Mario is founder of IdeaMensch where they feature text interviews with people such as ..seth godin, craig newmark, daniel pink and many more.
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Listen to some of Mario’s major takeaways:
-What was his big mistake with hiring and how it almost tore the team apart? how does this relate to pig farming?
-How did Mario perfect the 15 hour work week and even though money was great, lifestyle was great, but he just was not happy and why.
-What was the huge lesson he learned from successful entrepreneurs that when he applied made a huge difference in his business.
A little background about Mario:
Along with founding Ideamensch, Mario is also the assistant Vice president of marketing for the entire University at Montana and teaches marketing. Ideamensch has done over 1400 interviews and in 2012 did a 48 state roadtrip and did an event in every state.
Mario Schulzke is the founder of IdeaMensch, a community he started to help people bring their ideas to life. He is the AVP of Marketing at his alma mater the University of Montana where he also teaches in the business school. Before, Mario spent 10 years managing digital strategy teams at ad agencies up and down the West Coast.
Mario is a first generation immigrant who came to America at the age of 16, much to the dismay of his family in Germany. Mario sits on the board of MADE (Montana Accomplished Entrepreneurs Academy) and the Missoula Downtown Association and is a card-carrying Costco Gold Club member.
In his free time, Mario fly fishes, plays soccer, runs, does triathlons, swims, lifts, rock climbs, backpacks, plays racquetball and does Crossfit. He is bad at all of the above.
Mario owns a red house, a red car and a red scooter. His favorite color is orange.
Where did the idea for IdeaMensch come from?
It all started when I was waiting for my green card and couldn’t start my own business. I was so gung-ho about people bringing their ideas to life that I decided to start IdeaMensch and help them. Now I can start my own business, but oddly enough, I don’t care too much about the business-end of IdeaMensch. I am building it for impact, not income.
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Mario thanks for sharing the big lessons you have learned! I love what you had to say about what ultimately makes you happy.