Jeremy Weisz 18:27
I want to hear what’s the key. So other people don’t give up. And to that point, John, when you’re talking about, you’re applying the same level of standard and perfection to the legal work than you were to a podcast episode. I remember this hit home for me. I was watching a Joe Rogan episode at some point and in the middle there, and it’s probably arguably one of the most watched podcasts are listened to of all time. And in the middle of it, they’ll pull up screens and go, hey, can you pull this off? Let’s take a look. And they go, hey, pull this off, this person just said this, pull it up. And the person’s searching, they can’t find it. Oh, forget it. We’ll find out later. And they don’t cut any of that out. Right. It’s just, the medium of a podcast is an authentic conversation. I just remember thinking, wow. They just left all that in, which is fine. And I didn’t think anything of it. But as someone who sometimes people say, hey, can we cut this out? Can we do that? thinking well, this person who just there may be 100 people listening that episode of someone’s asking us but the Joe Rogan one, there’s millions of people listening to it.
John Corcoran 19:44
Yeah. And I think that’s part of its appeal is the authenticity. In a world where a lot of times things can seem like overly perfect and sanitized, you know that a two-person conversation in a podcast or a three or four-person conversation a podcast is inauthentic, you’re like a fly on the wall sort of thing. And I think that’s what people are really drawn to. I remember listening to a smartlace episode, a while back with Tina Fey was the guest on there. And in the middle of the episode, her daughter comes running, and he’s like 14 years old. And I was like, Mom, when are you going to be done with this, I want to go out, we’re stuck inside of in here all day. It’s taken forever. She’s like, come on, I wasn’t finished off, and they kept that old thing in there, you know, and but I thought, well, that’s really cool. Tina Fey is someone I’ve been watching for many years been a fan of, and I get to kind of see this other side of them.
Jeremy Weisz 20:35
So relatable. So what’s the key so someone listening does not give up? Because you felt like you almost gave up, but like you weren’t putting…
John Corcoran 20:46
Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think I was on the verge of giving up. I think not going it alone is a big part of it. So having others who are supporting you in it. And focusing on the highest best use of your time, there are people that they end up resenting parts of the process, because there’s so many different pieces to doing a podcast from preparing to having the actual conversation to the post-production to all that kind of stuff. And you’re probably going to naturally not like one of those pieces, and you have to make sure to take that off your plate, or you’re not going to do it for the long term, you’ll do it for six months. And then if you’re not honest with yourself, you’re going to stop doing it. I was just looking up at one of my past guests the other day, who had started a podcast when I interviewed him like a year ago. And I just looked it up, and I realized he hasn’t published anything in a year and he was all excited about it at the time. And that happens all the time. And it happens because people, they don’t like one piece of the process, and they grow to resent it. And they just don’t want to do it anymore. And they don’t see the value of doing it. So if you come to appreciate the fact that it’s having a high-caliber conversation with amazing clients, referral partners, strategic partners, centers of influence in your industry, and you enjoy those conversations, you will keep on doing it. But if you do all this other stuff, and that drags you down, you will not enjoy it. But even if you do enjoy it. So there are some people that we’ve known that they like as a hobby to do some piece of it, maybe it’s audio editing, video editing, maybe it’s creating artwork, so they put their energy into the podcast artwork. Again, if you’re putting all your energy and your resources into that, then that’s going to take time away from the other pieces. And at some point, you’re gonna look back on it, and you’re gonna say, you know what, I haven’t gotten great results from this, and I’m gonna stop doing it, or I’m gonna put it on pause, I’m gonna put it in a hiatus or whatever. And it might be because you’ve spent three hours every Sunday morning editing the video, when you should not have been doing that, because that’s not the highest and best use of your time, or, yeah, you like doing research on gas, but you spent seven hours doing all this research on the guest when you could have had in that amount of time seven other conversations with seven other people. And one of those might end up being an amazing client for you are an amazing referral partner. So it’s about focusing on the highest and best use of your time, but also stripping out anything that drains your energy, so you can focus on the pieces that you really enjoy.
