 20:37

with the company or the leadership? I’ll tell you one thing, I think I’ve given every sports analogy of anything I could ever do. I have like, it’s funny, because like, I, I try to scare people off because I actually wants my employer is looking at me sometimes like, a big teddy bear. But that’s okay, I gotta get me in writing sometimes. But every every first interview, like I have a very good memory. And I have this one move I do, where like, I read the resume before the interview. And so they hand me their resume during the interview, and I glanced at it for about a half a second, and I throw it off the side of the table in the conference room. And I do that one, because I already know everything they put on the resume, because I can I know the high level stuff that I’m going to ask them about if it was in front of me, right. But I do it to see how they react in a hostile situation. And so that’s, that’s why I do it. Like I don’t say anything mean or weird, I just see how they react. Because like, I want to see if we’re in a meeting with a client and they get frustrated or upset or, like, how are you going to handle that situation? That’s one thing. I mean, again, I think you need a good rest, good memory to be able to do that. But if you do like it, it’s a really good way to see how, especially when you are hiring younger people, and this Gen Z generation is very difficult in the sense that they’re very sensitive. And you want to see how people handle difficult situations.

Jeremy Weisz 22:23

What are some of the range of reactions you’ve gotten?

Spencer Hadelman 22:27

I’ve saw someone, they ended up working over there. I’ve never seen eyes balls, like, like, they didn’t say anything, but like the eyes. I was like, I wish we had a camera, like so that, like, at a happy hour, I could just show her this picture of her eyes. Like it was it was funny, though. Um, no. I mean, I think most people just like don’t know how to react. But as long as they don’t get emotional, like it’s going to be okay. And I think in terms of screaming culture, I try to make sure that we do events, outings, retreats, stuff like that. And I have like, the only rules like we don’t talk about work. We have a a, this year, I mean, I’m a big football fan, we have a very female centric makeup of our workforce. And of that percentage of those female boys, a lot of them, I would say, are not the biggest football fans, in terms of like the day to day knowledge of teams and players and whatever. And so I did this. I created this, like a pick on pool for the NFL. And so each week, like, like no spread or anything like that. But each week, we do, everyone has to pick the winner and whatever. And the winner of week one got a $10 gift card somewhere. And each week, it went up by an increment of $10. So by week 18, it was $180 gift card somewhere. So all you have to do is win the week, like it’s not like and then there was also a first second third big prizes for the whole year. And then a last place penalty, which I almost got last place somehow, which I’m not going to discuss but the feedback I got was like there are these people in our office that like up weren’t watching football and all sudden they’re watching Monday Night Football to see if they’re gonna win the tiebreaker. Because they want their get $150 Gift Card week 15 You know, or whatever it is. And it was like nice because like, it’s not like oh, they were coming in. It’d be like, Oh, talking about the game. It was like, they would talk I would hear them talking with each other. And it was like this like fun little thing where it’s like, and again, like, maybe it’s good. I love sports and sports are a big part of my life and whatever, that

Jeremy Weisz 25:06

we found a way to kind of gamify and have fun with the office all together in a group. Yeah. And

Spencer Hadelman 25:11

again, like, it’s not like a pool where it’s like, oh, like, you guys have to put in your own money. It’s like, no, it’s just, it’s just there, they have not, they can only gain and nothing to lose. And the feedback I got from people who literally, I think, before this year, probably rarely ever outside the Superbowl have probably watched football games, or like, I actually had fun. Like, that made the fall fun. And you know, so it’s like, again, does it have to be sports related? No. Could you do like a office? Bachelor? contest or whatever, like, sure. Like, we can do whatever we want. But like, it’s like, we’re doing our year end reviews. And some of the people were like, okay, like, so football isn’t starting until September, like what’s the other thing like we can do? Like?

Jeremy Weisz 26:04

So we come up with anything?

