Jeremy Weisz 5:37
Yeah, I mean, if you’re watching, obviously, there’s an audio version, but there’s a video version, if you’re watching, you’re seeing, or on the publishers page, right. And you basically will help these companies or influencers monetize their audience better, too. So how do you convince okay, you should use our offering over, maybe they’re being pitched a lot of different things.
Nicky Senyard 6:01
The really interesting thing and affiliate or influence out there doesn’t work with just one product or brand, because they’re wanting to. It’s like you with your audiences, you want to make sure that your audience are getting the best experience, you want to make sure that they get what they need when they want. And the really interesting thing about working in the financial services in this middleman role that we play, is that I see what our job is, is to make sure that the banking products get the consumers that need it. There’s so much good FinTech product out there, or good commercial banking or really good, just normal everyday banking out there that people need to know about. And I see that that’s what we’re hoping to do is ride the tide of financial literacy and understanding of what people can get out there.
Jeremy Weisz 6:01
Yeah, I mean, in one sense, I guess you, banks or financial institutions will come to you because you have a lot of relationships, right, we’re looking at here, you can see nerd wallet, I mean, you see some major bank raid, you can see some major sites, and then other influencers. So if someone has a lot of traffic, I guess they can contact you, specifically. But you also deal with a lot of the big players as well. So brands will come to you great. Nicky has lots of connections, they can get us on a lot of different places. But I know you do much more than that. What else do you do to get these offers in front of more people.
Nicky Senyard 7:24
So really, what the situation is, is finite, these influencers out there are publishers out there actually have an audience, and they know their audience really well. And what it is, is they’re looking for good things for their audience. So they’ll come to us and actually have a look at all the financial products that we’ve got. So they can cherry-pick. So that’s what we’ve solved for them. And then if you’re looking at the banks and financial services that we’ve got on the other side of the marketplace, they’re looking for scale to work with hundreds of these publishers at a time, and our technology allows them the legal, the commercial, the technical, to be able to set that up and actually move forward.
Jeremy Weisz 8:04
Yeah. And then talk about the solutions for a second, this is what we have, and then who you help. So who are ideal clients, customers that you work with.
Nicky Senyard 8:16
So if we talk in the banking area, we’re actually talking about banks that have actually want to scale their digital acquisition, they put their toe in the water, they know what their messaging is, they know what their brand is, they know what their product looks like, and being able to take it on board. And they’re actually wanting to get it out to more people. So that’s where the performance product that we’ve got actually gets them out there to be able to connect with these influencers or publishers out there to get the audience that they’re looking for.
Jeremy Weisz 8:47
Yeah, let’s talk through examples, so people can chew on something. There was a commercial bank, SBA loans, what did you do with them?
Nicky Senyard 8:59
So there’s a bank that we work with, that we started working with probably about two years ago, in states called Live Oak. It was really interesting how Live Oak came to us. I think someone on that board said, I want to work with influencers. Just threw it out there. And the reason that they wanted to work with influencers, I think, was because they saw all of the noise going on about different ways to connect really intimately with audiences. And they wanted to do it. The interesting thing about influencers though, is that they do usually have in banking, there’s a pretty narrow audience for influencers. What you’re more looking at is you’re looking at more publishing sites when people are actually doing comparisons. They’re doing product research, they’re doing a whole range of different things, which is this public.
Jeremy Weisz 9:58
I’ve totally done that. Yeah. Like, I’ve been on NerdWallet, I’m like, okay, what’s the best credit card with the best points or whatever. And I’m looking through it. And they have I’m sure they’re all affiliate things, but it’s still good information, regardless.
Nicky Senyard 10:12
It’s brilliant and it’s fantastic because they have such a clear editorial policy, where they only review whatever you see on NerdWallet, from a content perspective, is true. They do a whole lot of different research into those areas. And that’s what comes up. So actually what happened with his example that we’re talking about with Live Oak is that, oh, I’m so sorry. They ended up looking and deciding to choose us as an option. And we created such efficiency for them. It was phenomenal. We became one of the most cost-effective channels for new client acquisition that they had, which was fantastic.
Jeremy Weisz 10:54
What should people be thinking about Nicky because like, obviously, nerd wallet is something I’ve looked at, and I feel I can trust but like, people are hitting sites all the time. Is there anything people should look out for if they should trust a site and sign up through them or not?
