Jeremy Weisz 1:59
So you’ve done work with your wife and business talk about the dynamic with you know, doing business with your wife,
Jamie Douraghy 2:06
Actually, a very special dynamic. We worked together for many, many years, the staffing company, we run together as artists and creative and it provides freelance graphic artists and designers. And there were times where we really had to jockey for who’s the boss at home women always wins. Right? Absolutely. And that’s why she’s the president. And I’m sort of the founder role. And during that transition, I discovered my purpose and my why. And that’s really to bring clarity to leaders so that people that they work with, can fully understand where they’re going.
Jeremy Weisz 2:37
From the beginning, was it a clear decision on okay, this decision making tree with you and your wife? Or did that just evolve over time with discovering what roles you were each gonna play?
Jamie Douraghy 2:50
It really was not clear at first, and there were a lot of conversations for both on site and off site, if you will. And during those conversations, we started to unravel and understand what each other’s strengths were? And how do we play to those strengths, versus kind of dealing with each other’s weaknesses, and then pointing them out. And when we came from a position of positivity and strength, it really opened up our conversations where it was very clear that she was better in that role as the operator and I was probably stronger as the visionary. Sometimes that’s
Jeremy Weisz 3:21
hard to do and like the heat of like an argument or something. So did that was you know, when you’re in the middle of in the midst of some debate, now, do you go back to that place? Or how do you actually get into the mental clarity of okay, here, we’re out here, and we need to get to the next place without, you know, coming at each other from a negative perspective,
Jamie Douraghy 3:43
what we learned over time is the importance of learning how to connect versus having to be correct. And when we were able to draw that distinction between the two, we’re able to take that step back before we say something without thinking. And so we put that little bit of thought just before and then turn it into what can we do together versus what are you doing against what am I doing? Our goals are the same, our objectives are the same. How we go about doing that is where differences start to take hold and take root. And if you’re able to bring them together, you’re actually more powerful.
Jeremy Weisz 4:16
You were telling me, Jamie that you’d worked with a healthcare staffing company?
Jamie Douraghy 4:21
Yes, I worked with the CEO and his team. I’m also certified Clifton Strengths Finder coach. And what we did was bring StrengthsFinder in as a tool to create the conversation. So as he was leveling up his team, the more clarity he had, the more clarity they had. And when that became apparent to the buyers of his company, then they realized that they had a very powerful culture that was clear on communication, and it actually facilitated the transaction because it made it clear to the buyers that this company knew why they were doing what they were doing.
Jeremy Weisz 4:54
What issues do people come to us typically like that the health care staffing,
Jamie Douraghy 4:59
generally When I meet with the CEO, they are in a transitionary period, there’s a huge opportunity in front of them. And they’re not quite sure which route to take. And so I am sometimes one of many people that they should be speaking with to get a full 360 degree picture. Because when you have brought something into this world, and now you’re handing it over to someone else, one starts to wonder what’s next? Who am I? Who am I becoming? I know who I was, I was a CEO. And do I, how do I leave that identity behind and bring something new into the world?
Jeremy Weisz 5:32
Jamie, tell people about your background in fencing, and maybe I want to talk about how fencing is like life a little bit, but what’s your background in fencing?
Jamie Douraghy 5:41
Great question. Thank you. I’ve been fencing since I was 17. I’ve been fencing for 45 years, so you can do the math.
Jeremy Weisz 5:47
So why what happened? Why did you start fencing in 17,
Jamie Douraghy 5:51
it was a sport that was offered that just spoke to me, if you will, I walked into the fencing club, I saw the coach, I saw what the fences were doing. And I just said, I want to be part of that. And what I’ve learned about myself, it’s when it’s mask on Game on. And when the mask is off, you shake hands, and you go out and you have a good time. So there are moments in our lives where we have to be intensely focused. However, that focus is a result of practice that focus as a result of learning. That focus is a result of training, for that moment where you will be hopefully on the podium, you don’t make the podium every day. And sometimes you’re at the top, you’re next to the guy on the top or you’re down or you’re not even on the podium. And I use fencing as a metaphor for how we handle life under pressure. In fact, my book On Guard and On Point, it’s mastering the duel between life and work. And that’s really what I tried to bring as clarity that when you can integrate those two, one can lead a more fulfilling life.
Jeremy Weisz 6:45
What’s a story from I was gonna, I didn’t know if you had a book, but I was gonna say mask on game mine is a great title for your next book. What’s one favorite story or lesson from the book?
Jamie Douraghy 6:58
For one lesson for the story of the book is that one always needs a coach and even though I’m at the age of I have I have a coach is 30 years younger than me. So I can continuously learn it’s about being the student, even though you may feel you’re a master, you really are a student. Good example was in January one my age group tournament to qualify for the World Team. There’s three tournaments. I went into the next tournament in March, big guy, I’m gonna win this. I didn’t even make the top eight. Because the guy who wanted that wanted it more than me. I learned an important lesson there. Because it doesn’t matter what you did at the last tournament. It’s what you’re doing in the moment right now. I’m still in the running. I have one more tournament and if I can make the top eight there, I’ll qualify for the World Team which will be my Ninth World Team.
Jeremy Weisz 7:43
That’s unbelievable. Where can people check out on the web to learn more about you your book and your company?
Jamie Douraghy 7:49
It’s Do you are a GH? Why it’s my first initial my last name my informations there. Same on LinkedIn and same on Twitter
Jeremy Weisz 7:58
and just restate the name of the book so people can check it out. Where can they get that?
Jamie Douraghy 8:02
The book is On Guard and On Point and it’s on
Jeremy Weisz 8:06
Check it out live from GLC.