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David Meltzer 4:16

And Wow, thank you so much, Jeremy, I really appreciate the opportunity to hopefully share some dummy tax so people can accelerate what they’re trying to do. I know that’s what Rise25 does is shares that experience situation knowledge and the number one thing stopping us from doing what we want to do is really radical humility, the ability to find someone that’s in the position we want to be in and ask them for directions. It’s such an obvious thing, but for some reason, we just don’t feel comfortable or worthy of asking for help.

Jeremy Weisz 4:48

I want to get into there’s so much great content that you put out. I encourage people to check out your website, they can go to And I want to get into the five daily practices a little bit but need to start with the most important thing, the most important thing is you have amazing background you grew up, I think one of six kids raised by a single mom and I would love to start off with some of the lessons that you learn from your mom.

David Meltzer 5:14

Yeah, well, you know, some of the lessons I’ve learned number one, if you think education is expensive, try ignorance. I love that one. You’re never sacrificing you’re always investing in yourself. Be kind to your future self and do good deeds. The fetus isn’t fully developed till after graduate school, Doctor lawyer failure. These are some of her lessons. But the real lesson that I learned from my mom was one in which she didn’t ever tell me, she showed me. And the lesson that I have as a parent is that children don’t listen to you. They watch you and I learned about work ethic about enjoying the consistent everyday persistent without quit pursuit of your own potential not to wish what other people want for you or what you don’t want to what’s missing, but really understand what you’re voting for in your life what you want in your life. And that’s where those five daily practices came from is watching my mom, raise six children with no money, working two jobs sometimes on food stamps, a second grade teacher packed our dinner and a paper bag went into the country skier station wagon in Akron, Ohio, filled up turnstiles at convenience stores with greeting cards, just so we could invest in ourselves, and all of my siblings, you know, on the low end of the gene pool, I always say because my siblings are extraordinary. they graduated Harvard, Penn, Columbia, Summa Kuma, rowdy magnet, commodity, extreme, Lee, not only successful people, but kind people would give you the shirt off their back. And you know, my brother, the rabbi, my brother, the doctor, my brother, in the entrepreneur, you know, with six degrees in six languages and whatever else they do. Those are the testaments of my mom’s life.

Jeremy Weisz 7:12

How do you think she did it all? When I look at that, I mean, having a job right and then having one kid two kids three to six. How did when you’re when you observe her? How did she keep it all together? How did you do it?

David Meltzer 7:27

Well, there’s two things in raising the kids that I learned a pragmatic things people ask me, one, she woke us all up at 5am philosophy was that if she woke us up early enough, that we’d stay out of trouble because it was hard enough just to provide and keep educated and motivated and inspired six kids. But to do that she felt if I woke up at 5am she didn’t have to tell us, you know, we couldn’t do anything because we didn’t have the energy to do it. I mean, there’s a couple Friday nights that I thought to myself, gosh, I’d like to stay out till you know, after midnight, and then I realized that my mom was gonna wake me in five.

Jeremy Weisz 8:06

second guess that decision? Yes, thing? Yeah.

David Meltzer 8:08

So that was one of the secret sauces. And then, you know, the other one, which we were joking about earlier, as my mom was a black belt, you know, she may not look like it’s easier, typical Jewish mom, if you look in the dictionary under Jewish mom, there’s a picture of mine. But she was a third degree black belt in the martial art of Jewish guilt. And those were the two things that allowed my mom to be such a amazing parent. She, because she had leverage and credibility, she could use that weapon of guilt that we discussed. I I just couldn’t see myself not doing the right thing or being successful or trying my best or learning lessons or having fun, because it would kill my mom. Right? In fact, if you fights that I got into with my younger brothers, I remember one time, like a typical, you know, 12 year old sitting on my 11 year olds, brother’s chest, doing the you know, suck up the spit thing on his forehead and holding his arms down and he’s screaming, and my mom is in the background saying, Get off. This is hurting me more than is hurting him. Please stop, stop. It’s hurting me more than it’s hurting him. And I got off, you know, the guilt was overwhelming. So if you want to be a successful parent, I say wake your kids up early and guilt them.