Nicky Senyard 11:14
I think the best thing is to that triangulation of message, so if you’ve looked at three places and those same three places, they’re all the same thing, that you’re at a very higher point of it being true. So I think that’s the interesting thing is a brand or a financial product just doesn’t work with one publisher, and neither should a customer. So a customer should go out there and do their research and look at it, making sure that it’s not all the places.
Jeremy Weisz 11:46
So, Live Oak, they’re thinking and probably a lot of companies are thinking we need to work with more influencers, they have an audience, we want to get our you know, our products and company in front of that audience. What else do you do with Live Oak?
Nicky Senyard 12:01
Literally, we help them find new customers for the banking products to the commercial banking products for the commercial loan products. That’s what we work with them just to get new customers. Got it?
Jeremy Weisz 12:16
And then I know you also and this again, applies. I like hearing about this because I don’t care if your financial institution, an e-commerce company, and agency, whatever it is, how do you the levers you pull can be used for any type of company and are using these strategies? So I’m just saying, if someone’s like, I’m not in FinTech, and not in banking, I’m not a financial. I mean, that applies. I know what you’re saying to our business as well. And we should be doing more of these things. And then you also worked with a large bank in Canada? And what are some of the things you did with them?
Nicky Senyard 12:52
So it was exactly the same principle, this was about 10 years ago, they came to us and said, We have shitty technology, we have legacy machines, I should tell you that we have legacy technology. And we want to get into this affiliate marketing thing. You’re a Canadian company, can you integrate with our legacy technology? Can you manage this for us? Because we have no idea what we’re doing? And can you help us grow this channel? And we did. So actually they had worked with us for 11 years?
Jeremy Weisz 13:07
What are some of the things I know when we are talking, you’re thinking as a company of your plan for growth? And you’re thinking, Well, how do we three times, four times, five times? How do you think about that when you’re like, okay, we want to grow five times what’s the plan to grow.
Nicky Senyard 13:47
So I’ve been spending a lot of time doing this at the moment. And I think this is my second business. First one, as you said, we exited on the first one was self-funding. And I literally did my MBA, doctorate, master’s, whatever you think over those 14 years that we ran that business, because we grew from three stars to just under 100. And each of those stages of business, which related to revenue, because that’s how many people we could employ at the time based on our monthly revenue. That whole process was very slow and organic, which was lovely, which was good. Now doing this the second time round, I want speed. I don’t want the organic. I want the speed. And that’s where venture capital comes in. That’s where growth equity comes in. That’s where private equity comes in all of those sorts of things. And high evaluations. But the interesting thing is I call it in the business and on the business. So what we were talking about in the first part of this conversation was basically in the business like what do we do? We help financial institutions get the customers they want, and pay a reasonable amount for that. That’s what we do in the business. But what my job is, is on the business, which is where do we grow? How do we grow? How do we use the capital in the most efficient way? Where are the opportunities? How big is our TAM, in terms of total accessible market, that’s what my job is. And so what I’m doing at the present moment in time is that we are just finishing up third year as a business, we raise seed capital last year. And with the market change, I then started to look at last year, I saw the market was changing, we started to move towards efficiency of capital, which meant that we didn’t have to raise again. And so we’re now at a breakeven perspective after doing our first raise, which gives us a very long runway in terms of growing the business. But even with that long runway, I want to make sure that we are getting to the place that this business is possible. And I always — I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the saying how you eat an elephant is bite by bite. But what I like to do is I like to leapfrog back from the end in mind. Stephen Covey’s book 7 Habits, always, always relevant somewhere along the way. And when you begin with the end in mind is that if I want this to be a billion-dollar company, how do I get there by leaning back? So the first milestone, of course, is to be a $100 million company. So what I’m doing at the moment is I’m looking at all of the levers and pulleys and processes and focus areas that I can get to that will get us to a company valuation based on a revenue level. And that’s what I’m spending my time on.
Jeremy Weisz 16:58
I was gonna say, what are some of those levers you’re thinking about to increase?
Nicky Senyard 17:01
I think the thing that I focus on most is revenue, I think we’ve got a very predictable cost base for our business. So everything comes from revenue with either current clients or new clients. And when I’m looking at, we did a big exercise over the summer, where we looked at where we were getting the most churn of our clients, where we were making the most money and who is our ideal client. And our ideal client is somebody that is, I call it easy money and hard money. Easy money is where they love you, you love them, and they pay you a fortune, because you’re worth it. Hard Money is where you’re always justifying yourself, always justifying your case, and you have that heart in math billing every time you have to get on the phone with them. So my goal, at my ripe old age is to have as much easy money as I possibly can, where we actually solve a real problem that they really had, is valuable to them, and with your background, you’ll understand this. And when somebody’s in pain, they will pay any amount of money they possibly can to get out of that pain. And I see businesses are in pain when it looks at their growth and acquisition, when it doesn’t cost them the fortune, or they’re getting the wrong type of clients. And it’s still costing them a fortune. So that’s sort of what a really big sweet spot for where we are. It’s trying to help businesses grow, and therefore we can make money with them.
