Andre Chaperon is one of the top email marketing experts on the planet. His Autoresponder Madness Course is the #1 Email Marketing Course endorsed by some of the biggest names in the marketing industry because of the tremendous results people get.
For much more click below to watch! [Video & mp3 included]
What Inspires Andre Chaperon? “Super Human” E-mailer…
Quick Story: I was on the phone with a friend one morning and he started ranting about how he was second in an affiliate promotion with some big cash prizes. He said he was a DISTANT second and this other guy is SUPER HUMAN. I somehow immediately knew who he was talking about and I interrupted and asked who this superhuman person was. He stated, “Andre Chaperon”.
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Andre Chaperon is one of the top email marketing experts on the planet. From winning countless affiliate competitions (with tiny lists) to creating the game-changing course Autoresponder Madness, Andre has become known as THE go-to guy in the email world.
Andre believes that by focusing your marketing efforts on building — and nurturing — a trusting relationship with your email list, you can realistically double or TRIPLE the amount of money you make.
Some of the big names who endorse Andre’s work include industry veterans like Ryan Deiss, Perry Belcher, Mindvalley’s Vishen Lakhiani, Rich Schefren, Harlan Kilstein, Kevin Nations and Jeff Walker.
Andre is the co-founder of TLB and has been a full-time internet marketer since October 23, 2003 and has not worked for a “boss” since.
Even though he is ultra successful now, he states that the first two years of going at this crazy stuff was tough and “didn’t know what the hell he was doing” in the beginning.
Please Leave a comment Below on one thing you found Most Inspiring or Helpful
**(I read and respond to all comments personally)**
Great interview! Had the pleasure of meeting Andre a few months ago. He appears to be a very reflective person which I think is why he is able to tell stories in such a great way. Love to see what drives a person and their path to their success. Perfect example of just going out there and doing it.
Hey Gonzalo! thanks for listening. I agree he is a fantastic story teller.
What did you talk about when you met?
Thanks Gonzalo! You are spot on, Andre is a phenomenal story teller.
What did you both discuss when you met?
Talked about outsourcing and shared with him what I do to turn off my mind so it does not run me.
Yes Gonzalo!…so how do you turn off your mind so it does not run you? 🙂
This is what I do:
Thanks Gonzalo! Nice!
1) The Scientologists have a similar technique called “The Walk.” It takes people out of Trauma & other states immediately by bringing them back into “The Now.” One walks around, sees and touches physical objects and says things like, “this is a bench, the bench is here, now; this is a tree, I feel the bark, and smell the leaves, it is here now;….” I learned this from a friend one day years ago, when I was in completely overwhelming sorrow from having just broken up with a fiancee. The trauma of the situation was quickly dissipated, returning me to CALM and an emotional serenity as if nothing had just happened,…allowing me to better deal with the event. It is a great tool available anywhere, anytime.
2) Sensei Tristan Truscott, of The Satori Method, teaches a course called “Mu Shin.” I enter this ancient state at the end of my am/pm Qi Gong sessions: “No Mind, No Reaction, No Fear.” It is wonderful! (I, however, say, “No Brain” instead, which I’ll explain below.)
3) Here is my own creation, which I have trained myself to say the moment I awaken in the morning–as it “commands” the state of my day–and “The Booster” I use to regain a calm Brain throughout my day, as needed…
“The First4™:”
“I Feel GOOD!
My Life Is Full Of JOY!
Blessed, Great & Fantastic Things Are Here NOW!”
© Stan-The-HuMan™/Mentor’D Marketing.
Reconnect to the Vibration Mid-Day with The Booster:
This is what I used to get me through and out of my brain-injury. One of the great things about this is that, now, hundreds of Folks around the country are doing this “simultaneously” with you every morning and a collective consciousness has been born which you can tap into.
The main thing I learned from my experience and have now incorporated into my “Outthinking Your Brain(-Injury)™” Course is this: “You can injure the Brain, but you cannot injure The Mind.©” When my Brain is going full-on spinning with hyper-thinking or (damage-generated) scuttled confused thoughts, My Mind uses “The First4™” to re-take control of the Brain, even if I have to repeat it over and over again until it settles down. No pharma-toxin–or even medical marijuana–can hold a candle to these four simple little sentences! Please teach it to anyone with a racing brain, especially Soldiers with PTSD.
Wow Stan! Thanks for being so detailed!
It is going to take me weeks (probably months) to really process what you wrote.
Very valuable info and love your passion for the topic.
Dr., You are a great facilitator of “disqu-ssion”…! Let’s talk directly soon. Are you located in Chicago? Because I am now working nearby.
I am in Chicago are also? email me at support (at)
Jeremy, thank you for following me and thus making me aware of what is really available here on Disques. We are kindred souls apparently, as all my work falls under an umbrella called “IN!™”–which is short for “Inner Networking!™” and teaches Folks a method called “The IN!-Process™.” Looking forward to exploring more of your work. Perhaps one day I can “IN!-terview©” YOU for my Clan!
Hey Stan! great to hear from you. I will definitely have to check out your site and teachings. Thanks for saying hello. what is your personal favorite post so I start there?
My use of social sites over the years has been limited as my groups are private. Perhaps you should start with what I posted to Gonzalo below. “The First4™” is one of the major “IN!-Roads©” to my programs.
My main concentration currently is “The 4-Month Millionaire!™ Mission©” and the “G.I.F.T.™-House©” program. (That Membership launches “The 4-Month Millionaire!™ Challenge!©” on 4/4 of this year.) G.I.F.T.™ stands for “Give It Forward To.” That program gifts homes to Homeless Folks & Families through crowdfunding. We are finalizing our site on RocketHub for that effort over the next few days, using the urls and Veterans-House.US.
Thank you for asking!
So, what is your recommendation for my first look & listen for your stuff?
what is new witih you Stan!?