Jeremy Weisz 9:32

Force is strong with Jewish guilt. Yeah, for sure. Um, tell me more about the five daily practices.

David Meltzer 9:39

Well, you know, I really took stock in who I was in my mid 30s. When I lost everything. My wife was trying to straighten me out and she said, hey, you’re gonna end up dead. I’m leaving. You don’t make me happy because you’re not taking stock in who you were in what you wanted to become. So I ended up saving my marriage and changing my entire paradigm of life into a world of more than enough by living with gratitude, the way I grew up, my mom won’t let me come down to the breakfast table without an attitude of gratitude, forgiveness, to be able to forgive myself to give me peace, accountability was big in my home. So I asked myself, what did I do to attract this to myself? And what am I supposed to learn? Most people especially have a law degree, right? They live in liability, blame, shame and justification, and then understanding motivation and inspiration, which is effectively communicating, not just with everyone around you, but effectively communicating with what you’re connected to and through so I used to see mountains is things that I had to get over, under, through around. But now, when I see a mountain, it represents what I’m connected to and through meaning that which made the mountain is inside of me, it walks beside me. And the power of that connection, changed my life. So I created once I realized these values, gratitude, forgiveness, accountability and effective communication. Those became my currency of faith, an object of energy that I put into the flow of the universe to get what I wanted. But I also realized I lived in the pragmatic world, you know that with a law of Goya applied one of the laws that my mom absolutely showed me that he could get off your ass do you owe ya the law of Goya? And so I wanted to have practices to help me with that law. And so one in the first practice was know my what? I realized that so many people are lost trying to find purpose and passion and profit. They don’t realize they already are happy, healthy, wealthy and worthy. What am I doing to interfere with it? What do I want personally, experientially giving and receiving every day, not being afraid of being a hypocrite and learning and growing and changing my mind? Being able to deal with you know, you have FOMO and FOPO? Right, the fear of missing out the fear of what other things I made a Jomo, the joy of missing out the joy of what other people think, by knowing my what once I knew my what it became easy, because now I just need to know by who, who can I help and who can help me, then I need to know my how. And that, to me is the mathematical equation of luck. My house is dictated by paying attention to and giving intention to what I think they do believe and even my personality traits, characteristics, obsessions, and addictions, what I call my unconscious competencies. Attention plus intention equals the coincidences in my life. These are the hows I study what I planned what I don’t have planned activity, I get paid for activity I don’t get paid for. There’s no work in my life, not with gratitude in my life, the ability to find or seek the light, the love and the lessons, there’s no shortage of voids or obstacles. There’s only activity I get paid for an activity I don’t get paid for. And then one of the major hows in my life is I study sleep. So my tomorrow starts today, I start my day at 9pm. That doesn’t mean I wake up at 9pm I haven’t got that crazy, but I have an unwinding routine at 9pm that puts my mind my body and my soul into the position of not only recovery, but what I call of clear, balanced focused existence meaning my egos out of the way my subconscious and unconscious mind is drawing a download while I sleep. So if you know your what your who in your how you next need to know you’re now and remember 100% of the things you do now get done. Most people that don’t know what to do, it’s because they haven’t taken inventory of their What the Who the how, and they haven’t deciphered what’s most important to them to do it. So they sit there paralyzed by the analytical state that they’re in. If you know how to value what you’re doing importance versus urgency Eisenhower has a great matrix important versus urgency. If you know your what your who your how you’ll know what to do now and what to do next. The difference between successful passionate, purposeful, profitable people is the people that do things and get them done. Then finally Most importantly, I apply my why to my life. See, I don’t look for a why I don’t look to love to what what I do. I learn to love everything I do. I won’t do it if I can’t learn to love it. It stems from of course Victor Frankel’s Man’s Search of Meaning when I can find the light the love and the lessons in anything. So I have this philosophy or practice of applying my why to whatever activities there are whatever people or ideas are around me. I stopped dropping roll when I find myself or minutes in moments and ego based consciousness triggered by the need to be right offended, separate, inferior, superior, anxious, frustrated, angry, guilty. All of those things take our mind, body and soul, put them on fire create void shortages and obstacles send us off in an accelerated trajectory against what we want away from what we want creating more voids, creating more obstacle so that philosophy of stop drop and roll when I my mind my body and souls on fire has helped me so know your what you’re who you’re how you’re now and apply your why I promise you everything you desire will come rapidly and accurately.

