Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics, and helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, and HP grow their revenue. What will you learn in this interview? -How to choose the right business? -Hear the big mistakes Neal made so you do not do the same. -Tools and systems that make the daily routine […]
Steve Olsher is the New York Times bestselling author of What Is Your WHAT? Discover The ONE Amazing Thing You Were Born To Do. He is the co-founder and Chairman of San Francisco-based
Ron Douglas founded , a multimillion dollar publishing business, during his lunch break while working at Chase. He became a NY times Best Selling Author while scoring $5.8 million in free advertising from the media.
Sam Cawthorn is the CEO of Empowering Enterprizes & speaks all over the world to companies such as Google, Exxon, and BP. His book ‘BOUNCE FORWARD – How to Transform Crisis Into Success’ reached number #5 on the bestseller list. Watch this interview: [Video & mp3 included] -What do you do when you are told […]
Travis Perry developed the Chord Buddy to teach his Daughter to play the guitar with greater ease. Travis had a $150,000.00 in sales in 18 months and now sales are well over $3 million. He starred in the hit show Sharktank. Watch this interview: [Video & mp3 included] -He was a month from declaring bankruptcy. […]