Jeremy Weisz 18:36
I have two questions on that. And the key one is the seed capital, the first company, Bootstrap, this one, you want to raise, your company was profitable. But when you went to raise money, what were the reasons that you gave and what were you going to use the money for?
Nicky Senyard 18:56
We were using the money just for speed. I think that the first example that I gave was when we organically grew, time was what cost us we didn’t have the money. So we took time. In a business now where we don’t want to spend the time we’ll raise the money. Because time gives me the ability to put more staff on to spend more money on marketing and to do all of those sorts of things, which we did. We spent money on products and we also spent money on marketing. So we were able to test and learn along the way as we went. And I had never raised money before. So to me it was sort of like I wonder what this is like. I haven’t — I love it. And I think I love my investors. So I’m very fortunate in that way.
Jeremy Weisz 19:04
When I look at your business and your business model, I think, I am totally wrong on that. So I’m saying what objections is she’s getting? Right? They pay me, I only pay them if I get them a customer. So it seems like kind of a no-brainer scenario like you pay us when we get you a customer. So what are some of the objections you get with a company working with you?
Nicky Senyard 20:20
Like everything, it’s incredibly simple on the surface, and quite intricate underneath. Have you heard of that saying where they say a duck swimming on a pond looks so elegant and the feet are paddling underneath. So with affiliate marketing, it takes time, the closest digital marketing, or the tactic I would talk about would be organic search. Organic search takes time for you to get the rankings. There’s on-site, there’s off-site, there’s how long people are spending on-site, there’s all of those sorts of intricacies that get you up in the rankings. Affiliate marketing takes time, because those big publishers don’t want to work with you, if you’re not credible, if you’re not investing in your own brand. Sometimes people’s products they think are just the bee’s knees, and then they’re not. And other times they say my onboarding process is amazing. And it’s not, sometimes they want all of this traffic, but they’re only prepared to do a county. It’s like there’s all of these levers and pulleys that make a difference to this type of marketing work. And I also see it as almost the cherry on the top of your Sunday. Because with affiliate marketing, you have to get every other layer of your digital acquisition settled, and set and capable. And then you can almost bring in the scale with affiliate marketing. So it’s not the first line, I would suggest somebody do that it’s probably more towards the end. When you actually know what your metrics are.
Jeremy Weisz 22:02
Yeah, it seems like, maybe I’m wrong. But like, there’s a lot of risk on your end. And you have to really choose your clients very carefully. Because you can spend all this time and work and like you can have success for someone. But that may mean if things aren’t worked on with the onboarding, then you have to stop the campaign or all the work that you put in.
Nicky Senyard 22:24
Absolutely, and it’s not us that just wasted time and effort. It’s the publishers. And they’re what is most precious to me, because they’ve got a lot of choice, they can go to a lot of places, and we want to make sure that they know how much we appreciate them. So therefore we don’t try to want to throw just anything out. And we were trying to pitch sometimes we don’t know. But we’ll go come to them and say you don’t know.
Jeremy Weisz 22:53
You help your clients construct good offers? Or do they usually come to you with an offering they want to put out because obviously the more compelling the offer, like, hey, we want people to see this sign up for it. So how do you think about coaching your clients on or maybe they come to you with the best possible offer.
Nicky Senyard 23:15
So it’s really interesting in financial institutions, there are very big guard rails that there is a plate there is a yard that they play on comfortably. And outside of that they don’t venture. Most of the time, financial institution will come to us with an offer. And we will say the line of consequence of this offer is x or potentially x, which means the volume is really high or the CPI could be high or whatever it happens to be. Sometimes they come to us and say we’ve got this range for this offer, where should we be if we want why? And we’re able to tell them. So the best decision is when somebody comes the best scenario is when somebody comes to us pretty well conditioned by they’ve been listening and opening up and understanding what else is going on in the marketplace. And then they come in and say we’d like to go here. We’d like this result. Will this work? And then it gives us the opportunity to give them the feedback to say yes or no. As it goes.