Jeremy Weisz 15:15

A lot to unpack there. I’m gonna have to re listen that a couple times. David, I’ll send

David Meltzer 15:20

it to everyone. I’ll send it [email protected]. You could have my five daily practice. Very cool.

Jeremy Weisz 15:26

Yeah. Check it out. Um, I know you’re a big proponent of making sure you have mentors. Okay. So I’d love to hear some of the most and we talked about your mom. Well, who do you consider maybe now or in the past some of your business mentors, I know Leigh Steinberg, I know that you’ve talked that kind of you’ve given advice to Gary Vee, he’s giving you advice. And probably Warren Moon is a colleague and mentor who I’d love to hear some of the lessons learned from some of the mentors in your life. Yeah.

David Meltzer 15:56

So you know, first of all, Gary is the most recent mentor, I mentor him on sports agency, because they started one he mentors me on digital marketing. And what I’ve learned the biggest lesson from that mentor is you cannot post enough. You cannot fathom the size, scope and scale of an audience, post, post, post and post more. If your best friends and family aren’t telling you, Hey, you got to slow down, you’re posting too much. You haven’t even hit the minimum amount that you should be posting. It took me three years to believe Gary. I’m now four and a half years into working with them. And I post as much as I can. Warren Moon, I learned the majesty of calmness, I didn’t understand how important it was to be at neutral at center. And so my philosophy of unwinding of plateauing and growing and creating a baseline for the day of being at center, I used to actually celebrate too much not knowing that that creates as much interferences getting down on yourself. And so the majesty of calmness I learned from Warren Moon, Leigh Steinberg taught me the abundance and negotiation of articulating value to be greater than that which you’re asking for. So with salary caps and arbitrations and collective bargaining agreements, Lee was the master at articulating value greater than what he was asking for, he would be a student, and research what was necessary in value. And then my greatest mentor is dead. In his name’s Napoleon Hill. And I read Think and Grow Rich, every day, I’m in the movie thinking voice, a legacy, I am in the new book thinking grow. It’s a legacy. And I want to create a legacy through the modern day mediums of all the Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, podcast, TV shows, movies, everything that I’m so blessed to be a part of my mission of empowering over a billion people to be happy is through what Napoleon Hill has taught me as a mentor. And that’s finding the people that sit in this situation that you want to be in and ask them for help. And so my podcast, The Playbook is based off of Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, I have interviewed over 800 of the most successful billionaires, millionaires, entrepreneurs, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, everyone from Tony Hawk, as you said, to Cameron Diaz, to Deepak Chopra, and Sadhguru. All asking them, Hey, can you give me some directions to how you got to where you are and what you’re good at? And I suggest anyone that has mentors to have at least three, three at a time, people who sit in the situation that you want to be in and ask them for help.

Jeremy Weisz 18:28

David, I was the first one to thank you. We’re sure we point people towards online so they can find out more. We’re all the places they should go.

David Meltzer 18:36

Well, you can google me David Meltzer or email me [email protected] is that simple? [email protected] I send everyone my ebook audio book outside of books shipped to you pay for it. David emails are my five daily practices. If you need help, I do free training for over 20 years. [email protected] Jeremy, I appreciate the opportunity. I know you’re one of my 1000s with the Rise25 empowering others to empower others to be happy if I can find 1000 Jeremy’s in the world. I know they’ll empower 1000 to empower 1000 1000 times the 1000s of million times 1000 a billion. We can create a collective consciousness of abundance where there’ll be more than enough of everything for everyone where we can make a lot of money, help a lot of people and have a lot of fun together. Jeremy, thank you so much.

Jeremy Weisz 19:23

Thanks, everyone. Thanks, David. And check out his website and The Playbook and have a great day everyone.

David Meltzer 19:31

Thank you.