Spencer Hadelman 26:06

Yeah. So I think we got I got two things. One, I’ve never done this. And I want to do it like a little bit different. But have you ever heard of like, people doing like the March Madness auctions. So it’s, it’s like something where like, you kind of draft all, I guess now it’s what 68 teams or whatever. And if the team like whichever team covers the spread, advances, and that say like, the team advances, but doesn’t cover the spread, then whoever that team that the that person that inherits that, that team, I guess like, you know, like about one, whatever. So I was thinking about, like us doing a draft where it’s like, so random, and like, whatever. And like, instead of just doing like, the regular brackets, and like, you know, doing like a happy hour draft or something where it’s like, fun to get together and like, do it in the conference room, and like, the sticky board or like whatever. And then, you know, we were a very large golf agency, we were probably like the number one golf property resort marketers. So we’re definitely going to do like a master’s pool or something like that, and, and see what we’re gonna do with that.

Jeremy Weisz 27:34

I want to talk, get into the golf piece. But when you think back, Spencer, when you first started, the agency, it is a leap, right? What are some of those when you think back some of those pivotal growth moments that kind of propelled you to the next level, whether it was a higher or whether it was something you did with a company? What were some of those pivotal growth moments in the company?

Spencer Hadelman 28:02

It’s a great question, I could probably give you two that. I’ll give you one that’s like a client one. I’ll give you another that’s a looking back on business operations. Decision. One, I’ll start there. It’s like when I decided to go on my own and make that decision, I was playing basketball at a gym in Chicago. And you know, it’s like, same guys and that usually play pickup same times, and I had developed a good friendship with a guy who’s probably about eight years older than me, 10 years older, he’ll say, like, four but it’s fine. And I was talking to him, he’s like, hey, you know, like, I actually have an empty personal office in my office. And at the time, I was like, Okay, well, I want a ran. I’ll work from home I’ll. And this is, again, 2015. Right. So he did charge me rent, but it was not a lot. And it allowed me to have a conference room and a kitchen and a printer and internet and whatever. And it was like a big personal office. That was like, nice. And it was like, it was in the interior of the office. But it was like glass. It wasn’t like I’m looking at drywall that and I think just having to leave my house at the beginning. And again, this is way before COVID obviously, like but just waking up with a purpose and like having a shower and like look presentable because you’re being around other people, even if, in 2015 I was a one person company. Like, that makes a huge difference. And him just convincing me to do that. And even to this day, as we’ve grown and we grew into a much bigger space. I brought his company with and he now we flip roles. And so he’s hit I told him I don’t or how vague I got, I’ve heard you’re always in office in my office because I always dreaded him and thank him for on Minosa he probably just wanted to save money on his rent and give have the chip in, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend that he was just being a good friend and mentor and guy. And that made a big difference. I think it was like, for also for credibility. Like, where clients are like, Oh, okay, like, he has real office and okay, like, you know, whatever, maybe I think and a landline and like, yeah, stuff like that, like, people don’t realise, like, oh, I want to work remote, I want to do all the bullshit, blah, blah, blah, who or whatever. You know, there’s also something to like, like, that lifestyle is cool, and all, but there’s also some minor like, hey, like, I got a landline. Like, I know, that sounds stupid. But I think having a landline is a big deal. I don’t I don’t give a fuck, like I really do think it is that’s a pillar of my beliefs. And even if I don’t even use it, or even know the number of it, I think it’s important. And then the second one is when I was at my old agency, I’d pitch you know, the owners of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort. And he just didn’t the owner there who’s there based on the Hancock, he just didn’t vibe with the guy I worked for. And he told me, he’s like, Hey, like, if you’re ever not working for that guy, give me a call. Like, he was like, I liked some of your ideas. And the column, he was probably his father by four other people that had also told me the same thing. And you know, he, he’s like, hey, you know, like, my sons are starting this big project in Wisconsin called sand Valley. And you should give them a call. And so I had never worked with a golf course, before. I’ve worked with a club fitting company that had about locations in about eight markets. So and I play golf my whole life. So you know, I think I just kind of want in with my agency knowledge, but also my consumer knowledge, because I am their consumer, and be like, oh, like, this is what I would do. And this is like, this is how much it takes to spend and like, everything I pitched them. And this is again, before the Sandali was open that this when I was pitching and when I first was hired by them, they had grass on three holes, like seeded grass, only on three holes. Like it was like, they hadn’t even built a clubhouse. Like I started working on them before when they were in trailers. And but I had told them ideas. And this was again, the people that own the number one golfer in the world that opened in 1989. And I was telling them stuff that that never had been pitched them in that industry and never, and I was like, alright, well, like, if we’re going back to Madison, Wisconsin marketing course, like what I’m telling him was like, digital marketing 200. Like, Monday, Wednesday, Friday with Office Hours, you know, like, and, like, I was like, I didn’t think I was like, I was hoping it was like, okay, like, it would be like what other people are telling him to do, and then our relationship will be a tiebreaker. Versus like, yeah, like, this is amazing. No one’s ever told us. I’m like, really? Like, well, like, I obviously had to put the straight face on and pretend like, I’m like, Oh, yes. Proprietary ideas.