Jeremy Weisz 24:26
You ran another company for 14 years. I’d love to hear some learnings through different milestones with that company. I think that was in the gambling industry.
Nicky Senyard 24:36
Yeah. online gambling.
Jeremy Weisz 24:38
Yeah. So how’d you get into online gambling?
Nicky Senyard 24:41
Like anything. You stumbled upon it and you end up spending a lot of your life there. Like everything else that happens. I was doing a consulting project, my husband and I had started a consulting business together. We started a consulting project. We found out as we got the contract or as we’re going through it, that it was an online casino, this was in early 2000s. So it was at that time we were introduced into the industry, I was doing PR and the communication element, the PR and marketing side of it. My husband was during the onboarding and the staffing side of it. And so what ended up happening was we found this area, they were looking for this affiliate thing, it was the closest thing that I have been to working with journalists, because these publishers are like the journalist, I used to be selling the media stories, too. So that was where my affinity, if you leave from something you don’t know, you go back to something you do know. And it seemed because I was an earned media person, it made the most sense to me, like advertising sort of didn’t make sense, because you could waste all that money. To me, it just didn’t do it. So that’s how we got into the affiliate program for that. And the learnings that I had was that each stage of a business requires different structure, depending on your staffing, not on your clients. So you can handle, if you only have three people and you have 1,000 clients, your structure will stay the same. But if you’ve got 100 clients, and you go from three people to 50, people, structures have to change reporting structures, review structures, roles and responsibilities, salary, bands, all of those sorts of things. So that was the thing that I learned in the first business the most, was that that structure, even though people say they don’t want structure, which just goes back to the cultural thing, they actually really find it comforting to know what the next promotion can look like know who they can speak to about what and who they can’t speak and who’s responsible. And that was a really big learning for me, I’d never worked for an organization as big as the one that I ended up building.
Jeremy Weisz 27:08
Talk about some of those structure changes. So you go from three to under 100 people. Obviously, it starts out smaller, scrappier, what were some of the key structure you had to put in place?
Nicky Senyard 27:24
Because of where I’d come from, we’ve started with great HR structures very early on, even though we were such a small organization. And that moved and morphed was a fantastic foundation, like I actually say to entrepreneurs now, do things now that don’t take a lot of effort that are going to play really long-term rewards. And that is HR structure, and organizational structure. Because at the beginning, everybody’s sort of friendly, and everybody’s doing a bit of everything. And it soon comes that you can’t have 15 people doing a bit of everything, you’ve got to have sort of roles, and you’ve got to have responsibilities. And that comes with job descriptions and position descriptions and salary bands. And so that structure really, really helped. Because at the beginning, like everyone was reporting to me, I kept out at 12 people. That’s what I kept at it. And then they needed staff underneath them. And they needed to be trained on how they become content matter experts, but not necessarily management expert, staff management experts. So that’s the difference because you can be a content matter expert, that doesn’t make you very good at managing people or managing resources. And like career planning, I was really lucky that the product owner I had in the first business still works for me now. So that’s 22 years. And one of the CRO when this current company has actually worked with me for 11 years. And people in the last company would work for me for 15 years, 14, 15 years. So I think when you can show people that they’re getting what they need for life satisfaction, you can create a really good team, but that means that they need to have transparency.
Jeremy Weisz 29:27
With the new company. Well with Fintel Connect is not so new anymore, but at the time. At what point did you — you knew from growing that other company — at what point did you bring on a CRO and SEO because I imagined in the other company, there was probably a number of years I don’t know how much time lapse before you actually put those positions in place. So compare that to this company. At what point did you decide to put in some of these more maybe leadership positions?
Nicky Senyard 29:59
Right at the beginning. Right at the beginning, because I’d had the experience with the people that we were working with. So Alana always was a CRO and Yvette was our seer. She’s been with us for five years, six years, basically has been CRO for four of them, COO for four of them.
Jeremy Weisz 30:20
What do you look for? If someone’s like, you know what I need a COO, I need someone to help with operations of, what are some of the key attributes and characteristics you look for
Nicky Senyard 30:32
Structured and predictable. And the foresight of being able to see around corners. Because basically, something’s always going to go wrong somewhere. So it’s the finesse of being able to sort of see what can potentially happen and have a sort of backstop, ready to solve that problem.
Jeremy Weisz 30:57
Nicky, talk about culture, right, especially in a fast-growing company, when you’re hiring people, what are the things you do to maintain culture?
