Nathan Resnick is a sourcing pro and the founder of Sourcify. He has built multiple ecommerce companies, 7-figure Kickstarter projects, and speaks fluent Mandarin. Sourcify is the fastest growing sourcing platform backed by Y Combinator that helps hundreds of companies manufacture products around the world. Nathan even managed to get a cease and desist from Connor McGregor, yes, the UFC competitor.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- [1:15] Jeremy introduces his guest, Nathan Resnick.
- [2:20] Learning from mistakes made.
- [5:00] Nathan talks about visiting China.
- [8:30] How transparency sets Sourcify apart.
- [14:00] Nathan shares a customer success story.
- [17:00] How ecommerce sellers should choose a product to sell.
- [21:00] The danger of relying on a single source.
- [24:10] How extending a product line can help a brand thrive.
- [27:10] Products that Nathan and his team stay away from.
- [31:00] How do Nathan and his team deal with copycats?
- [34:15] Nathan talks about his experience with Y Combinator.
- [37:20] Some of the feedback Nathan and his team have received.
- [41:45] A low moment in business for Nathan.
- [47:40] Nathan talks about milestones he’s proud of.
- [50:00] How did Nathan get a cease and desist letter from Connor McGregor?
In this episode…
Too often people take the concept of transparency for granted. From politicians they elect to the phone bill they pay, everyone wants transparency, but many times it is the last thing a business is willing to give its clients. On this episode of Inspired Insider, you’ll hear from entrepreneur and innovator Nathan Resnick. In his conversation with Jeremy, Nathan opens up about how he started Sourcify, learning from the mistakes he made, why it’s important for ecommerce sellers to diversify their product sources, how sellers should choose their products, what it was like participating with Y Combinator, and so much more! You don’t want to miss this fascinating and informative episode featuring Nathan!
Do you realize how rare it is to hear a business owner lead with the value of transparency? Time and time again, businesses take advantage of customers just because they can. In an increasingly global marketplace, the company that stands out will be the ones that treat value and respect their customers. Leading that charge in the product sourcing sector is Nathan Resnick and his business, Sourcify. At Sourcify, they pride themselves as, “Enterprise sourcing with built-in adaptability and transparency.” While it may not be easy, this approach seems to be resonating with many ecommerce sellers. What is the primary value for your organization?
One of the most frustrating roadblocks that a business leader can face is a lack of options. What would it look like if there were more options to chose from in your business sector? Ecommerce sellers have been limited when it comes to sourcing for years. As supply has shifted from the US to overseas, this aspect of ecommerce business has become increasingly complicated. Is there a solution in the marketplace to cut through this complexity? Nathan and his team at Sourcify are working hard to help sellers send their production needs directly to their factories. That means no more delays due to communication issues with sourcing agents or time spent internally finding a factory. Hearing from Nathan, you get the sense that he is passionate about solving problems for as many ecommerce sellers as possible.
What do you do with the mistakes and challenges you’ve faced in your career? Do you run and hide from them and never consider them again or do you learn from them, grow, and move forward? For Nathan Resnick, reflecting on mistakes and challenges seems to be something that he is comfortable doing. As he looks back to his early career, Nathan can quickly point to an error he had made but was able to turn it around into a positive quickly. Unfortunately, every mistake can’t be so quickly corrected, but the opportunity to learn from our mistakes is always present. What can you learn from Nathan’s story?
When was the last time you took advantage of a fantastic opportunity to try something new, professionally? As you advance in your career, those opportunities will become few and far between, make sure you take advantage now! Nathan Resnick jumped at the chance when he found out he was invited to present his business to the folks at Y Combinator. Taking full advantage of this amazing opportunity ended up securing critical funding for Sourcify in its early stages of growth. Don’t wait for the perfect moment to come and knock on your door, go out and seize the day!
Resources Mentioned on this episode
- Sourcify’s website
- GoFundMe
- Y Combinator
- DropBox
- How I Built This
- Michael Dell
- Connor McGregor
- Shopify
- MVMT Watches
- Flexport
- Original Grain
- Intro Music by Kidd Russell
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