Jeremy Weisz 20:49
I want to talk about letting go because you just mentioned that it may be, for me, I’m wondering how you let go because you’re a writer, you even wrote that when you were in grade school, I want to be a writer and now with your podcast you don’t do any of the writing. Right. And so there was probably a transition to you actually relinquishing that control and the writing now, I, as a biochemistry, major background in science, I hate writing. So like the thought of me writing, I was great, like have someone else do it, but you’re a little different. So someone like you said, who’s like I liked doing this part? How did you eventually relinquish control over the writing piece?
John Corcoran 24:16
Slowly, you have to trust that others gonna do it. And it may not be 100% standard of perfection that you want it to be. But it’s going to be close enough that you’re happy with it. And again, reminding yourself too as I said earlier that I’ve never once had someone contact me and be like, I’m not going to hire you because I saw this flaw in the piece that you put out and they’re not judging the work that you do and the podcasts that you put out and by the same standard, right if they’re gonna hire you for some other thing that you do, so you don’t have to worry about out those two things. But also again, going back to just trusting someone else who’s going to handle who’s going to do the work for you. And new case, someone like you who doesn’t like writing there plenty people like that or don’t like writing don’t like editing. And you’re, maybe you’ll find someone who’s going to do it really, frankly, better than you would. We’ve seen this many times before, where we’ve seen podcasters who do their own show notes or do their own editing or something like that. And, yeah, they can get it done. But you look at the show notes, the show notes are like, 25 words, and it’s typos and run on sentences and stuff like that, or, yeah, the…
Jeremy Weisz 25:37
Mine is embarrassing to look back on some of them. That I had, right. Early on before I had a process and a team. It was midnight the night before, and I didn’t want to miss a week, you could probably relate to it. And when you go back, it was terrible.
John Corcoran 25:57
Yeah, yeah. And I had also very convoluted process. So one of the things that you helped me with was, I had this idea because I listen to other podcasts that had like a different custom intro at the beginning of every episode, where they would preview everything else and talk about what they’re going to talk about in that episode. So I had this idea that I needed to do that. So I wanted to always record those after each episodes. But after each episode, I would always get busy. So I would record the episode, I’d go right up until the very end, I’d run out of time to even have a post-interview collaboration conversation, which is the most critical component. And so then we’d run out of time, we’d both have to hop off and hop off on my next call or whatever, and I’d forget about it weeks would go by, and then I hadn’t recorded it. And then I have to go and re-listen to the episode, which made it even more time-consuming, so that I could record this little preview thing. Under the presumption that I had, I had no hard proof on this, that it was better in some way that the podcast would be better with this little preview thing on the beginning. So that was one of the things that you helped me with, you’re like, why are you doing this? This is creating these convolution, and I think I didn’t even say the podcast episode number two. So then there was that piece too, and if you move things around, then you have to rerecord it. It was just a total mess. And I didn’t realize that this was a mess. And I didn’t realize that there was a better way of doing it until you helped me to revamp all that I got rid of that. And I made a much more streamlined process.
Jeremy Weisz 27:26
Yeah, I mean, it’s basically about anything, this applies to business as well. But removing friction points, right. And the thing is, the only reason I could tell you, that give you that advice, is because I made the exact same mistake I just did earlier than you. But the same exact thing. So like usually, when we’re giving someone tips or whatever, it’s basically because we already made that mistake before. And pretty much all many of the mistakes. I want to talk about just some lessons learned, some pivotal points. And Antonio, was a person that you learned a lesson from that prompted you and kind of pushed you forward.
John Corcoran 28:24
Yeah, so a couple of lessons from Antonio, great guy, Real Men Real Style. He’s built an empire, YouTube channel, and website and all that kind of stuff. And he and I were that little kind of mastermind community early on. And I remember I was kind of writing about a lot of different things, a lot of different business advice. And he just kind of gave me the feedback. He was like, John, you’re really good at like this kind of like networking thing, like how to build relationships with people strategically to grow your business and get clients and stuff like that. He’s like, you should really focus in on that. And I think he also taught me to embrace my background. I had gotten some bad advice from customers and people that said, one person in particular who said that, you worked for a Democratic president, and you want to help business people and business people don’t like Democrats. So you should never talk about the fact that you worked at the White House in the Clinton years. And that was really bad advice. Because I’ve talked to many Republicans. I’ve interviewed many Republicans on my show who were just interested in that background. I’ve even interviewed people that work for Republican white houses. And we had so much in common it was really interesting. So Antonio, really like said like, you should embrace that background. And you should weave a new story, basically, where you help others to build great relationships in business, aka networking, but no one likes that word. So don’t often use that word and In many ways, what we’re doing using the tool of podcasting is a modern reflection of that it’s helping people to build better relationships in business, using the tool of a podcast. And so it was really critical feedback. And Tony was a guest on my podcast, and was a friend and all that kind of stuff. And we are in the mastermind community together. And it really helped me to really zero in on what I should be focusing on with my business.