Nicky Senyard 31:11
I had to learn, because when you develop culture, over a very long period of time, based on your intimate connections with the people that you’re working with, it’s very, very different than developing culture on a faster-growing business during COVID. That is, I can absolutely tell you, I think we did, we had some very big speed bumps with it. Because we needed to hire people, they couldn’t necessarily, the other thing is, the job market really changed. It became such an employee-led market, which didn’t commercially make sense for this startup, where I couldn’t pay the same rates, as you know, like, we’re based here in Vancouver. So we have some pretty big, you know, Google’s here, there’s a whole lot of really big companies here that we’re looking for as many people as we were, you know, and I think where the failure was the speed, that was the requirement. And so what we’ve learned is going back to basics, where listening becomes really important, but also being very clear on what we’re here for. And what I see that we’re here for is to help not only our clients, but also help our staff get to wherever they want to be with skill sets. And with exposure and understanding. One of the things that I’m very, very focused on with the people that I work with, is that we develop life skills for them. Like not just here, but where else can they be successful using what they’ve learned with us somewhere else? And that’s where I think the culture is where you were talking about this before, contribution? Where can we really make a difference to the people that work with us? Where can we really make a difference for our clients? And where can we really make a difference for our publishers, and a lot of times that comes down to listening, but also being very forthright in saying, you want to do this, I appreciate that. But I don’t know that that’s actually where you’re the strongest. And having that honesty of interaction.
Jeremy Weisz 33:27
You mentioned life skills. What are some examples of what people are leveling up as far as their life skills go?
Nicky Senyard 33:37
The ability to ask questions. So question asking is something that we rate very highly in this organization or concentrate on, because when you can ask questions and you understand how to ask questions, it actually can unlock speed and efficiency and relationships. For example, if I asked you, what do you get when I ask or when question you get time? When are we going to do this? When are we going to do this? If I asked you a how question, you got to get a process. How are we going to do this project? How is it going to move along? How? Who people? The interesting why, when people in most of the time ask why questions, they get justification, which is in a business environment you don’t usually want. So the thing is, the trick is to create an ask for what question was gives you information and replace it with a why question. So what motivated you to do that? What did you think was going to happen when you did that? So it’s the ability to ask questions, is a life skill that I really focus here and the ability to use language. So language and incredibly revealing commodity the words that you choose when you write or the words you choose when you speak, create connection or expel connection, whichever way you want to go. So being able to understand language choices and be able to ask questions, in addition to of course, listening gives you a great foundation to be able to be successful in anything that you choose to do.
Jeremy Weisz 35:30
Nicky, I love that. Thank you for sharing that. Getting better at asking questions is so critical. And you mentioned, if you say what, why, how, when, who you’re going to get different answers. I remember when I had on Chris Voss, who wrote Never Split the Difference. And one of my favorite books, and he talks about that in negotiations. And in even more collaboration, negotiation, it kind of has a negative connotation, but with collaborating and people asking how can we do this creates a collaboration. So I love that you said that. I don’t remember if he breaks down all of those things like you did. But yeah, that’s great. Are there any resources you’d recommend? As far as in general, not maybe about asking better questions or just some of your favorite resources that you share with your team?
Nicky Senyard 36:27
I don’t, there’s only two that I think I just remember if making such a huge impact on me, as an entrepreneur, there was Michael Garber over theE-Myth, The Entrepreneurial Myth, which I also found really great for this leverage and creating an organization with structure and repeatability. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits was instrumental for me to understand what time management really was not this concept of ticking boxes and doing lists. And The Happiness Hypothesis was about the rider and the elephant and how as self-managed, like to manage a team or manage a company, it starts with self-management. What that looks like.
Jeremy Weisz 37:16
Thank you, thanks for sharing that. Yeah, Michael Gerber, I did an interview with him that was really fascinating about his journey and the E-Myth as well, those are a check out The Happiness Hypothesis. You know, we are talking, thank you, before we hit record, as well as like, you’re not thinking this month, you’re not thinking this year, you’re thinking even beyond, and you’re talking about some of the seeds that you’re looking at planning now. So it grows two years from now, even? What are some of those things that you were like, these are the seeds we’re planning now, to harvest two years from now?