Jeremy Weisz 33:37

Talk about Sand Valley Golf Resort a second and some of the things you’ve you do with them or have done with them throughout the years of people and get a sense of what you do.

Spencer Hadelman 33:48

I mean, I could tell you that I mean, obviously, it’s, it’s now a top five Golf Resort. Whether it’s in the world or the country, and I mean, it’s one I have so much pride about because like I mentioned, the first time I went to the property for size hire that they had grass on three holes, they tell me we’re working and living out of trailers out there. They had two cottages built you know, I think then to now where it’s at, you know, we my creative director designed the logo for mammoth dunes, which is their second course there and it’s that logo is by far their best selling logo and their pro shop which I guess I probably shouldn’t have just I probably should have charged some type of residual but it’s alright because we’re working with them and you know, the Kaiser Family who owns it and has been so you know, just so nice and just so beneficial. Yeah, I mean, look at look at how beautiful that that Canvas is right there. And 80 miles straight north of Madison. Like literally straight up the mat and so It’s been great where now so there’s we’re opening a third course their third full course there’s also a par three course they’re building more hotels are constructing a fourth full course. And then we’ve developed also where we have a full offseason business where now they’re hosting like, adult and youth pawn hockey tournaments. Yeah, saw that industry here. There’s a lot of Yeah, it’s so cool up there. And you don’t really feel like you’re in Wisconsin, and it’s such a beautiful canvas. I mean, look at that right there. Like even that, you know, right there. It’s just, it’s incredible. And I take great pride because it’s something we’re like, okay. Now, it’s not like even some of our other golf clients where it’s like, okay, we’ve taken a property from the beginning and help with them. We’ve done logo work with them. We’ve done website work with their family website for them.

Jeremy Weisz 35:59

I had Wim Hof on the podcast, you know, the Wim Hof residency here.

Spencer Hadelman 36:03

Yeah, yeah. And then we’ve also done marketing for like, the offseason business, which is a totally different consumer. Like that. And now, we’re also have evolved where we’re doing, they’re selling real estate. At the property. So in the same property I’ve gone from, since what is it what year is it? 2023. So it’s just since 2016 80 miles north of my college, university I want to we’ve gone from we’re starting with grass on three holes to logo design website, we’re all their digital marketing, their print advertising, direct mail, their television advertising. And also all their business lines, whether it’s golf resorts, offseason business, and now real estate, like I mean, it’s I have so much pride with the property I you know, and just, and it just happened, because, you know, I follow through with someone who told me to call them under a different circumstance. And think of if I didn’t do that, or I was afraid to call or I wasn’t confident in my own abilities when I went on my own, or whatever it is, like, none of this. I’m not saying like the property wouldn’t be where it is. But I’m saying like, I wouldn’t obviously have a relationship with the property or do what I’ve done. And so it’s a lot of pride. And it’s a great lesson for anyone where it’s like, hey, if someone tells you to call on call, don’t be afraid to call, or whatever, maybe and it’s like, it’s I yeah, I just have a lot of pride with that property. And it’s, it’s always gonna be my baby. And you know, and professionally,

Jeremy Weisz 37:56

what Spencer we think of I love talking about on unutilized assets in this, in this case, the offseason. Yeah. What were they doing before? Just what do most golf courses? Do? They just do nothing. Like if they’re in a cold climate and nothing? Yeah, nothing? Well,