Jeremy Weisz 30:26
I joke around and I want to hear a lesson you learn from Bill Clinton, actually, but the way I describe, John a lot of times is, I’ll give him the accolades he deserves, but then I’ll say, he also likes to screenshot himself in with presidents because now these are not photoshopped. But arguably, if you’re watching the video, he’s got him with Obama here at Clinton. He’s here with Elon Musk. There’s another one view and Joe Biden, that’s not on here. But the Obama one definitely looks like as two distinct backgrounds there, but you…
John Corcoran 31:11
Yeah, we’re standing in front of a door. But yeah, because of that. There’s all kinds of Pruder film types of conspiracy theories about the authenticity of that picture.
Jeremy Weisz 31:21
So set the scene for this when you’re here with Obama here?
John Corcoran 31:26
Well, so that was an interesting one, because it was actually probably the Nate dear of his presidential campaign. It was in 07, I think before he was President, he was Senator at the time he’s running for president at the time Hillary Clinton was on the ascent was the everyone thought she would be the nominee. And he just had this quiet confidence to him. The group that it was at an event that I was helping with helping organize and everything. And there was a lot of people there that were just big fans of his, and he just had this real quiet confidence to him. And I’ve been around a lot of presidents, and presidential candidates and presidential campaigns. And they all have a different tone to them, depending on the leader. And I’ve never seen one quite like his most of them, there’s a bunch of young people that are all anxious, that are super uptight, and worried about getting in trouble or doing something wrong. And his team didn’t have that at all. And it definitely came from the top down. They call it, his nickname was no drama Obama. And it was really true. And in fact, the reason I got that picture was because he was on the way out the door had helped with this event. And he just stepped in the restroom. He had to use the restroom before they got in the car and drove to somewhere else. And I said to one of their staff people is like is there if I just grab a photo with him real quick. Now when other prisoners came that would campaigns that would be like verboten like you could never do that. It’d be like, Absolutely not. No, you can’t do it. Like, yeah, sure what the hell? And he like steps out. And I said no…
Jeremy Weisz 33:02
I thought you were going to say you interrupt him at the urinal. You’re like, pose.
John Corcoran 33:07
No, but I didn’t take a leap next to Tiger Woods once that’s a different story. But so anyways, so I don’t have a picture for that. But I ended up taking the picture with him and yeah, it’s just quick casual moment with him. But it’s definitely a reflection of the leader. The tone that they set?
Jeremy Weisz 33:29
So lesson from Bill Clinton. Is this the picture right here that we’re looking at right after you gave him the DVDs? Or before?
John Corcoran 33:44
Yes, it is. That is from the same story. Yeah. I’ve got the full version here with my dad my brother in if you want to see here and we actually got it signed autograph later. So that’s that one. One of the lessons from him is I read this, I think was in George Stephanopoulos. His autobiography about working for Clinton is that he never wants in all the years of going around with him on rope lines in small meet and greets with different people never once heard him and you meet some? You know, what’s the word strange people like in those types of circumstances. People come up, say strange things to you. He never once did that and then turned around and quietly said to a staff or something like that. What about that weirdo or anything like never did that at all? That doesn’t mean that he man didn’t have his flaws. He certainly had his flaws for sure. But he just had an incredible, genuine way about him. In a charisma like you’ve never seen before. I was around people that had never met him before. Not a fan of his at all. Come down to a speech of his to hear him speak or something or maybe ended up shaking his hand on a rope line and just walked away like, in awe over him. He had an ability to talk to people and make you feel like no one else in the world was there was just the two of you having that conversation. Even if there are hundreds of people around like he just zeroed in on people, and just had amazing impact. And there were times, I think that looking back on it, there’s reasons why he was elected president. And he just may be a controversial opinion. There’s lots of reasons why anyone’s elected president and not but there’s reasons why he was elected president. And even though he came from a poor upbringing in the poorest state in the nation, father died when he was young because he really, really put emphasis and energy into building relationships with anyone and everyone he wanted to meet absolutely everyone. I was at events with him, where he would give a speech, hour long speech talk forever, everyone’s like, tired of him talking. He’s kind of famous for that. And then afterwards, go and work a rope line for another hour afterwards, and he would go down, shaking every single, every single hand going down for an hour, the entire thing, making sure everyone got their hand shaped. And never seen someone like that have that kind of energy for meeting every single person. There were events that I was at where I was, like, like, shake his hand on the rope line, and then I’d get back so that other people would have the opportunity to shake his hand. And I’ve observed from behind, and then it was, like, 45 minutes later, and he’s still shaking hands. It’s like, the president United States is still here shaking hands, should I leave? Like, I can’t leave the president United States is right there. Like I should probably stay, should I go shake his hand again, he’s working his way back down the rope line. That’s how much he would energy he would spend to have a moment with his many people, these people came out to see him, in many cases, like, drove 12 hours or flew or stood in the sun for hours and hours waiting to get in to go through security to meet him, he would want to give them some time is why he was like, always late for things because he would spend so much time going through and shaking hands with as many people as possible.