Nicky Senyard 37:53
The value of my asset, which is my business relates directly to the stability of its revenue. And its growth trajectory is revenue. And as a technology company, I know that if I roll out new products and services that have a ready-made market, I’m literally being able to capitalize on that market and pick the fruit from the trees that are flourishing. So the way that I’m looking at it is what product development do I have to scope now in 2023, that’s actually going to help me increase my revenue by 10%, or 20%, or 30% in 2025. So that’s being able to understand the market conditions, understanding the adjacent mass markets that you’ve got that you can sell another product to the same customer that will be of equal value as to the one where you’ve got the relationship now. So I’m looking at all of this organic growth within the organization that just is increasing its value, because I’m looking at increasing the bottom line or the top line revenue of what we’re doing. And that could be new markets that I’m going into and terms of new countries, it could be new products that I’m rolling out to my current clients, or potentially new clients. Or it could be adjacent markets where we have a unique understanding because of the intersection that we set between the financial institution and the publisher that not many other people can actually see or appreciate at the moment. So those are all of the investment decisions that I’m making in time. And therefore resources to be able to look at us having a very steep growth curve in 2025. But it starts now because if I don’t do that product development now that I can’t put it into testing that I can’t get it into customer engagement and I can’t look at actually capitalizing on the revenue.
Jeremy Weisz 39:56
Yeah, because there’s so many. This will drive me crazy, because there’s so many opportunities, right? You, like expansion in countries’ markets, whatever it is. But talk about the product for a second, because even before we hit record, you were saying, yeah, we have this dashboard. It’s pulling all this stuff. And like, what does that look like, back end some of the products that you have now even?
Nicky Senyard 40:23
Yeah, so the product that we’ve got now, the performance product, or the affiliate marketing product we’ve got for affiliate for financial services, it has so much more depth that we can get into like event based tracking event based feedback from the publishers to the clients, we can get more integrated into files and data cutting and attribution, there’s a whole lot more than we can do around that product. But then we’ve also got a content compliance tool. Because in our area, compliance is so important that we need to be able to look at how we can help streamline and become time efficient with policing content related to financial products, and what’s important to regulators and things like that. So that’s another product. And then another product that we’re looking at doing and developing out is helping banks entering into or credit unions entering into the financial space to be able to track their client acquisition through their own media. So there’s lots of different things that we can do that I just need time and money to be able to develop up. And that’s where I’m seeing the payoff is going to be in 2024, and 2025, when these products are fully functioning, and at the moment, every single day, we’re capturing new use cases or new elements of the technology that we can break up and develop further to help the people that we’re currently servicing.
Jeremy Weisz 42:02
Yeah, because there’s a lot of technology behind the scenes that are running the making sure all this happens. My last question, Nicky, and I just want to say thank you, thanks for sharing your story. Everyone can check out to learn more. My last question is just mentors, people that they can be colleagues to, that helped you along the way give you advice along the way from your first company till now and again, like growing? Everyone starts somewhere, right? Growing from scratch to 100 people and then doing it all over again, who are some of those mentors that have helped you along the way?
Nicky Senyard 42:41
Well somebody actually asked me this, like, a friend’s 15-year-old asked me, so how many business have you started? I said two, he said, not 15, 20. I said, no, I had a job. And I loved my jobs. So through before I started to be an entrepreneur, I actually was an employee. And I loved it. Because I learned what I loved about the way that managers manage me or the way that companies around or whatever else, being an entrepreneur happened upon me, I’m not saying that I wasn’t attracted to it. But it wasn’t my first port of call in terms of how I started my career. So I learned a lot, I learned a lot through the good experiences. And I learned a lot through the bad experiences where I didn’t feel like I was treated well or something happened, which made me a very empathetic employer. I understand that my role is the custodian and health and well-being of the entire organism. But you know, I was a functioning cog in somebody else’s wheel. So it really made me appreciate what that environment could be. And I probably learned the most from my business partner, who’s my husband, as we go on this journey, have gone on this journey together. It’s been very, very, very helpful for me to have somebody that has the same value set, and the same outcome and agenda so well aligned for us to be able to build something together and the same risk. Same impact. To trust myself because ultimately, I have to live and die by my sword. And that takes courage to be able to stand out on that ledge and say this is the direction we’re going and to have somebody that actually believes in you and backs you up whether you make the right decision or whether you don’t has basically given me the courage to trust myself and do pretty well with that.
Jeremy Weisz 45:04
Amazing. Nicky, I want to be the first one to thank you. Thank you for sharing your story, everyone check out more episodes of the podcast and thanks Nicky. Thanks everyone.
Nicky Senyard 45:15