Spencer Hadelman 38:13

yeah, I mean, in this case, like, it’s like, not all golf courses have great, beautiful hotels and restaurant buildouts. Not all golf courses have this canvas, right, like, where you have these archaic dunes that they discovered in central Wisconsin. And, you know, it can be utilized. I mean, whether it’s health and wellness retreats, whether it’s, you know, some sliding things, or anything else they have planned or the pond hockey is incredible. I mean, how many people get to play that are, you know, either adult hockey players or youth hockey players that are going I know, I don’t know, how many people outside Chicago, like, or there’s a place called like Johnny’s or whatever, where like, a lot of adult and youth hockey leagues play in the western part of Chicago downtown. And it’s like, if you get to every week, you go there and it’s like, cool, you go to an ice rink and you’re playing a game you love but like to get to play it and like on hockey setting in central Wisconsin, you also get to stay at a beautiful resort with nice you know, rooms and fireplaces and drinks and food and whatever it’s like it’s cool, like it’s just it’s just different. Right? And it’s like okay, like Yeah, I mean, again, you credit to them, the owners for being entrepreneurial and taking chances like they always have and they’re and you know what, also the Kaiser Family they’re great people like and they’re caring and loyal and and fair. And you know, I I owe them a lot like, and, you know, but we have a great professional relationship. And I think part of the reason that they’ve stuck with me the whole time and to my knowledge are gonna continue to stick with me for a long time as I also keep it straight with them. And I tell them, sometimes people are afraid to tell other people who are successful, the truth, or are afraid to like, tell them things that they don’t want to hear just Yes, man. They know I’m not. And so sometimes they they’ll just call me to hear my opinion or something has nothing to do with marketing and work because they know like, I’ll probably give them a perspective they hadn’t heard. First of all,

Jeremy Weisz 40:43

Spencer, thank you. I have one last question. Before I ask it, I want to point

Spencer Hadelman 40:47

people to ask questions you want before I asked you would cap

Jeremy Weisz 40:55 Yes, that’s, that’s where my wife went. So

Spencer Hadelman 40:58

Oh, yeah. She’s a cat. You could tell her. You know what? I know you’re at dinner. I know. You have a lot of questions. I knew man sponsor told me. Only allowed because you went to Michigan? I’ll call

Jeremy Weisz 41:09

you like Spencer can I sleep on your couch. Yeah. Everyone check out Learn more about what they’re doing. Over there. My last question, Spencer is I’d love to hear just a few of your recommendations of other resources, books, software, just something in your world from a business perspective that you find that you’re constantly recommending or it’s important for you?

Spencer Hadelman 41:41

 Well, in terms of books, I think it’s important to read autobiographies of founders, famous founders, and there’s older ones. You know, obviously, I think there’s probably some things that are embellished, or the truth isn’t always spawned correctly in those but regardless what the truth is, that doesn’t affect you, and how you perceive a story or whatever, it may be a Shoe Dog, which is one of my favorites, I love it. Yeah, by Phil Knight. And it’s for those that don’t know, it’s pretty much his story and his life, from childhood through taking Nike public in the mid 80s. So prior to Michael Jordan, prior to what we know Nike as and I think anyone that’s in business or young company or entrepreneur, like, that’s where you’re going to learn not like, post public posts, Michael Jordan, Nike is like, we’re not gonna learn from that, because that’s, that’s not what anyone’s life’s gonna be. And if it is, you don’t need to read a book, you need to write a book. So I like another one. The I think some of the stuff is a little embellished, but One Pair at a Time by Howard Schultz. It’s similar Shoe Dog. It’s not as good. But it’s it’s very good stuff. I would recommend that. And I think in general, I think this is very important to read long form articles and actually read them about industries about business about, like what I do, I don’t really read many advertising and marketing articles. Because I challenged my team to do that, and then reported to me, so but, and it’s their job to stay up on changes in technology and that but I love to reach us things about different industries. Because one, it’s either if we have clients in that industry, that helps us, like we talked about form, the business strategy forms the marketing strategy that forms the evidence. But it also I think there’s a lot of lessons that can be learned from other industries and apply to either your industry or your clients industries. And I think too many people have blinders on tunnel vision, or don’t take themselves out of their everyday industry life and can’t get outside perspective. And so I think it’s important to purposely seek out outside counsel.

Jeremy Weisz 44:43

First of all, Spencer, thank you everyone, check out And we’ll see you next time. Thanks, everyone. Thanks, Spencer. Thank you, Jeremy.