Jeremy Weisz 37:16
Now of that now, thanks for sharing that. The other person, a lot of lessons, I’m not sure which one sticks out was from your dad. You saw him, like you said in the film industry, and obviously he probably imparted a bunch of advice to you throughout your career changes. What’s some lessons that stick out from your dad?
John Corcoran 37:46
Oh, man. So my dad was the son, who was an Air Force brat. His father was in the Air Force. He was a B-17 pilot in World War Two he did 35 missions over Germany, we’ve got the certificate that has all the cities that he bombed, he was the captain of the B-17. About half of the B-17 crashed due to accidents or to maintenance issues, things like that. Not even were shot down by enemy fire. So very, very slim odds to even come back from that war. And my grandfather was very stoic man. And my dad is the opposite. My dad was a stand-up comic for a bunch of years. And he was a kind of a, he did film reviews on television, great sense of humor. So I definitely…
Jeremy Weisz 38:41
Is this your dad’s dad here.
John Corcoran 38:43
That’s my dad’s dad there on the left. Yeah. And whereas my grandfather was like this same industry for his entire career, worked for the military his entire career, and then went back as civilian and worked in the Pentagon afterwards. Like he would like invest in more bonds that like you put in $100 and after five years, you have $102 Right? It didn’t invest in the stock market or anything like that. And my dad was kind of went the opposite direction was pursued passions and stand-up comedy and not really like a stable career ended up working in news for most of his career, actually lost his job three separate times. And each time we ended up moving like across the country to a new place. And so that was hard in retrospect, I’m glad for it because it forced me to meet new people and to learn, to be able to work into a new community, new school and stuff like that. But he really prioritize family and like he prides himself that he did not miss hardly any in all his years of travel and having to fly to New York from Los Angeles to go to these movie junkets and interview celebrities and stuff like that. He didn’t miss hardly a single sports game of mine or my brothers, he prioritized that he would make sure he wouldn’t miss a soccer game. He missed, like one. And there’s a celebrity. There’s a story behind which I won’t tell his story to tell. But a famous celebrity from like the 80s and 90s, who you’ve heard of before, goes by one name, caused him to miss a game for my brother, where my brother had like a really good game. And to this day, he still complains about it. He still complains about this person, because he’s so angry about it. So I’m the same with my kids and I teach my kids the same way. Like we go to sporting events, we don’t miss them, I’m not going to miss them. We’re going to be there to support you. And I teach it to my kids also. So that’s like, kind of a real big lesson for us.
Jeremy Weisz 40:49
Do you remember him? Like, who were some of the favorite people he was able to meet that he talked about?
John Corcoran 40:55
You name it every star from the 80s 90s He stopped doing it in the late 90s. So but I mean, you know, Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robin Williams, I met Robin Williams. All of those, for sure. Steven Spielberg was his favorite director, and was a huge fan of ET and every movie that he directed, and he bumped into Stephen Siller once. And Steven Spielberg said, you are the only critic that I watch to him. That was like his pride and joy hearing that.
