Limited Sponsorship Opportunities

Do you want your Company to be seen alongside Interviews with Industry Leaders and Top Entrepreneurs to help get you more customers, increase your sales, and seen as a trusted brand?

You betcha! When our audience sees your company featured in interviews with top leaders on our site it builds instant credibility. (Note: We do not accept all inquiries.)

Here is what we do for you: (For a quote to sponsor an industry specific interview email us)

1. We discuss with you what type of industry leaders would be best to feature in the interview for your site and you are the official sponsor of that interview.

2. We create a short commercial to put in the beginning of the interview for your company and we link a short paragraph about your company in the post. We also feature the interview on all social media outlets to get you the most exposure possible.

3. I talk daily with influential entrepreneurs and leaders and when they ask about reliable services usually sponsors are top of mind because we only represent ones we personally believe in.


Email us  today for a quote and put in the subject “Sponsorship”.