Jeremy Weisz 41:36
Amazing. I want to talk about adapting. Because sometimes people hear your story on the surface, and they’ll say, oh, he had a silver spoon he made at the White House for a while. But the reality is, you really had to bounce around and adapt. Because your dad had a dynamic career were forced him to move different places. Talk about adapting. How did you go into those situations and make friends or fit in? Right? It could be like someone listening to this doesn’t matter how old you are, you’re going to a new situation have to fit in? Or kind of go into whether it’s a conference? Or maybe it’s a new school, or wherever someone listening is how do you go in? And what’s the approach you take?
John Corcoran 42:27
Yeah, I mean, it was hard. My dad would go from being the one that everyone knew that I was the kid in class whose dad was on TV every night to because he was no longer on TV every night, everyone knew that that kid’s dad just lost his job, right, which doesn’t happen with everyone else, because it’s more anonymous. So that was hard. And then because there was only really three jobs in any one city. Like being a film critic, movie reviewer for the three stations in town, it meant that we had to move each time and admit that it could sometimes took a while to get a new job and a new city. And so there were times when my dad was out of work for six months, eight months, and we would go from, you know, living a comfortable life to slashing expenses, can’t spend money, anything, really had to conserve things. It wasn’t like, he could just like pick up and do contract legal work or contract accounting work or something like that. So it’s a bit of a high-wire act. And that was a little bit hard. And then we would move across country away from family and friends and all that kind of stuff. I think what I learned was just, you can’t get to set in, in one of life being always the way that it is forever, things could change in a heartbeat. I was reminded that this weekend, we were driving on the freeway, and something I didn’t even see what it was something that piece of metal or something smacked into our windshield at about 65 miles an hour. And thank God the windshield didn’t break apart. But it obliterated our windshield wiper and cracked the entire windshield. My entire family is in the, in the car of course. And so in life, things can change in a heartbeat. And I remember my dad coming home multiple times and being like, lost my job, because a new news director came in with clean house and fire half the people and put a new people in place, because it’s like painting a building. If you want to change the appearance of a newscast, you replace the people, and you put new people in place and so, we’d be a casualty of that. And so, when I came to a new place it was about see how you can work your way in and is hard I was talking this weekend with some friends about it. You know, I went from like, living in Southern California or it’s like, people go surfing and stuff and surfer culture, too. Moving to like suburban Massachusetts, which is completely different, it probably is culturally different as you can get while staying within the United States. And you find who you can make friends with, and just trying to work your way in or when I moved to Southern California later, I ended up joining the football team and sticking with it, because I made friends there. And that was my group of friends when I got the high school. So I had some people to hang out with and not be by yourself. So I think the lessons are just to be flexible, and to not be too stuck in your ways of things will always be this way forever, because things do change, and you have to adapt.
Jeremy Weisz 43:55
I want to talk about business mentors, and this could be distant mentors, like books, or just people who you look upon for business-related advice and help who sticks out to you in that realm?
John Corcoran 46:10
I mean, so many, we talked earlier about Antonio Centeno, and interviewing him for my podcast and getting advice from him was instrumental. Kevin Thompson was another one. I interviewed him for my podcast. And he talked about how he built his business, really through like strategic partnerships, and gave me the idea to kind of follow what he had done, but in my own way. And it really helped me get out of practicing law and helped me to build my blog and my podcast and build a business that wasn’t totally dependent on me being the breadwinner at all times, like the legal practice was, and now being part of Entrepreneurs’ Organization, EO, joining the accelerator program there, Dave Richmond, Cory Lundberg. There’s so many people there that have been so helpful to me. And just getting a tidbit getting advice, whether it’s like, at an event with someone and finding what they’re focused on, and filing away some challenge that they are focused on how they’ve overcome it, so that when you face it later, kind of have that kernel in your brain. You can remember back to Oh, yeah, this person had that challenge. I can maybe go talk to them about it. All of those have been, Jason Swank, he mentioned earlier has been super valuable for us been a great, he was someone who I interviewed on my podcast, and I remember at the end of the conversation with him, he was like, wow, we’ve got a lot in common here, we, and we talked about a bunch of different ways we could collaborate through doing a presentation to one of his groups. And I think he invited me to be on his podcast at that point. And I did in we’ve like, after that one conversation, we’ve done all of those and more now you’re a mentor in his community. I’m going to his event in about a month. So he’s been a great friend and a great mentor. Yeah, those are a couple that comes to mind.
Jeremy Weisz 48:18
I want to also, I know, it’s hard to pick your favorite child, I guess it depends on the day, but some of the fewer Top Favorite memorable podcast episodes, who sticks out, as far as when you think back over the past, over a decade, have some of the people you’ve had on and in maybe something a story that you remember from that show.
John Corcoran 48:46
Oh man. I mean, there’s so many of them. Adam Grant is one that I’ve referred back to a lot of times before, because he wrote the book, Give and Take, I felt like his book, in many ways validated a lot of the stuff, a lot of the advice that I’ve given people over the years, because he really had the social science proof behind the assumption that, if you are a good person, and you are nice to people, and you’re kind to people that you’re more likely to be successful, that was something that I just kind of tried to live by as a premise, but I never really had any proof, so to speak, that that was, in fact something that was more likely to be true than not. And it was something that he had done the actual social social science research behind demonstrating that it was true. Let’s see who else…
Jeremy Weisz 49:52
What’s interesting about Adam Grant also is that, in his book everyone should check it out, Give and Take he’s a couple books. But he talks about givers, takers and matchers. And what was interesting is the least successful and the most successful are givers. Right? So just because you are giving does not mean you’re doing it in the best fashion that will end up benefiting you and actually could end up hurting you in the long run.
John Corcoran 50:30
Yeah, I mean, in one of the stories that he gave was about Ken Lay, who is the CEO of Enron, which is another company that kind of intersects with my story as well, because Enron in the California energy crisis was part of the reason that I ended up losing my job and Arnold Schwarzenegger ended up getting elected as governor. In Give and Take, he used it as an example, as someone who seemed like they were a giver, but in fact, was much more of a taker. And it turns out that Ken Lay was defrauding people that they were actually ripping off California. And he ended up going to jail and I believe died in jail. But I mean, there’s so many others. I mean, I’ve interviewed the, I think you mentioned earlier from, co-founder of Netflix, Activision-Blizzard, Quicken Redfin, you name it Kinkos. Kinkos was a good one. Paul Orfalea, the founder of Kinkos actually founded that company in Santa Barbara and Isla Vista. Isla Vista is the little town next to UC Santa Barbara, which is where I went to school. And it was still a coffee shop, like a photocopy shop, when I went to college there. And of course, at the time, Kinkos at the time was a big, nationwide brand. It’s since it’s been sold to FedEx, it’s now called FedEx Office. But it was a big nationwide brand. And I always had admired him from afar and wanted to interview him. And I made a goal of it. And I interviewed a bunch of people in the entrepreneurial community from Santa Barbara until I finally met someone who could get me an inn and ended up introducing me to him and so that I could interview him. And so that was really cool. And I remember at the end of the conversation, I asked this question that all was about ask people about, who they respect and admire. And he used as an example, Yvonne Shannara, the founder of Patagonia. And when he give an answers, oh, I think it was after the recording. I said, oh, Yvonne Shannara, he’s just down the road from you in inventor, right? Do you know him? And he said, well, we’ve met like, once before, but we don’t really know each other. And I said, oh, actually, I really wanted to interview him at some point. And then that turned into him brainstorming with me how he could introduce me to your Yvonne Shannara. And he started saying, okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. So after this interview is live, you let me know. And then what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna write a handwritten note to him, because I have his address, and I’ll send it and I’ll recommend you and I’ll tell him to go check out the episode. That way, he’ll know kind of what it’s like. And I’m just like, pinching myself here. I am, like, interviewing, this guy, who founded a $2 billion company, who’s offering and strategizing with me how he can introduce me to this other world-famous iconic entrepreneur, you know, and that’s why I do this. That’s why you do this, right? Because those sorts of opportunities come out of here. And I can’t imagine any other means in which such amazing opportunities would come to us.
Jeremy Weisz 53:34
John, I want to be the first one to thank you. There’s a lot of pressure on this because I haven’t had you on someone who I know for so long. So thank you. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. I always get to experience them firsthand 20 times a day, but it’s a little different on the podcast. So everyone can check out, check out Check out more episodes of the podcast, and we’ll see you next time.
John Corcoran 54:03
Thank you.
Jeremy Weisz 54:04
Thanks, John.